This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 235 The Black Family’s Gift

"I originally planned to happily demolish firecrackers..."

Andrew sighed, put the magic firecracker aside, and began to open the box that Sirius handed over.

This is a beautifully decorated gift box, with four fragmentary magic props stuffed in the box - at least in Andrew's perception.

‘What kind of props does Dumbledore think I need to keep? ’

He stretched out his hand with great interest, ready to pick it up and take a look - since he would return it after use, he didn't have any psychological pressure at all.

But unfortunately, when Andrew reached out to touch the first thing, a beautiful small box, he was bitten.

Yes, bitten.

Although Andrew noticed something was wrong when it tried to attack and quickly retracted his hand, he was still bitten on the fingertip.

? ? ?

Damn it, what is this!

He immediately felt a magical power gathering in his hand.

Without any hesitation, Andrew directly pulled out the wand and began to use the transformation technique on his hand in order to intercept this power.

'If it doesn't work, just chop it off...'

He readied the spell, but paused as the power extended.

‘Only to this extent? ’

He carefully moved the wand to his arm, ensuring that if he made a mistake in perception, he could save it immediately, and then felt the power extending in his hand.

Just like what he felt when he touched it with the Transfiguration Technique, it, the power transmitted by the bite, just covered the entire hand.

The flesh and blood kept changing until the entire hand was covered with an ugly hard shell - but this was the limit.

'It's so ugly...'

Andrew looked at his left hand and made a very sincere comment - it was now like a strange glove.

‘What power is this? ’

Andrew felt it and used a very slight anti-deformation to restore his hand to its original shape.

'Interesting, interesting, so interesting, even though I was bitten, this power...'

Andrew looked at his hand and stuffed it in again, making sure that the delicate little box was only lightly bitten - there was no doubt that his left hand became the same as before.

'Weak and effective body transformation...for the hands? No, it’s about the bite…’

He confirmed the purpose of this thing and suddenly became energetic.

It was indeed something that Dumbledore asked him to accept - with the help of this thing, getting started with human transfiguration would be a piece of cake.

No, this thing is a magic prop designed for practicing human transfiguration...

‘The Black family background? It’s really…too luxurious…’

He looked at this prop. It was exquisite and small. It seemed to be used to hold something - it was full of aesthetics and functions.

'No wonder the principal wants to do it. With the help of this thing, it takes only a few days to master the human body transformation technique...'

‘What about this one? ’

Andrew reached for the next item - this one was even more outrageous.

It actually has its own consciousness and will even actively avoid Andrew's hand.

'This is? A permanent transformation, to be precise, a permanent transformation magic creation...and just to make a cup that can clean itself? ’

These tweezers... move and can even, um, cut open blood vessels for blood collection and comparison?

When Andrew climbed onto his arm, he used a transformation spell to let it rest obediently - speaking of such a dangerous thing, no, this is also a human body transformation technique, and the direction of human biological transformation!

As for the last one, Andrew tried it and didn’t even open it…

'It's probably related to transfiguration, but you have to ask Dumbledore for details - it looks like a box containing souvenirs... but it's definitely not that simple...'

Andrew sighed and put away his things. He won't need it yet, but he will probably use it soon - after he has enough understanding of the ridiculous existence of rules, he will have to study it in depth through deeper transformation techniques. Yes, these things were probably used at that time.

'Inheritance... is it true that there are special props for even the practice of transfiguration? It's too outrageous...'

He worriedly cast another spell on the box to ensure that everything was sealed, and then carefully put the box away.

‘Set off the firecrackers! ’


"How does it feel?"

When he came to Dumbledore's office for duty the next day, Dumbledore asked with a smile.

"An extremely precious gift, I will use it well."

"Don't be so serious. How do you feel about that stick?"

"It will take a while, principal," Andrew calculated for a moment, "I will probably be able to figure it out before the holidays are over."

"Great, then we can start our practice of human transformation - Phineas, don't worry, I will supervise Taylor to use it properly."

Aren’t you going to act anymore, principal?

Phineas, the portrait of Sirius' great-great-grandfather, shook his head, "It's just some necessary reward, I don't mind."

Sure enough, it was you two who plotted against Sirius...

Andrew sighed inwardly and didn't want to say anything.

"But don't worry now, finish your homework first, Taylor." Dumbledore smiled and nodded, "Of course, work is also extremely important, so handle it well."

Your arms can't twist your thighs, so whatever you say is what you say, principal.

Andrew sighed.

Then he started working today.

Then, a letter that made him happy appeared.


The meeting is over. I will return to Hogwarts soon and urge the laboratory to take out the samples immediately. Three vice-presidents are visiting this time. Please pay attention to the reception standards. ]


Andrew was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes showed joy.

‘I should have opened the letter in the office! ’

‘Great, everything is finally over. Professor McGonagall, you are finally coming back! ’

He couldn’t suppress his smile.

Professor McGonagall is back, and Hogwarts is saved!

Whose second-year student goes to the principal’s office to handle all the documents!

This is simply a blow to order!

He is just a student who does odd jobs and has no desire for the principal’s office!

You can still slack off in the professor’s office during work, but here there is a wall of principals staring at you!

Look, when Andrew just laughed for less than half a minute.

The principals began to speak.

"Student Taylor, why are you so happy?"

"Did anything happy happen in the castle?"

"Well, Professor McGonagall is coming back!"

Andrew answered the question without hiding his excitement.

The old principals looked at each other, and then the whole office was filled with hearty and endless laughter.

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