This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 16 The King Lost His Throne

"She won't miss the sorting, right?"

"Probably not?"

In the midst of such discussions, Professor McGonagall's voice rang out.

"Quiet, no one will miss the sorting, she will just be a little late, and our school doctor will help her take care of her injuries soon."

While speaking, Professor McGonagall glanced at everyone, and those low-pitched discussions disappeared as cleanly as if they had encountered the shadow of sunlight.

"Although there are some surprises, you are still welcome to Hogwarts. The opening banquet will be held soon, but before the banquet begins, your sorting ceremony must begin."

Andrew clearly noticed that the expressions of several people around him suddenly became solemn.

But Professor McGonagall, like the senior students on the train, was as ruthless as the people below who were looking for knowledge. After introducing the names of the four colleges and asking everyone to love each other in the colleges, he left them where they were. ——In Professor McGonagall’s words, I hope they can maintain the best manners before being sorted.

Just like the evening self-study where the head teacher came, after confirming that Professor McGonagall had left, the freshmen started chattering again.

However, no one has the extra energy to care about the girl who left now - many people don't even know her yet.

Even Andrew was a little worried. He didn't know the specific details of the sorting, but based on his current persecution of the principal, he was still in danger of being sorted into Slytherin.

Even with his little knowledge of Slytherin, he could imagine what a mess it would be - unless he claimed that he was a descendant of a pure-blooded dark wizard living outside the wizarding world...

'It's not's just that you have to perfect your background, otherwise you won't be able to hang out in the hospital if you get picked on. The Dark Lord probably can't get away with it, so just say that grandpa was a wizard who followed Grindelwald, and then fled to live in seclusion in England... In short, he just gave them hesitant hints...'

Anyway, Andrew has read the information and found that the so-called pure blood currently does not have any detection magic. As long as he makes it up well enough, he won't be afraid of being exposed.

Just as he was completing the identity information for self-rescue, an exclamation came from the front of the freshmen team.

A group of ghosts came through the wall, naturally scaring the freshmen.

After listening to a few sentences and confirming that they were not nutritious, Andrew began to meditate on Slytherin's self-rescue plan - just when it was about to be perfected, Professor McGonagall returned.

"Stand in single file and follow me."

After a commotion, the team formed, and then a group of frightened little quails followed Professor McGonagall shakily into the foyer.

When everyone turned their attention to the new students, even Andrew was a little flustered.

But it was useless to panic. The sorting ceremony showed no signs of speeding up or slowing down.

After the freshmen stood firm, an unsightly hat was placed on the four-legged stool (it was the Sorting Hat, by the way, it was used to sort the houses. Andrew felt a little more confident.), and then, a song Songs that are not very good are sung by hats.

Andrew noticed that Professor McGonagall was holding the parchment while looking at the Sorting Hat and scanning the door with her peripheral vision. (By the way, no one has arrived yet.)

But until Hat finished singing his song, there was still no movement at the door.

Professor McGonagall's expression did not change. After one last look at the door, she took a few steps to the stool with the parchment in hand.

"Whoever's name I call will come here, put on the sorting hat, and sort them."

She picked up the parchment, her eyes paused for a moment, and a name was called out.

"Susan Bones!"

A little girl stumbled out of the team after being stunned for a moment, then went over and put on her hat.


It took almost no time for the Sorting Hat to make a decision, so amid the welcome of a group of Hufflepuffs, Susan ran over and was the first to sit next to the specially vacated area.

"Terry Butt!"

Another name was called out.

He was sorted into Ravenclaw.

The sorting is proceeding in an orderly manner, but the anxiety of the waiting students has not diminished at all.

"Justin Finch-Fletchley!"

When the name was shouted, the entrance door suddenly opened.

Andrew, who turned to look over there with everyone else, saw a huge body - it was Hagrid.

Professor McGonagall signaled Justin to continue, and hurriedly greeted him as he put on his hat. He quickly brought the injured girl to the freshman team (Hufflepuff, the hat shouted), and then returned to the branch. Next to the hat.

Sorting has begun again.

The number of people was getting smaller and smaller, but Andrew was already sure that he was almost the last group of people to be called over.

"Harry Potter!"

This name made the sorting ceremony lively again, which had become dull, and what was quite interesting was that Harry was sorted for a very long time.


The Sorting Hat finally made its decision, and almost everyone turned their attention to Harry, who was walking towards the Gryffindor table.

After that, Andrew's name was finally called out.

"Andrew Taylor."

Andrew quickly walked towards the Sorting Hat, sat down on the chair and put the hat on his head.

"What are you afraid of?"

A small voice muttered, "Oh my God, my God! That story, it's you!"

Almost at the same time, the Sorting Hat shouted, "Ravenclaw!"

He didn't even put the hat on properly before the Sorting Results came out.

He took off the hat immediately-the thing he was most afraid of was being read!

"Be gentle with a beautiful old hat..."

Theoretically, the hat should keep silent and wait for the next person to come, but it suddenly spoke, grinning with a mouth-like gap, "I know a lot, but I won't tell anyone."

"Go, you will be an excellent Ravenclaw!"

Its muttering was not loud, but it still made Professor McGonagall stare at Andrew-fortunately, everyone turned their attention to Harry Potter, and no one except Professor McGonagall noticed this conversation.

At the Gryffindor table at this moment, the red-haired Weasley family was still happily shouting that we have Potter, and Andrew also calmed down a little, walking towards the Ravenclaw table while thinking about what happened just now.

'It should be reading thoughts...'

'From the fact that some people take a long time, it is probably impossible to judge the most basic ideas, so it needs to read more to judge. ’

‘So, it only read what I feared the most…’

‘There is still good news, that is, the reading time is short, I don’t need to worry about exposing other things. ’


‘I hope it has integrity as it says…’

Andrew, who exposed something that should not be exposed on the first day in the castle, was slightly sad and hoped that a hat would not reveal information casually as he said.

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