This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 232 Lockhart's Plan

Students cannot hide secrets.

The next morning, when Andrew returned to the cafeteria for dinner after his routine run, he heard various versions of the adventure.

There are currently five versions, and it is unknown whether there will be more in the future.

The most outrageous version was that they killed a dragon alone and then obtained the dragon's treasure - but because they could not get the treasure, this version was quickly laughed at by a group of Ravenclaw students and could not continue to tell the story. .

"Tyler, what exactly did you risk?"

How do I put this? I went on a trip and took a bath by the way?

Andrew didn't even feel anything unusual while soaking his feet - there was no warmth, no mysterious power suddenly awakening, it was just a pool of spring water. What was weird was that it didn't freeze in winter. That’s all…

Moreover, it was a very unfriendly act to expose someone else's bullshit, and he had no intention of doing that yet.

"I'm a bit clumsy with my mouth, just listen to them," Andrew explained with a smile, although this could easily cause some misunderstandings - but it's not a big problem.

As a result, rumors began to spread openly in the castle, but what surprised Andrew was that his reputation had rarely improved.

Because in the final version of the adventure, the three students from the three colleges felt that they were not strong enough after discovering the secret treasure. After begging Andrew and promising enough reward, Andrew even invited the principal - this Truly a trustworthy adventure partner.


"Haha, Harry, stop joking, how is that possible - that's just a student... Invite the principal here, do you think Dumbledore has the time to participate in the students' play house?"

Sirius was laughing so hard in the office that he even hit the table with his fist in disgrace.

His godson was so cute - at twelve years old, he still believed in such a fairy tale.

Three students paid and then taken on an amazing adventure by Dumbledore?


Sirius patted his godson, and the Transfiguration textbook fell to the ground, "Listen, I tell you, this kind of thing is impossible, that's Dumbledore, if he is willing to take risks for a little reward, Hogg Watts' castle will be filled with gold, especially through students..."

He finally stopped smiling - he had always been called naive, and now he could finally tell his godson some truth.

"Seize the essence of the story, Harry. The three students can't come up with a reward that makes Dumbledore take action. Even at the end of the adventure, they can't come up with a decent treasure, let alone a decent treasure." Let’s talk about the beginning of the adventure.”

He ruffled the hair on his godson's head, "Well, you obviously don't believe it, but we have a better way to verify it. Ask Hagrid. If you insist that they really took the risk, it will definitely There is a back and forth, Hagrid will always know, if you ask, those lies will be dispelled. "

Harry was a little angry - the story he told as big news was ridiculed by Sirius in such a way, which really made him feel slighted, especially the lying part.

Fortunately, Sirius was still willing to verify, which made him reluctantly forgive the other party.

Well, go find Hagrid and find out whether the story is true or false!


It didn't take much effort for the two of them to find Hagrid. Sirius smiled and recounted the adventure once, and then looked forward to Hagrid's destined answer.

It’s time to tell your godson some truth!

However, under Sirius's confident eyes, Hagrid scratched his head and said, "Ah, so, it's an adventure. I wonder why Dumbledore left school with his students and returned."

? ? ?

Sirius' eyes widened.

Harry looked at Sirius with pride on his face.

"Returning from school?"

"Well, yes, Dumbledore, classmate Andrew and three seniors came back together."

Sirius felt that he drank the wrong potion today - no, it must have been the Snot Man who poisoned the food!

Otherwise, why would there be such an illusion!

By the way, and that Andrew - it's outrageous enough that you decided to hire the professor, why did Dumbledore come after you spent the money!

The ghosts were right, but weren't they too right?


He also confiscated my money!

Garleon sent it - the money order from Gringotts, but the other party returned it without even looking at it, and claimed that his stay in school had nothing to do with Garleon!

‘I don’t know if it’s relevant? Isn't Galleons enough? But if you want to get the magic items, you have to go home... I don’t want to go back to that place, it’s so suffocating...'

'I still have to go back. Even Dumbledore can do it for money. This is too scary-could the other party be Fudge's illegitimate son? Ah, no, it can't be the Dumbledore family living among the people, right? ’

'It's hard to say, that talent for transfiguration... and the terrifying power that is the greatest in the school...'

‘Damn it, don’t I hate this the most? ’

Sirius shook away the random thoughts in his mind and decided not to think about bloodline issues that only pure-blood families would think about.


"Damn it, this great adventure has nothing to do with me!"

"The same goes for Dumbledore, and so does that doesn't matter at all..."

Lockhart crumpled up the manuscript and threw it away heavily - he missed too much.

Even the great adventure on Christmas Eve, he missed it!

Without knowing the specific details, there is no way to write a good story. The most important thing is that he himself did not participate in it, which greatly reduced the value of these stories.

However, it is impossible to apply it, because the risk of exposure is too great.

And what is even more sad is that according to the current model, future adventure stories may have nothing to do with him, so that he can't write a good story.

'I can't go on like this, I must make a change. '

He began to turn his brain, which he rarely used.

'If I am not in the next story, then I must find a way to connect these people with me - at least a very strong connection. '

'And, if these people are included, I can even mix the previous stories in... That's it, yes, then I can even publish a book for Lockhart's students! ’

‘Not yet, open classes can’t be connected, only clubs. Yes, I must create a club that can attract them, a club that makes people feel that it is related to adventure! ’

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