This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 830 Who is coming? Report to the spiritual place

Deep in the mountains, giant trees cover the sky and the sun.

Through the shadows of the whirling trees, one can see a valley in the open area, surrounded by mountains on three sides, with walls as sharp as blades. It is a natural formation.

"This is it."

Jing Muyan walked at the front: "This place is the prison where the demons from outside the territory are sealed. It has beautiful scenery and is very suitable for burying people."

"Yes, it is a geomantic treasure." Lu Bei nodded.

Jing Muyan is gifted with supernatural powers and has a pair of extraordinary bird eyes. Even if he is in a thick fog that blocks his spiritual thoughts, he can rely on these eyes to discern the truth.

According to him, it is more about artistic conception than magical power.

Heaven and man are one.

The mist can hide from the monk's perception, but it cannot hide it from God. Heaven and man are connected, and all the ways intersect. He can see more and further than ordinary people through God's eyes.

Upon hearing this, Lu Bei immediately became energetic and asked Jing Muyan to say, he has a friend who is very interested in this technique.

Upon hearing this, Jing Muyan became more energetic and began to encourage his uncle to go home more often.

Uncle, you don’t want my mother to cry all day long, right?

This sounds weird. For those who don't know, I thought Jing Muyan wanted to change his father. Lu Bei's mouth twitched and he said he would definitely do it next time, trying to draw a pie to show off the skill of the unity of heaven and man.

Jing Muyan refused to eat the cake. Unless his uncle came with something practical, there was no way he could get any benefit from him.

You kid is a little confused. Is this the attitude of being a hostage?

Lu Bei raised his hand and touched his chin, secretly thinking that Suzaku doted on his son too much, which resulted in Nidan's childhood being incomplete. As an uncle, he couldn't just sit back and watch, he had to find an opportunity to punish him severely.

A filial son emerges from under the stick. If the father can't do it, then the uncle will do it.

Thinking of this, Lu Bei no longer insisted on the art of harmony between man and nature. Even if Jing Muyan boasted about it and described a group of girls as beautiful and fragrant, he would just say "um" and "ah" in a perfunctory manner.

There was originally a small lake in the valley that sealed the demon outside the territory. The lake was like a round mirror and was the center of the formation.

At present, three large holes were opened at the bottom of the lake, and the lake water poured into the ground along the entrance of the holes, revealing the clear-cut formation layout on the river bed.

The scriptures are intertwined and the chains are woven, and a large 'swastika' symbol can be seen from a distance.

For a Taoist cultivator, the formation path is the most important thing. You may not be able to refine elixirs or weapons, and it is no problem to pick up other people's. However, you must be familiar with the formation path, otherwise you will step into a trap and die. Don't know how he died.

Especially the tombkeepers who have been working underground all year round must keep up with their mastery of formations. Lu Bei's cheap master Mo Buxiu also mentioned this, asking Lu Bei to study formations more and never fall behind.

Mo Buxiu speaks from the bottom of his heart, but unfortunately his heartfelt words are not suitable for Lu Bei. The latter's version is updated too quickly, and he has never encountered a formation master who can fight with force and skill, so he has never failed in the formation.

It didn't matter if he fell down. He took Han Miaojun, Yan Xiaoshuang, and Taifu with him. They were all top-notch formation masters.

Jing Muyan was studying the formation by the lake. Lu Bei couldn't bear to see these fancy things, so he punched a big hole and jumped into the bottom of the lake to look for the crystal coffin.

According to the experience of exterminating demons in the Xianfu Continent, there are three coffins for each of the three demons. There is also a similar inheritance to the Immortality Sect here.

If you are lucky, it is possible to pick up another Immortality Seal.

Leave in high spirits and return disappointed.

There is no crystal coffin at the bottom of the lake. The internal structure of the entire sealed place is very similar to the Buddhist ritual alms bowl, and it can be regarded as a very large coffin.

"Surprisingly not..."

Lu Bei jumped ashore suspiciously. The Immortality Seal was the second most important thing. What really interested him was the crystal coffin.

Long before the Immortal Mansion Continent, Lu Bei had encountered a sealing magic weapon similar to a crystal coffin. There was a mysterious palace at the end of the teleportation array in the Chikong Desert, and an unknown immortal was sealed in the crystal wall.

Lu Bei's evaluation of Wu Mingshi is that he is domineering, heroic and similar to others, and he is somewhat like the second leader of Tianjian Sect.

And that exploration also brought Lu Bei a lot of harvest, and he got lotus seeds and jasper gourds.

The lotus seeds took root in the small world and grew gratifyingly. Because Lu Bei couldn't understand, he didn't know what the magic of this spiritual root was, but he didn't know how powerful it was, so it must be very powerful.

He understands the jasper gourd, it can hold the lotus seeds, it can inherit the five elements of innate gold, and he can make a profit even if he buys the coffin and returns the pearl.

Because he made too much money, Lu Bei was deeply impressed. Later, when he saw the crystal coffin that sealed the extraterrestrial demon in Xianfu Continent, he immediately thought of the Nameless One and guessed that the other party was also an extraterritorial demon.

The strength was so exaggerated that it far surpassed the seventh-ranked Samsara Heart Master in the Heavenly Demon Palace. He couldn't hold it down with only the coffin boards, so he built a wall to bury the person inside.

The reasoning is tight and closer to reality than the truth.

That crystal wall can be cut into coffins to seal a hundred samsara hearts. Could it be that the one sealed inside is the Lord of Heavenly Demons?

It doesn't make sense, it's impossible.

How could you put other people's treasures next to you when you were sealing the big devil!

The more Lu Bei thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable. After eliminating all possibilities, the truth was obvious. The nameless person sealed himself. Halfway through his sleep, he passed by and took away the lotus seeds and jade gourd.

Thinking of this, the sense of crisis immediately arose, and going down to the lake to look for the crystal coffin was also a possibility to verify the reasoning.

The result was no, the bottom of the lake was empty, except for water, and the remains of the crystal coffin could not be found.

On the other side, Jing Muyan studied the seal and guessed that the valley was a magic weapon, so he happily used the Five Elements Sacrifice to refine it.


Lu Bei swallowed the alms bowl with a sigh of relief.

He has a Xuanwu Cauldron and can make three thousand nails from a broken ship. He doesn't mind that.

Jing Muyan was dumbfounded, opened his mouth, and finally chose that silence is golden, not giving the iron head a chance to touch the porcelain Xuanwu fist.

Then he boasted that the little girls were as beautiful as flowers and jade, and that they were all extremely beautiful. There was no shortage of vixens, snake spirits, and dragon girls, and they could open a zoo at home.

Lu Bei still had a perfunctory attitude, saying he would do it next time, but he just hated Suzaku even more. He didn't envy the vixen and dragon girl at all.

At this moment, Jing Muyan stopped selling, his eyes flashed with golden flames, and he looked intently towards the back of the void.

With a cold snort, the five-color brilliance spread out in endless ripples.

Three figures fell out of the void, two women and one man, practicing in the Mahayana stage, surrounded by black smoke, a perfect painting style of the Far West.

At least in Lu Bei's stereotype, this is the style of the demon cultivator. The women are in ragged clothes and sleep with the whole family at every turn, while the men are full of flesh and blood and kill people all over the house at every turn.

In the crowd, Xing Li frowned and retreated about 1.2 meters behind him.

After thinking about it, he decided that it was not safe and retreated behind Lu Bei.

"Go to hell!"

Lu Bei kicked Xing Li away, looked at the two female demon cultivators who had their own merits, raised his hand to grab a handful of wind in the air, put it under his nose and smelled it.

It's fragrant and doesn't smell like the sea, but the demonic thoughts are so profound and exaggerated that even a small strand can make a Mahayana monk become possessed on the spot.


Lu Bei raised his eyebrows. The previous demons were of average strength. Looking at the bullshit, none of them could fight. After working for a long time, the inventory experience only exceeded the 52 billion level.

If this momentum continues, 100 billion will be enough.

"Whoever comes, report to the spiritual position!"

Lu Bei snorted coldly and looked at the three experience packs with burning eyes. The old rule was that the others should stay back and leave the dirty work to the leader.

“Jiejiejiejie————” x3

The three demon cultivators just laughed. One of the female cultivators looked at Jing Xinwu, the fierce light in her eyes suddenly turned red, so red that she almost bled.

"Old monster Chixia, the second magic sword, Taoist Burning Heart..."

Jing Xinwu slowly and unhurriedly announced the names of the three demon cultivators, Shi Shiran swayed and walked to Lu Bei's side, blowing the incense and saying: "Report to Master Xuanwu, these three are all old demons who have been famous for a long time. He has great magical powers and is an expert in stopping children from crying even in the far west."

Xing Li poked his head in, eyes wide with anger.

Jian Ding, why are you so close to Lu Gou?

Sensing the green gaze behind him, Lu Bei was so happy that he almost couldn't hold back his laughter. He skillfully hooked his slender waist and slowly rubbed his waistline with his five fingers: "Why is it the second magic sword? Who is the first?"

The first magic sword is White Tiger!

Jing Xinwu was restrained by Xing Li, and she subconsciously considered Xing Li every time she acted or made plans, but she didn't know it herself. Her logic was self-consistent, and she regarded her treatment of Xing Li differently as her own despicableness and greed for one's skills.

Jing Xinwu can think independently. The first priority is Xing Li, and the second is herself. She is not a dull puppet like the Blood Guard who has ruined her brain. She will not reveal the information about the White Tiger to Xuanwu. Her waist softens and she snuggles into Lu Bei's arms. , frowned and thought: "The First Demonic Sword is a legend spread in the far west. No one has seen him, but once someone claims to be the First Demonic Sword, his head will be cut off, and the entire mountain gate will be left intact. .”

Bah, bitches!

Xing Li glared angrily, grinding his good teeth.

In the past, I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Lu Ding's self-cultivation. After all, the Moon-covering Hehuan Sect followed this path, and everyone was a strong man who had read countless people.

But when the target was Lu Bei, everything was different.

Under Xing Li's glare, Lu Bei patted his butt, and Feng Xu Yufeng floated in the air, confronting three Mahayana stage demons alone.

The aftereffects of the fresh milk were still there, and every part of his body ached. He pointed out the concussive force, collapsed the space, and stirred up the turbulent flow of black void towards the three demon heads.

The second magic sword only looked at the appearance and figure. It was a heroic female cultivator. The five fingers of the sword were cut together, and the black light enveloped the devil's energy, spreading in all directions like a tide.

She and Jing Xinwu had some personal grudges. While focusing on attacking Lu Bei, she did not forget to draw Jing Xinwu into the battle.

Lu Bei was not interested in the grudges between the two. He increased the vibration force and shattered the sword. He stepped forward in front of the second magic sword, made a circle with his hands, clasped his face with one hand, grabbed his chest with the other, and spread it out. The two-color Taoist rhyme of carrying yin and embracing yang.

The wheel seal of life and death!

The Second Demon Sword martial arts has a strong will, and her body skills and speed are top-notch, but compared to Lu Bei, her body skills are not up to par, and she can only react at the moment when her soul is peeled off her body.

boom! ! !

There was an explosion, and the second magic knife coughed up blood and fell into the void.

Lu Bei let out a sigh, raised his palm and looked at it. Judging from the feel of the jade bowl, the demonic thoughts in the second magic knife seemed to be from outside.

Are there any experts?

He was refreshed and sent word to Tu Yuan to be careful, especially Xing Li, and watch carefully so that no one could escape.

Taking another step, it turned into golden light and came to the Burning Heart Taoist Master. The same hands stretched out, the same wheel seal of life and death, and with the help of divine speed, he could grasp each one accurately.

Taoist Burning Heart raised his hands high, harnessed his magical power, and burned the sky with one move, dyeing the sky like ink.

The forward swing was too long, the middle door was wide open, and the target was too obvious. Lu Bei caught the vital point on the spot. The soul's physical body was severely damaged, and flew backwards with a muffled sound, slamming into the dark void.

Lu Bei succeeded with one blow and used his demon-killing will to erase the demonic thoughts in the two women's bodies, confirming that the three demons came to find trouble and were guided by others.

He was shocked by the mysterious man's ingenious ability to control demonic thoughts. He transformed into golden light, pressed the old monster Chixia's face with one hand, smashed the void and dragged the man into endless darkness.

Deep in the void, Lu Bei connected his hands and gathered the power of the twelfth and sun to smash the protective clothing of the old monster Chixia. He did not give the opponent a chance to breathe, and struck the afterimage with great speed until the opponent's body was turned into ashes. God was so badly injured that he almost lost his soul before he stopped.

Something strange happened.

The old monster Chixia continuously bumped Lu Bei's fist with his chest and head, and the demonic thoughts disappeared when they encountered the will to kill the demon. However, whenever the two stopped physical contact, the demonic thoughts in the Chixia old monster's body would rekindle in a steady stream. If you can't cut it all, you can't destroy it.

Ever since Lu Bei developed his will to kill demons, he has never encountered such a strange situation.

Looking at the second demon sword and Burning Heart Taoist who were coming from the left and right, their eyes were also red, their demonic thoughts were deeply buried in their bones, and even their souls were black.

Extraterrestrial demon!

Lu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, clasped his hands to hold the black knife that was coming straight down, and kicked the second magic knife in the chest.

The terrifying force crushed it down, and only the sound of broken bones was heard. The second demonic knife spat out blood and foam residue, and flew out at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Taoist Burning Heart's body is surrounded by demonic flames, fueled by a steady stream of demonic thoughts, which pollutes the body and soul. Only she can hit others, and no one else can touch her.

Unfortunately, when he met Lu Bei, the thing he was least afraid of was the devil's thoughts. He inserted his five fingers into Taoist Burning Heart's chest with a knife, crushing his heart veins and injecting the immortal sword power.

Sword light surged through his limbs and his body. Taoist Burning Heart's mouth, nose, ears, and eyes shone brightly, and the burning white sword energy exploded from the inside out.

A Dharma cultivator actually learns how to fight in close combat like a martial artist, he is really crazy!

Lu Bei could see that the three demons had become puppets of demonic thoughts. They had no sense left and only knew how to kill like crazy.

He can save it, but...

That's not necessary!

A scorching white beam of light flashed across, and the head of the second magic sword soared into the sky. The old monster Chixia recreated a physical body, transformed into thousands of bodies, and set up a fierce red cloud formation.

"No matter how many clones you have, can you still have as many stars as I have?"

Lu Bei raised his five fingers, the sand of stars overflowed between his fingers, and the golden torrent swept through the void, opening up a star formation.

The three demons fell into the formation, and their physical souls were like the undulating boat, swaying and about to capsize at any time.

The Yang character is carved into the void, and the three hundred and sixty-five main stars shine with divine light, like three hundred and sixty-five stars, shining with bright light and heat.

For a moment, the star formation turned into a furnace of heaven and earth.

[You killed the Chixia old monster and gained 1.5 billion experience points. It was determined that the opponent's level difference was greater than level 20, and the reward was 1.5 billion experience points]

not enough.

Lu Bei frowned. The old monster Chi Xia could take a hundred attacks from him and not die. He was probably on the same level as Qi Shangdu and the Red Monk from the Wenliang Kingdom. His kill experience was at least 2 billion, which doubled to 4 billion.

Because of the control of the extraterrestrial demon, he lost his mind, which affected the killing decision.

"You dare to steal Xuan's money, I think you have had enough!"

Outside the void.

Jing Muyan was whistling and scratching his head in boredom. The lead brother changed from Suzaku to Xuanwu. He still had no fight to fight. He was so bored that he almost faded away from the bird.

Suddenly, a black light flashed in his eyes, and the harmonious scene of Suzaku climbing over the wall to return home in the middle of the night, his mother smiling at him, and the husband and wife treating each other like guests flashed through his mind.

This is unreasonable. He still smells like a vixen. He has clearly done no good. You should give him a slap!

Jing Muyan was so angry that his beak was crooked. He hated that iron could not become steel. He was angry that his mother was too indulgent to his dog father. He would not dare to say a few words to his dog father...

Well, he still dares.

But that's not the point. The point is that Jing Muyan believed that his mother was too weak, which was why he repeatedly encouraged the dog father's arrogance.

What kind of inherited bloodline, bah, to put it nicely, is not the body of a greedy witch!

The more Jing Muyan thought about it, the angrier he became. In a daze, black energy overflowed from his eyebrows. The darkness covered his eyes, and the golden flames in his eyes were involuntarily dyed with ink.

Jing Xinwu, whose charm was nowhere to be found, suffered a disaster. He overlapped with the figures of vixen, snake spirit, dragon girl and other young girls, which made Jing Muyan swallow his saliva.

Mingniao doesn't say anything secret, it's dinner time.

Jing Xinwu didn't know that a disaster was imminent, and the demonic thoughts entered her body and it was difficult to protect herself. She, who was already seriously injured, was controlled by the demonic thoughts almost instantly and became a puppet with no mind.

The three blood guards were completely fine because they were not qualified to be manipulated because of their low strength.

Severe punishment...

Concerned that Jing Xinwu and Lu Gou were too close, he imagined a big battle, and Taishi Zupai Lu Ding suddenly became full of righteousness and became a dog... Ahem, in short, he wrote his dissatisfaction on his face and looked at him with his hands on his hips. God, the stubborn little black face is full of cynicism.

Tu Yuan is even more powerful.

The moment the evil thought entered his body, Yi Mi Er tilted his head and felt something was wrong. He followed his master's order and looked at Xing Li, and if the other party made any change, he would break his legs.

Looking at it, Tu Yuan was dumbfounded.

In his sight, Xing Li's figure changed and turned into a beautiful woman with a graceful figure.

The most outrageous thing is that the face of this beauty is exactly the same as hers. It is not an exaggeration to say that she was carved from the same mold.


Tu Yuan's eyes popped open, he shouted low to shatter the illusion, and his figure straightened up and changed into his original appearance.

The beauty's charming face is as cold as frost, and the whole body is surrounded by devilish aura. Between the eyebrows, the blood-colored vertical pupils are bewitching, spreading a thrilling blood-colored luster.

This time, Tu Yuan saw clearly.

There was another figure in the field, a woman whose figure and appearance were almost the same as hers.

"Whoever comes, report to the spiritual position!"

"My three corpses are in charge of the three corpses and nine insects in the Demon Realm. I am ranked fifth among the thirty-six Heart Masters in the Demon Realm." The Three Corpses Heart Master exclaimed in surprise, looking at the body that perfectly fit him, and secretly said to Tian Wujue The way of man.

As soon as I got out of the seal, I encountered a one-in-a-million opportunity. This was probably a chance to survive from a desperate situation!

What makes the three corpses most inexplicably happy is that Tu Yuan can free herself from the control of demonic thoughts. It is perfect and impeccable, and it is very likely that it has more potential than her previous demonic body.

"The demon outside the territory..."

Tu Yuan had a strange expression on his face and wanted to ask, "Little Niangpi, do you know who my master is?"

Kindergarten was on a long holiday recently, and I was picked up right when I was about to get married. I have 5,000 words today, and I will start the second update tomorrow.

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