This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 223: Two treasures found in the school again

"Black Lake, over there!"

"Huh? Oh my god, what is that for?"

"Skating, right? Can the ice of the Black Lake bear it?"

"ice skating?"

"The Muggle ice game is very interesting. Go check it out. I want to know how he brought the skates in. What a genius idea!"

Soon, the stay-at-home party who had a lot of free time during the Christmas vacation came here in droves - mainly because it looked interesting. Although playing Thunderbolt Cards or chess is also good, it is not as fresh as this after all. ah.


The Ravenclaw senior who was left behind quickly recognized Andrew and shouted.


Andrew flew over quickly and turned in an arc before stopping.

"What's up?"

"That's an ice skate, right? I learned about it in Muggle Studies class. How did you bring it in?"


Andrew said angrily as he found a stone and knocked it, and then handed over the new skate, "The main thing is to be familiar with the structure, but it's not a big problem."

"But that is?"

"Head-soaking charm, I'm afraid of falling. I think the magic potion's treatment here is a bit lacking."

"Wise choice. It only takes ten minutes to break off an arm. The head is what we should protect."

Soon, the skates were imitated by each student - especially the Gryffindor students, who were skilled in the Transfiguration.


Campus hospital.

"Christmas holiday...why do so many people get colds?"

"Ah Sneeze... Madam Pomfrey... we fell into the Black Lake... Ah, Sneeze!"

The group of students who arrived made Madam Pomfrey frown - she was originally enjoying her vacation, but now she is busier than usual...

"What's going on, so many people are jumping into the Black Lake? What are you doing?"

Because too many people were sneezing, the potion had to be brewed on the spot, and Madam Pomfrey looked very unhappy.

"We actually had a good time with ice skates - a Muggle sports product used to skate on the ice, ah, sneeze!"

The senior who was questioned sniffed, "Then the ice was broken by the giant squid, and everyone fell into the lake."

"That squid? It only saves people who fall into the water. What are you doing?"

"It's just skating..."

Andrew on the other side felt a little guilty for no reason - he now very much suspected that he had done something bad.

Because his transformation technique was completely immature, the ice in that area was too thick... and the squid probably wanted to get some air, so the ice was broken...

Of course, it may also be the reason why the deformed ice fails - but judging from the rules, it should be very harmonious...

I can't think clearly - and he doesn't take the blame.

Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey didn't ask any questions, and things passed quickly - the potion was boiled, and everyone drank a portion. Everyone became like a steam engine, and they started to greet each other and send messages with their ears puffing. laugh at each other.

Although there are negatives, the medicine can cure the disease.

So, the group of people quickly separated and went to do their own work - Black Lake could not go, and the squid obviously had objections.


"Did you hear that a new treasure has been discovered?"

When Harry and Sirius finished their extra lessons on Transfiguration and came out of Sirius' office, they heard this statement at the dinner table.


"Yes, the seniors discovered it - it seems that the cracking point is the Black Lake in winter. They performed some inexplicable ritual magic on the lake, and then summoned the squid! The ice was broken!"

"Really or not?"

"Of course it's true - I saw a group of people coming out from Madam Pomfrey's side. If the summoning hadn't failed, how could they have been injured!"

"This sentence makes sense. Why did you get hurt if you didn't fail to summon... No wonder a group of people were detained in school and co-authored it!"

After half a day of fermentation and a lot of speculation, Andrew's skating behavior directly became a ritual magic, and even played a partial role.

The previous skating operation only mobilized some students who couldn't stay any longer, but now everyone is in high spirits, and there are even conflicts.

What? Just skating, with Muggle skates?

Hehe, the ice knife summoned the squid in the Black Lake. Do you think I am a child? Peeves' secret treasure is shared by everyone. When it comes to squid, you unkind guys start to eat alone!

Something even the instigator Andrew didn't dare to think about happened - a fictitious secret treasure in the castle was actually born!

But, explanation is useless.

Conspiracy theories like this are definitely dominant, and the most important point is that Peeves actually exploded...

This is very frustrating.

‘Forget it, it’s okay for them to kill time... Anyway, I have completely stabilized my understanding of lawns today, and I can start learning new magic tomorrow. Even if I have it, I won’t join in the fun. This treasure of mine is even more precious. ’


‘What happened to Merlin’s beard? It was exposed? ’

At the Slytherin table, a student frowned.

He spent a lot of money to buy a very possible treasure inference, at least to protect the capital, but now, it is exposed like this?

'What bastard did this? ’

He even had some doubts about the seller - but the seller didn't even stay in school, and the data he gave in the early stage were all correct.

He had dug up the soil by the Black Lake and found that the composition was indeed wrong.

The gold content is frighteningly high, and the soil contains a lot of miscellaneous ingredients.

There is a small gold mine nearby, but there is also a possibility that there is a treasure near the Black Lake. Over the years, the lake has washed away gold on the lakeshore.

Anyway, that's how the other party analyzed it - saying it's a high-level theory of Muggles.

This can't be verified, but even if there is no treasure, the gold mine can be exchanged for Muggle money and it will be a big supplement.

Anyway, it won't damage the interests of Hogwarts. At most, we can dig it out and share it with the school.

Anyway, his family is confident that they can take on the project of cleaning the silt in the Black Lake - after all, they have some relationship with the school board, so they can do it at a low price.

Some time ago, he even wanted to laugh - that Andrew ruins the lawn every day, so he can just take over the lawn business next Easter.

But what's the situation now?

A group of robbers and bandits, even the squid has been brought out!

It's okay to rob, but it hasn't been done yet. He called on a bunch of people to take it. How can he take it later?

Damn Ravenclaw, you sold the same thing twice?

No - no, if he knew how to summon the squid...

Let alone that he shouldn't know, even if he knew, he should have sold it to him in that way with a higher price.

'Rogue, shameless, robbery...'

He muttered, and then thought about what to do next to keep his family's secrets - if it didn't work, he could sell it to his own connections in the school board and see what they would do...

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