This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 797 From today on, you will be the crotch of this sect leader fighting against the wood.

"Ignore Lu Dong. He is a demon. He is covered in black from head to toe. You cannot believe a word he says."


But he is your devil!

Gu Zongchen took a deep breath, silently recited the words "My Buddha is compassionate", and suppressed Lu Dong with his backhand, wanting to hear what the opportunity was in Lu Bei's mouth.

So what with Lu Nan, so what with Lu Bei, this Lu Dong has been protected by Gu Zongchen!

"Does the monk know the tomb keeper?"

Seeing the fish entering the nest, Lu Bei smiled slightly: "You may not know, but your master, Master Zhengqing, is a tombkeeper. He obeys the orders of Dongfang Qinglong, in order to protect you and leave you a pure place. , and in order to earn you the resources needed for practice, I have suffered a lot of hardships and grievances over the years."

Mentioning Zhengqing, Gu Zongchen immediately frowned. A monk should be pure in all six senses, but his master was too active, less pure and aloof, and more worldly.

He asked, but Zhengqing didn't say anything. Now it seems that the identity of the tombkeeper is the key.

Lu Bei Wai Bi Wai Bi, said some bad things about Qinglong. Although he did not see it with his own eyes, it did not affect his description of how much Zhengqing suffered under Qinglong's crotch.

After some fierce words, Gu Zongchen showed no expression on his face.

Tsk, you white-eyed wolf, Zhengqing gave you so many years of green vegetables and tofu for nothing.

Lu Bei curled his lips and got back to his words: "This dispute between Xiongchu and Xuanlong was secretly directed by Emperor Daxia, and Qinglong and other tombkeepers were also active. Master Zhengqing should not have come, but for your sake, he still came forward."


"Do you understand? Xiongchu plotted against my sect leader. Zhengqing traveled thousands of miles to beg for a severe beating. In the final analysis, it is for you."

Lu Bei sneered again and again, saying heart-wrenchingly: "The old monk can't be beaten anymore. He can't hold up the sky above your head. If you want to force it, not everyone is as easy to talk to as this sect leader. Sooner or later, he will be beaten outside." Death, as for you..."

"Should I venture out alone now, see the real world of immortality, and let Master Zhengqing let go of his obsession, or should I wait until his corpse is exposed in the wilderness to realize that the world is inherently unclean?"

Gu Zongchen said nothing and reluctantly admitted that Lu Bei's words were somewhat unreasonable.

Yes, because he practiced so fast, there were almost no bottlenecks to speak of. He was proud and not afraid of the world of mortals, and he never had the idea of ​​​​going through the world of mortals.

It's a waste of time, meaningless.

In this way, the purity of one-third of an acre of land is indeed maintained, but it also...

It also puts more burdens on some people.

Seeing the master's pleasant face flashing before his eyes, Gu Zongchen felt a little angry in his heart. He just wanted to ask Lu Bei, who is Qinglong? Is he good at fighting?

"But you don't need to be angry. Although Master Zhengqing endured hardships, kept a Buddha's heart, and gained blood on his hands, he still achieved the state he is in today, and even gave you the opportunity to become a Buddha and an ancestor!"

Lu Bei hehe said: "Think about it, wouldn't it be possible for Master Zhengqing to meet your needs and prepare them for you in advance without having to ask every time?"

For a young monk to understand Buddhism, he doesn't need much, just a book of scriptures and a wall.

Gu Zongchen wanted to say this, but when he thought of his master, he felt inexplicably unsure. He opened his mouth, but in the end he was unable to refute.

"If you want it, just go and get it yourself. What's the point of relying on the master all your life? You cultivate Buddhism or he cultivates Buddhism. Are you just trying to save others and save yourself?"

Lu Bei was disdainful and threw out the black-striped mask, which came with a token with ink characters: "This is a token for the tomb keeper. If you want to know what Zhengqing has endured over the years, go to hell and see with your own eyes!"

Gu Zongchen raised his hand and took it without saying a word.

"The mask can hide the true face, and the token can open the secret realm. If you get a great opportunity in Buddhism, even if Lu Nan comes, I won't be able to snatch Lu Dong away from you!"

With the final word made, Gu Zongchen immediately accepted the mask and token.

"From today on, you will be the Dou Su and Dou Mu Xie under my sect master. From now on, just call me Xuanwu." Lu Bei decided on Gu Zongchen's star name.

Doumu Xie is the first of the seven constellations in the north and the first of the seven constellations. It is the tortoise of Xuanwu... The forehead is of great significance.

In Lu Bei's opinion, only Gu Zongchen was qualified to be his top thug.

"Dou Mu Xie... Xuanwu..."

Gu Zongchen muttered to himself for a moment, then asked again: "Sect Master Lu, can you tell me, young monk, what a tomb keeper is?"


"Xuanwu, can you tell Doumu Xie what a tombkeeper is?"

"It's simple. Xuan told you secretly. If others ask, even Lu Dong can't tell anyone. Otherwise, it will lead to death and disaster, and it will be difficult for you and Lu Dong to do well."

Lu Bei warned, his eyes narrowed into thin slits, flashing with a coquettish golden light: "I'm not trying to scare you. We gravekeepers are working for the sake of heaven. It's useless to talk too much. You can do it yourself."

Gu Zongchen was stunned on the spot. When he came to his senses, Lu Bei took out thirty-six relics and said, "Take them. This sect master had no intention of embarrassing Master Zhengqing. He only detained him to be with you and Lu." See you east."


"What's wrong? If you don't want me, I can take it back." Lu Bei urged, asking Gu Zongchen to hurry up and remove the ink marks.

"Sect Master Lu, the abbot has thirty-six relics in total, and there are only twenty-four here." Gu Zongchen's face turned ugly.

"What do you know? A mere human Buddhist who has only read a few Buddhist scriptures dares to make irresponsible remarks in front of this sect leader."

Lu Bei said confidently: "The number of heavens is incomplete, how can the thirty-six heavens be perfected? Twenty-four is correct, no more. You take it to Zhengqing. If he has great wisdom, he will understand the cause and effect. I can’t say it, but I have to thank my sect leader for giving me the guidance!”

Gu Zongchen: "..."

The young monk didn't talk nonsense. The relics were closely related to Zhengqing. As long as one was recovered, Zhengqing could use this object to recover all thirty-six of them. There was no harm in leaving twelve of them at Lu Bei's place.

The two returned to the venue, and everyone saw Lu Beimian smiling. Gu Zongchen said nothing, and they were all suspicious.

On the team's side, headed by King Yuanji, they firmly believed that Gu Zongchen had suffered a big loss and had been tricked by Lu Bei.

Zhu Xiushi and Zhao Wuyou were not the same. The latter blamed Lu Bei and Gu Zongchen for getting too close. The monk in white was elegant and handsome, with red lips and white teeth.

Zhu Xiushi was secretly amused by the fact that the white-robed monk was elegant and handsome, with red lips and white teeth.

On the other side of the motorcade, Master Zhengqing stood up and took the twenty-four relics. He didn't take it seriously at first. Lu Bei was like this. Gu Zongchen's words were far inferior to his skills, so it was inevitable to suffer a loss.

But after hearing what Gu Zongchen said, he suddenly thought about it. After murmuring a few times, he suddenly realized it and accepted the twenty-four relics with a smile.

"Thank you very much, Sect Leader Lu, for your advice. Buddhism is so good that I am far inferior to it!"

"I can't. It's not worth mentioning to interrupt."

Lu Bei smiled at the master and apprentice.

Zhengqing took the title of Fang, Sun, Rabbit and Stars, and even at an old age he was still messing around with Qinglong. Gu Zongchen took the title of Dou Muxie, and worked hard for the promising Xuanwu.

The master-disciple battle between Qinglong and Xuanwu, Fang Ritu vs. Dou Muxie, and Zhengqing vs. Gu Zongchen will definitely be very interesting.


King Yuanji saw that the matter was resolved satisfactorily, and he was very convinced that Gu Zongchen must have paid a heavy price. He was worried about it. Thinking of one more important thing during this trip, he clasped his hands and started talking about it.

Xiongchu diplomats will arrive soon, hoping that the leader of the Tianjian Sect will move around more and not let the humble abode become a humble abode.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Bei immediately obtained two more seals.

Gu Zongchen was watching. Lu Bei Ma Liu broke away from the seal and saw Qinglong leaving a message. He knew the truth of a bowl of water being balanced, so he gave Xiong Chu a reassurance and did not reject the second diplomat.

But I am very curious about the style of the luxury car that Xiongchu customized for him.

Jun Xinli was even more curious and helped Lu Bei to clarify his doubts and asked which princess had taken over the important task.

"Sixth Emperor's daughter Gu Zongyi, Sect Leader Lu had a relationship with her, so I think I should remember her." King Yuanji said with a smile.

"It turns out it's her..."

Lu Bei touched his chin, ignored the two unanswered calls, and recalled the luxury car named Gu Zongyi.

It is shiny and new, and its streamlined body conforms to the aerodynamic principles. It is beautiful and elegant, pursuing practicality without losing its classic temperament.

It can only be said that the thousand-year-old royal family has a first-class pedigree. This car makes people want to drive it.

Seeing Lu Bei nodding his head repeatedly, Xinli Jun was not happy. He sent a message with a tigerish face, asking King Yuanji what happened and why the important responsibility that should have been hers fell on Gu Zongyi.

King Yuanji had no choice but to explain that Xiong Chu was defeated by Xuanlong and was slaughtered at the speed of light. He was severely cut by the Zhao family's white hair several times and had already suffered a loss before.

That is to say, Xuanlong saw that the Gu family had no intention of fighting, and only wanted an explanation if they lost, and showed mercy when they attacked, otherwise they would not be able to redeem the hostages next year.

After the four princes and three princesses returned to Xiongchu, Gu Zongyi took the initiative to ask for help and took over the important task of diplomats.

Mr. Xinli was not present at the time, so he had no idea how popular diplomats were. In addition to Gu Zongyi, there were several old princesses who were under pressure to compete for the post. The old emperor kept the benefits for himself in line with the principle that the wealth should not go to others. daughter.

Mr. Xinli: (Benefit)

This is unreasonable. In this battle of Xiongchu, various forces are moving, and their swords are aimed at the position of the crown prince. She is worried that the woman of the Six Emperors is soft-spoken and lacks the support of the Shanmen forces, so she rushes to the front line to support the situation without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, the royal family was ruthless and unjust, and Gu Zongyi took away her position with a backhand.

Can you please give me a little face? That’s your aunt, she’s still a child!

King Yuanji comforted him with kind words and advised Xinlijun to be more open-minded. He also voted for Xinlijun at that time. He was not present and could not canvass votes, so he lost.


King Yuanxuan thought of something happy, slapped Jun Xinli on the shoulder, and bared his teeth at Lu Bei happily.

What kind of pig or dog wants to harm his little cabbage and doesn't just urinate and look in the mirror!

Go ahead and dream!

Lu Bei's smile was too sarcastic, and Lu Bei immediately became unhappy. He snorted coldly to King Yuanji: "I have remembered that the Sixth Princess is too utilitarian. She aspires to be the crown prince and cannot be a diplomat who can keep her peace. It is better to find someone else. It’s more appropriate.”

The words fell.

Xinli Jun poked his head in, his face was rather twitchy, and she knew that Lu Bei had a crush on her.

King Yuanxuan's expression suddenly changed, and he stared at Lu Bei fiercely, as if he would be killed by the Tianjian Sect.

His Majesty has already issued an edict, and it is true that he has said it in a golden way. How can it be justified to change it overnight?

Change it now!

King Yuanji said cheerfully: "Sect Master Lu has a unique vision, and he is right in thinking. Xiao Wang dared to ask, are there any good choices?"

"That's her!"

Lu Bei raised his hand and pointed. Among the crowd, Gu Yuanping looked confused. He looked around and confirmed that it was really him. He was so frightened that his face turned pale and he took three steps back.

Mr. Xinli: (Benefit)

This makes no sense. Why are you here, aunt?

"Sister Royal, state affairs are the most important thing! State affairs are the most important thing!"

King Yuanxuan was overjoyed and hurriedly came to Gu Yuanping to congratulate her. He was moved with emotion and reasoned with reason. On the left, he said "Jiangshansheji" and on the right, "God-given good fate", and persuaded her to obey quickly.

It's just a dog bite, close your eyes, endure it and it will pass.

King Yuanji's eyes twitched. Seeing that the emperor's face was pale, he swallowed and thought about how to persuade her to be more open-minded.

Just by looking at Xuanlong's diplomats, we can tell that Sect Master Lu is very well-behaved. He doesn't need to pay for diplomacy, he just lives outside.

"Sister Huang, actually Lu..."

"Jun Xinli beside her."

Lu Bei finished with a big breath and added the next words.


King Yuanxuan was stunned on the spot, and was patted on the shoulder by Gu Yuanping who came back to his senses: "State affairs are the most important thing. Is it possible that the emperor doesn't even understand this truth?"

King Yuanxuan was furious and wanted to fight Lu Bei on the spot, but King Yuanji held him down and was attacked from behind by Gu Yuanping, who fainted on the spot.

Mr. Xinli nodded, that’s how it should be.

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