This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 159 Lockhart's First Lesson

The Potions class was not going to take place. Andrew thought about it and decided to go to the office to see if there was anything to do.

But when he opened the door of the office, he found that the person on duty was not Huffman on the schedule, but Percy.

"Percy, are you on duty for Huffman?"

He walked in and pulled out a chair, moved a pile of documents from the pile in front of him, and asked casually.

"Well, I asked for it."

Percy looked a little confused, "It's mainly about what happened yesterday, Ron and the others..."

The advantage of the Weasley family is that when the younger brother gets into trouble, the older brother will follow.

Come to think of it, Percy might have had doubts last night. He was very patient to come and ask while Huffman was on duty.

"There's nothing I can do about it. You know, this matter... is too conspicuous."

"Yeah, those two guys actually drove to school... really... but why are their punishments so light?"

? ? ?

Are you serious?

Is your brotherly relationship a little strange?

"There wasn't even a large-scale announcement or blame. According to my mother's temper, he should have received a yelling letter this morning..."

Percy looked puzzled, "It shouldn't be. My family should have been very angry yesterday."

As expected of the twins' biological brother, as long as he was sure that his brother was fine, he would hope that his brother would be in trouble.

"How should I put it? It's complicated. Let's classify the documents first and then talk about it slowly."

Andrew had read most of the professors' applications during the holiday, but the reports of the student clubs and those research groups were submitted at the beginning of the school year. Although there was no rush, they still had to be classified so that they could be dealt with slowly.

"So, Ron was controlled and then released?"

"That should be correct, but the criminal has been caught."

Dumbledore said that it couldn't be spread outside, so even Percy couldn't do that - Andrew reluctantly put the blame on Pettigrew.

"Caught? Who?"

"There is a ban, not allowed to say... but you will know soon."

Andrew spread his hands helplessly.

"Okay, is Ron okay?"

"If he hadn't fought with Slytherin in the morning, he probably wouldn't have."

After all, that song was quite aggressive, and the first day of school was not as tempting as a fight.

"That's fine, by the way - you said his wand was broken?"

Driving to school in a speeding car without being expelled was considered a success, just a song, Percy didn't care at all, he was more worried about the wand.

"Yes, it broke in the car, this is not my fault - the wand was broken when I caught him."

"You have to buy him another one, it's an old wand, it doesn't suit him..."

"Old wand?"

"Yes, Charlie's, when he was planning to study dragons, his original wand didn't like him so much, so he left it to Ron..."

Do you have to use someone else's wand, a companion-like existence?

No wonder… Ron is the worst looking Weasley…

Andrew did correct his grades – the Weasley twins’ grades were worse than Ron’s, but their Transfiguration homework was occasionally clever (Andrew suspected that was when they didn’t copy others’ homework), but Ron…

Mediocre grades and worthless homework…

“That’s good too, maybe if he chooses a suitable partner, he can make rapid progress.”

“But there’s a problem, I can’t take him out of school, if he wants to buy a good wand, it’s better to go to Ollivander’s and choose it in person.”

The prefect took his own brother out of school to buy a wand? And when students below the third grade were not allowed to leave school during the holidays?

What a joke, the Gryffindor students could scold Ron and Percy to death.

"So, let me go?"

"Please, Andrew... I'll give the professor some advice. We can't let that guy mess around with a wand glued together with magic glue for a whole semester, right? He messed it up yesterday, and I'm afraid he'll hurt himself."

It's indeed a problem - and the most critical point is that Ron was bewitched by someone, and it's not his fault that his wand broke.

If he is the mastermind, it is reasonable for him to enjoy this kind of treatment of a broken wand that is almost half-dropped out. Although the school has no reason to compensate him now, it is reasonable to let him use the broken wand until the Christmas holiday and then replace it...

"Okay, if the professor agrees, I will take him to buy a wand this weekend."

"Okay, then I will go and talk to the professor."

"Well, it's settled. I have to go to class. Defense against the Dark Arts - Professor Lockhart, I don't know how good it is."

"I don't know, our advanced class is on Wednesday, I hope he is a serious teacher."

Percy waved his hand, "See you then."


I was just being polite. I can't say that his class level is average... Don't hold out hope, Percy...


The first class of the new semester changed from potions to Defense against the Dark Arts.

To be honest, Andrew now seems to doubt that there is something wrong with his brain - what was he thinking at the time, couldn't he make the first graders suffer when scheduling classes?

Anyway, they have just arrived and cannot run away. Starting from these two courses, the magical world will become sweeter and sweeter!

With such complaints, Andrew returned to the common room and started exercising with a whole stack of Lockhart series books in his arms - regardless of whether it was expensive or not, seven grades had to use a whole series of books, and it was a hassle to bring them to class.

With a stack of books enough for exercise, he arrived at the classroom almost before class - his roommates had already found their seats, which made him happy.

"This way, Andrew!"

Hal's high voice was very recognizable, "Hurry up, today's news!"


Andrew took two steps at a time, pointed his wand at his schoolbag, and stuffed it in, "What's the matter?"

"Just now, the recent thing is that there is a greenhouse in the Herbology class, and the next course will focus on transplantation!"

I guessed it during the holiday.

"Anything else?"

"Peeves hasn't come out yet, and what happened before last summer vacation seems to have hurt him a lot!"


Andrew thought about it, and indeed he hadn't seen Peeves during this period, and it was probably because of the collective madness of the group of people who were about to graduate before the summer vacation.

"Gryffindor and Slytherin didn't fight!"


This is news - the tense atmosphere this morning, Andrew suspected that they were about to fight.

"What's the reason?"

"It seems that our Potions class was cancelled. Some people said it was because Snape was not there and the Slytherins were not confident enough. Some people also said..."

Hal did not speak, staring at Andrew.

? ? ?

Wait, is it because of me? Will I catch them if I don't go to class?

Seeing Andrew's expression, the others nodded silently.


"Someone has discovered a way to practice the levitation spell - practice while running, cast spells while moving, and exercise the control of the levitation spell very well."

Those are all first-year spells. Although they have research significance, they are not that serious, right?


"School has just started, why are there so many news - hush, here I come."

Lockhart is here - dressed up.

The turquoise robe is worth a lot at first glance, and with Lockhart's deliberately maintained makeup, it is completely worthy of his hard-earned identity.

"Good morning, everyone."

Perfect smile, perfect teeth, "My first class, um, I don't need to introduce myself, right?"

"Let's do it as usual, I," he picked up a book with his left hand and pointed his wand at his photo, "Gilderoy Lockhart, third class of the Order of Merlin, honorary member of the Anti-Dark Magic League, five-time winner of the Most Charming Smile Award of "Wizard Weekly" - but be careful, smiles don't have any magic!"

Wrong, smiles are one of the top spells - you have always used it this way.

Andrew even planned to take out a notebook to record it.

This persuasive power and speaking skills are worth learning!

He is good at writing the cool points of a lot of gold mining on the Internet and the construction of contradictions and conflicts. He has not studied this kind of language that shows off his charm in depth - there must be a teacher among three people, and Lockhart has enough for him to learn for a long time in showing himself!

Of course, the effect on students is a bit worse.

After all, there is no support, and it is really too much to expect second-year students to scream and shout like the witches outside. It will take many years of development to be like this.

But it seems that Lockhart has strong control skills.

"Well, it seems that everyone recognizes me more strongly than I do - well, then, let's get to know each other first. Do a simple classroom survey, a small questionnaire, and those who can answer it will get a little surprise."

The survey papers were quickly handed out.

'Lockhart's personal survey paper... is a survey of the content and character settings in the book, this kind of thing...'

'Sure enough, you can't do it. '

He is very busy, and studying text grammar and writing skills is the limit - who has the time to remember Lockhart's personal hobbies?

Moreover, how many of those hobbies are real?

That is not Lockhart's personal hobby, it is Lockhart's personal hobby that everyone thinks a very good adventurer should have!

That is the so-called selling personality.

Based on this principle, Andrew began to make up nonsense - just fill it in.

Thirty minutes passed quickly and the paper was taken away.

"Oh, oh, there are actually two students who answered almost all the questions correctly. Great, great, ten points for Ravenclaw! Ten points for Slytherin!"

There are also Lockhart fans in Slytherin?

This is a surprising thing.

As for Andrew's answer, it was drowned in the many papers - Lockhart is more popular than he thought, and many students have read those books seriously.

This is not good news - Andrew is not jealous.

'The question is, Lockhart's books are so popular, and Magic Legend Magazine even occasionally crushes them. How many readers are there for a legend? '

The future is not bright...

Andrew had the urge to cover his face.

It was too scary. He now had an illusion that he was afraid that he would be hung under the astronomy tower by Transfiguration.

However, the hemp rope broke at the thinnest part.

Just when he was praying for his uncertain future, Lockhart suddenly found him.

"Ah, this is, yes, Andrew."

Lockhart was surprised.

Harry Potter's classes are in the afternoon, and the highlight should be in the afternoon, so that there is a selling point, but you also have to fool around in the morning. This Andrew is good - read the text and talk about the understanding and protection of black magic. Just let the water pass after one class.

If the troublemakers were exposed in advance, it would ruin the story for the students in the afternoon.

Yesterday, he asked about it. This Andrew is Professor McGonagall's assistant. He helps out in the office every day. It's a bit of a gimmick. It's a good appetizer for the story.

"Yes, Professor, I'm Andrew."

"I'm good at taking risks but not good at communicating, so I can only narrate stories in words and share them with others. So I want to hear what kind of content you need and what kind of adventure you want to have in class."

'I can take out those troublemakers in the afternoon and pretend that I have prepared them deliberately at noon, so that no one will suspect that I treat them differently and am good at listening to students' opinions - what can a second-year kid expect? Nothing more than adventure stories and waving of magic wands. ’

"Is that true, Professor?"

"Of course, feel free to say it. Our courses are not fixed. You know, maybe there will be something you are looking forward to in the next class."

"That's great, Professor, I think we need some skills in communicating with people. You know, a great adventure is always inseparable from inquiring about information, whether it is quickly mastering the local language or insinuating about those hidden existences, That’s all true!”

? ? ?

How about your sense of adventure?

Aren't students in your grade supposed to be asking about powerful spells and stuff?

What are those things you are talking about?

Communication skills?

Is that something students of this age should be concerned about?


You're right. I, Lockhart, am good at this. If you want to ask something else, I can only use my school knowledge to fool you!

Although it's a pity that it can't lead to adventure, this can also be done!

‘That’s what I’m asking, what can I not know about your adventure? ’

Being able to communicate with those old wizards, and then understand those dialects and gain their trust, this is brilliant magic!

Forgetting spells and the like, that's a matter of personal spell practice, and Andrew doesn't plan to go in depth on it, but it will be different if he understands communication skills.

He really admired Lockhart's language learning ability and communication skills. Moreover, after learning this, Grindelwald's shaping would be even more perfect. How could an excellent Grindelwald not have communication skills comparable to Lockhart's? ?

Even if it needs to be disguised, changed, and exaggerated by the way, it is still good.

It makes perfect sense that Grindelwald has communication skills far beyond those of Lockhart.

Just treat it as…

I can stop hanging under the tower for a while.

Although Andrew wanted to say that he was responsible for the work, but after thinking about it, he wholeheartedly agreed with the answer.

But no matter what his true intentions were, it didn't matter - because Andrew's question spoke to Lockhart's heart.

"Ah, communication, yes, communication, indeed, few people notice this. They always feel that - well, the entire magical world is speaking standard English, oh, this is too arrogant, even in the UK In the magical world, there are dialects that are difficult for us to understand.”

"You have a very sharp attention span, Andrew, and yes, I also have a tiny bit of skill that allows me to quickly pick up those awkward dialects to communicate during our adventures."

Lockhart observed the expressions of the students around him and found that many of them looked expectant - there was no way, there were more students in Ravenclaw than in Slytherin, and the term "quick learning skills" could not be sold in other colleges. Attack Ravenclaw!

Encouraged by such a look, even Lockhart suddenly became full of motivation.

"Then let's talk about the first lesson, how to quickly master the local dialect!"

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