This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 12: Knowing there is a tiger in the mountain, we still go there

“I hope this month’s manuscript will not be altered randomly.”

Andrew carefully tied the manuscript to the owl's leg and said goodbye to his rose as he would a bomb. (This owl pecked out a blooming rose bush in order to catch mice. After Andrew scolded it for a long time, it recognized the name.)

However, Andrew knew that he had no choice.

He insisted on refusing to accept letters from readers forwarded by the editorial office, and also refused to change the name of the protagonist. Anyway, the protagonist of the manuscript he submitted was Gryffindor. If something unexpected happened, it was better to ask the second author to take the blame - although this was very risky. Idealistic, but at this point, he can only guarantee this independence.

But fortunately, the people at Magic Legend Magazine are still good at jumping back and forth on the line of seeking death. Judging from the magazines that Andrew secretly bought, both the localization level and the grammatical correction have been very good.

That would put him at ease—that's weird.

The manuscript just delivered is for the September issue, and the number nine means that Hogwarts is about to start school.

According to publication practice, on the 7th, he was already at Hogwarts by then.

Well, it was really a surprise to see the principal’s autobiography I edited released at Hogwarts…

Thinking of this, going to Hogwarts is not so exciting anymore.

But fortunately, he sent the manuscript before the deadline - he didn't want to be apparated by the editor with a magic wand to urge the manuscript when the deadline was approaching. In that case, all cutting measures would be useless...

After packing my luggage and saying goodbye to the people in the courtyard, August 31st came quickly.

Although he could theoretically take the same day's train transfer, Andrew still boarded the same day's train to London in the afternoon - in this day and age, anyone who believes that the train will not be delayed is a fool...

Just as he expected, the train arrived in London in the morning, and platform nine and three-quarters opened early.

When Andrew, who had been riding the train all night, yawned and entered the platform, the train had just started to be cleaned.

After saying hello politely, Andrew found a private room that was neither good nor bad, took out a blanket from his suitcase, wrapped it around himself, and fell asleep beautifully.

He had researched it when he got the ticket. It was a special car and there was no fixed seat. It would be a shame for himself not to come over early and get a good seat - he didn't need to be picked up or dropped off anyway.

He wasn't woken up until there was a movement outside the box. He looked at his watch and found that it was already half past nine. Looking out the window, he saw that parents and students had begun to enter the platform sporadically.

Putting the box next to the bunk, with the blanket placed there to indicate that someone was occupying it, Andrew began to run around the carriage looking for the trolley.

Even if he went to Hogwarts and was caught, he had to taste something delicious first - but whether it was in the orphanage or the Leaky Cauldron, he failed after brave attempts.

Fortunately, the variety of food on the cart was quite rich, which gave him ample opportunity for trial and error. With the attitude that it would be a pity to be exposed if he didn't try it, he decisively bought some of each item and asked about it. The route of the cart makes it easier to replenish the goods yourself.

To Andrew's surprise, when he returned, the box was already filled with senior students.

Logically speaking, the private room he found was not the best one. There should be a good location at this point.

"Hello, I'm a new student." Putting down the food, Andrew reached out his hand. Judging from the decoration on the wizard's robe, he was from Hufflepuff College, and his attitude was not too bad. "My name is Andrew, Andrew Taylor." ”

"Hello Andrew," the other party shook Andrew's hand, "My name is Cisse, Cisse Will, Hufflepuff, third grader."

"Want some snacks?"

Andrew pushed the pile of snacks on the table to the middle, "I come from Muggle society, and this is the first time I have seen these snacks."

"Then you've encountered something good." Cisse confirmed that there was no politeness on Andrew's face and reached out to grab the chocolate frog. "There is no doubt that the chocolate frog is the most recommended snack."

"Look carefully, you have to tear it open like this so as not to damage the card inside - that is hard currency among students."

"Oh, no," Cisse showed the card to Andrew, "It's Dumbledore."

This pentagonal card successfully scared Andrew. He also tore open a pack, and then his heart twitched - the picture he had just seen.

"This is a card with no exchange meaning..."

Cisse handed the card over, "You have to learn to collect cards. A slightly rarer card can complete a paper. If it is the rarest cards, it can even cover half a month's homework."

It sounds no different from an ordinary elementary school student collecting Water Margin cards...

"You can challenge strange-flavored beans when you have time, but don't mix them with other foods. If you encounter earwax-flavored beans, it will be a complete waste of food."

"The licorice wand isn't a good choice. I'd say they should get a new batch of candies from Honeydukes."

"Pot cakes are good to fill your stomach, and so are pumpkin pies - but just like that, don't eat too much. Hogwarts's dinner is more delicious than you think, although it's not as good as our college. ”

Cisse casually bit into the multi-flavor beans and commented, and then spontaneously started to learn more about Andrew.

"After the third grade, you can go to Hogsmeade. The quality of snacks there will be much better. If you take a step back, you can also use owl mail order, which is also a little trick to stock up on snacks."

"If you miss the meal, you can try to go to the kitchen. The house elves in the kitchen can basically provide delicious food at any time."

"Just pay attention to the oil paintings..."

"Speaking of oil paintings, that knight oil painting is really outrageous. I passed by it several times..."


Perhaps because the chatterbox was opened, Xisai revealed a lot of information until someone called him.

"Don't share a box with the freshmen. The prefects have said that they should communicate with each other when they enter the school, especially the issue of sorting!"

The boy who came in to call people was also wearing Hufflepuff clothes, and he smiled when he reminded them. Xisai was stunned after hearing the reminder, patted his head, and said goodbye in a hurry. He didn't even take the two bags of chocolate frogs Andrew gave him and left.

"Is there still this ban?"

But it's not a big problem. The first-year boy soon squeezed into the box.

Andrew recognized them even before they were introduced - it was so easy, and although he tried hard to act like a freshman, he couldn't show the silly temperament of wanting to poke everything with his magic wand.

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