This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 23: You'll die if you play a trick on me

The first class the next morning was Herbology.

It was sunny, but unfortunately Andrew couldn't enjoy the good weather.

Studying Transfiguration was more energy-consuming than he thought. The Transfiguration of those complex objects was a difficult challenge for him.

He needed to engrave the details of the object in his mind before casting the spell, and then firmly believe that he could use magic to generate these structures one by one - it was not easy at all. Whether it was not detailed enough for the object or lack of confidence in himself, he would only make a similar but fake failure.

After working hard all night, he finally studied a hammer...

Yes, a real hammer, that kind of two-piece old-fashioned hammer, a wooden stick, a hammer head and a fixed wedge.

I don't know if it's because I slept a little late or because I practiced too many times, now he just feels a little headache.

"No, I don't think it's because of reading, it's because you eat too much ice cream."

Kevin interrupted happily, but was ignored by Andrew.

But he soon had no chance to interrupt, as they had already arrived at the greenhouse - all the courses in herbal medicine were completed in the greenhouse, and Professor Sprout paid more attention to practice.

"The herb here is white fresh, the most important healing item, it has a good healing effect on common magic injuries, and it can stop bleeding instantly for ordinary injuries.

"Of course, the most important thing is that it has extremely low environmental requirements and extremely high yields, and it is also a common herb in the wild.

"Its biggest feature is its flowers. Of course, if you know something about the leaves, actually..."

Before the introduction of white fresh was over, Andrew confirmed one thing, and he probably had to make a lot of efforts to get a higher score in this subject.

It's not that I can't remember it, but I'm not that interested...

Taking out a pencil, Andrew simply drew the characteristics of white fresh on the notebook.

This action attracted the attention of Professor Sprout, who came to Andrew quickly with a bit of joy, and then, well, was stunned.

After struggling for a while - as if the kind professor was trying to swallow some discomfort, she finally forced herself to say something in a calm manner.

"It is indeed a good choice to use images to mark their easily distinguishable places, one point for Ravenclaw."

'Don't be so reluctant, professor. '

Andrew calmly closed the notebook, blocking the view of others - he was very self-aware of this. If the drawings were better, he would change the way to make money, even if the pictures were more popular with the text.

Next was the identification of some commonly used herbs, and Andrew's notebook had a few more masterpieces with characteristics that only he could see.

But after that, their kind herbal professor never tried to look through Andrew's notebook again.

After the class, most of the young wizards were still walking around leisurely, but when someone said that the next class was Defense Against the Dark Arts, everyone started to charge towards the lounge.

The other courses were good, but compared to the direct use of violence Defense Against the Dark Arts, they were still less attractive.

Unfortunately, Andrew had no desire to charge. If it wasn't a required course, he would have wanted to hide far away.

Even if it was a quick introduction, the professor in charge of Defense Against the Dark Arts was the most important character. He just didn't have any hidden reporting measures, otherwise he would have planned to report the first Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to the school.

'In addition to the anonymous letter delivered by owl, which can be found as long as you are willing to check, is there any other way to secretly put the letter on Dumbledore's desk and make him have even a little suspicion to investigate? '

After thinking for a long time and not finding a good way at present, Andrew had to sigh and resigned himself to returning to the lounge to simply wash and change clothes, ready to go to class.


"Do you smell anything?"

"Garlic smell... very strong garlic smell..."

When they were some distance away from the classroom, the students who had just washed the smell of dragon dung found that they might have washed in vain in this class.

When they arrived at the classroom, the faces of several people had become very good-looking.

But the hard truth is that Professor Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, decorated his classroom with garlic, and it was particularly rich.

‘Physiological pressure plus psychological pressure are full…’

Andrew even took the initiative to pull his roommates to find a seat at the back, with a good reason, “You all know Professor Quirrell’s big scarf, I suspect there is a circle of garlic under the scarf - he just used the scarf to cover the garlic so that he doesn’t look too weird.”

This purely made-up excuse was recognized by most of the classmates in the class.

However, despite saying so, Andrew still has some expectations for this class - after all, he can only learn in class, and the rest has to rely on self-study, instead of asking shamelessly like other courses.

After all, it is too uncertain, other teachers can only perfunctorily answer and then throw you away. If this professor feels that there is something wrong with you and wants to send you away before leaving, he doesn’t need to do any psychological preparation.

Even after getting familiar with you, it is not strange to suddenly want to use your life as a trap to provide time and space for himself to do it after roughly knowing your range of activities.

If he had been assigned to Slytherin and made up some background for himself, he might have been able to gain some knowledge safely, but now - just keep the simple and unfamiliar teacher-student relationship.

Although it was all slander, one thing Andrew had to admit was that this most powerful professor was still very capable in class. Although he was deliberately stumbling when speaking, he was not without confidence. He could still listen to the class smoothly. of.

But his roommate had no intention of letting him go.

"Why didn't I see you go up and ask the professor? Why, do you really think so?"

‘It will kill you, don’t be so arrogant. ’

Andrew hurriedly started making up lies, "I'm not that interested in this lesson. I still prefer the feeling of controlling objects like transfiguration."

"Tsk, tsk, pragmatic wizard - it's probably because the transformation spell adds more points, right?"

"I can't deny that's part of the reason."

Andrew was serious.


"Let's go and eat...I hope there is no garlic in the lunch dish, otherwise I will think of bad things..."

"What could be worse than not being taught a spell at all today?"

"Yes, look at it, there won't be any spells taught in the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class..."

After a series of not-so-pleasant words, the students who left behind began to walk towards the cafeteria with laughter and curses, while those students in twos and threes in front accelerated their speed, and a faint dividing line was revealed between the two groups.

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