This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 789 Lu Nan, it’s really you

Tu Yuan was full of energy. In order to get what he wanted tonight and bear the glory, he decided to do something daring and shake his fist at his beliefs.

However, he loosened his fist several times.


"Well, I'm afraid that my master will accidentally beat him to death." Tu Yuan burst into tears.

"Haha, you are somewhat self-aware."

Lu Bei hummed, very satisfied with Tu Yuan's loyalty. He put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "You can let go of your hands and feet, and this sect master will restrain himself. This is good. I don't use the methods of heavenly demons and only rely on human cultivation." I can deal with you, right?"

As he spoke, the momentum of the unity of heaven and man suddenly changed. The realm soared from the early stage of integration, breaking through the tribulation and Mahayana, and reaching the elusive illusion of immortals.

Tu Yuanwang was frightened, and she knew that the master of the Heavenly Demon Realm had given him supreme divine power, which meant that the master of the human world was extremely powerful.

Fortunately, she is a clever little girl who is loyal and unwilling to bite her master. Otherwise, if she accidentally wounds him, she will most likely end up with a bloody head. Talking about her loyalty will only make her a laughing stock.

"Come on, face on."

Lu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, golden flames dancing in his eyes. Seeing that Tu Yuan was still hesitant, he simply attacked first.

He raised one arm horizontally, spreading invisible force all over his body, vibrating all-pervasively to resonate in the void, and powerfully manifested a vast fist seal with wind and thunder.


Pressing it down with a punch, the air flow rustled open, and as the strong wind rolled, every ray of energy caused a terrifying roar.

Tu Yuan looked at it for a moment, and saw that Lu Bei's move had a good artistic conception but lackluster lethality. It was really intended to be a competition, so he put down his worries and raised his five fingers to press into the void.

Infinite light was released, and a crystal clear white jade finger bone was pointed in the void, spreading magnificently to the sky, rumbling and crushing the earth, fire, water and wind.

The void was cleansing and surging, and the immeasurable light stabilized and vibrated in resonance, easily sweeping away the strong wind and thunder. The moment the white jade finger bones fell, the void that resonated with the strange force exploded with a loud bang, and the earth, fire, water, and wind rolled around in disorder.

Lu Bei: (一`一;)

Just one blow was enough to defeat Jiang Suxin in two moves. Lu Nan was so ruthless, he was preparing to kill him!

"My magical powers are good, and I'm a bit interesting. What's your name?"

"Bodhi Xianxin Seal."

Tu Yuan replied truthfully, Daluo Yingjie Immortal Dharma is a demonic method. If you go with it, you will become a demon, and if you go against it, you will become a Buddha.

Similarly, there are also arguments for being immortal.

The magic power and magical power are extraordinary, and they are indestructible to cope with all calamities. They have wonderful ways to cope with all calamities.

You can still enter the Tao between good times and bad, use your demonic body to carry the Buddha's heart, and control the yin and yang, the five elements, the eight trigrams, and other Taoist magical powers.

In other words, in addition to the unique bloodline magical power of the demon clan, Daluo's indestructible method of coping with tribulations encompasses Tao, demons, and Buddhas, and responds to tribulations with myriad changes. After cultivating to the Great Perfection, the demon body is immortal and the demon soul is immortal. He is also a powerful demon lord who ranks high in the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Success can lead directly to the realm of demons. In the world of immortality, it is equivalent to direct access to the immortal path. It is ranked among the immortal classes. It belongs to the top inheritance of becoming a Buddha and becoming an ancestor. If it is spread, it can make everyone break their head.

Lu Bei's eyelids twitched, he endured it, and suppressed his ferocious expression: "It's okay, Lu Nan didn't fool you, it's a good skill."

Tu Yuan nodded repeatedly and took the opportunity to brag. She was lucky enough to win the favor of her master. It was all because of his good cultivation. She would definitely follow Lu Bei in the future and strive to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory.

"So much bullshit!"

Lu Bei interrupted, quietly activating the increase inscribed by the two palace masters. The golden light in his eyes soared, and he said contemptuously: "My magical power is good, but this sect leader is not Qinglong, so this method is not difficult for me."

After saying this, the whole body was filled with sword intent, and the holy white lotus exploded under his feet.

The Demon Lord was true to his word, and he said that if he did not use the strongest magical power, he would not use the strongest magical power. After strengthening, the mana of the soul was transformed into the immortal sword intention, and the two Taoist arts of Chang Chong and Yuan Ran were powerfully blasted. out.

The immortal sword's light was bright, and it hit the white jade finger bone that was like a pillar of heaven.

Tu Yuan's expression changed drastically, and with a mixture of three parts surprise and seven parts naturalness, a crisp sound exploded in his heart.

The white jade finger bone, which was meant to be a state, was broken at this moment as if it had an entity. Following it, the immortal sword light pressed through the air, and the scorching white light beam swept across, and hit Tu Yuan in an instant.

Tu Yuan turned around to avoid it, his speed was as fast as a teleportation spell, and he escaped from the coverage of the Immortal Sword Pillar as if teleporting.

Lu Bei's eyelids twitched again, and he cursed Lu Nan in his heart for being extremely hateful. The 1.2 meter figure he brought into Tu Yuan felt more and more hateful the more he looked at it. At that moment, he did not say a word to remind him, but transformed into golden light and killed in front of Tu Yuan, using his armor-piercing fist. The seal hits the chest.

boom! !

The white light exploded, the yin and yang fishes swam away, the Tao Yun carrying the yin and embracing the yang rose and fell, and several powerful Tao rushed across, separating Tu Yuan's physical body and soul, and bursting into waves in the void.

The turbulent currents in the void swept across like clouds all over the sky, and the aftermath spread into the distance, stirring up fire, water, wind, and uncertainty.

Tu Yuan took Lu Bei's strong blow head-on and was seriously injured, but he also lamented that his master was always forgiving and showed mercy to her because of his love for her.

After confirming that no harm could be done to the master even with all his strength, he decisively opened the seal and started going all out.

Tu Yuan has a tall figure, while Yu Jie has a curvy figure and a delicate and charming face.

Between the eyebrows, the blood-colored demonic eyes opened, their erect pupils were alluring and evil, spreading a frightening bloody luster.

boom! boom! boom----

Lu Bei fought fast, crushing Tu Yuan with absolute speed and strength, fighting at close range with all his strength. Every time the tip of his fist came into contact with Tu Yuan's body, blood stains exploded.

Vibration, wind, thunder, sun, immortal sword intention;

Purifying the body, purifying the heart, and purifying the soul, the three purifying fires of the sun destroy the body, break the heart, and bury the soul, and the three extinguishing colds of the tai yin combine to form negative yin and embrace yang;

The four spirits of heaven, the five elements and five phenomena...

In addition to the means of suppressing the bottom of the box, the Tao Yun he mastered was also unambiguous. He used as much as he could. With the blessing of the secrets of the two palaces, the power increased sharply, and he blasted out violently at a speed that could not be captured by his spiritual mind.

Tu Yuan's physical body and soul were ups and downs, and the human sandbag was struggling to hold on. Unable to keep up with the rhythm, there was no possibility of fighting back, and he was beaten out of shape in the blink of an eye.

Black light enveloped him and spread out from the red-eyed demonic eye.

Without even thinking about it, Lu Bei raised his five fingers and grabbed Tu Yuan's face fiercely, trying to sweep away this demonic thought with his demon-killing will.

Pure Buddha's light will turn demonic thoughts and objects into reverse. If the will to kill demons is not professional, there is nothing you can do about it.

Da Luo's indestructible method of responding to tribulations operated on its own, erasing all the damage caused by Tu Yuan, responding to many catastrophes of death with ever-changing methods, and staged a full-blooded resurrection under Lu Bei's shocked gaze.

"Yes, it's interesting. I'll test you again."

Without stopping, Lu Bei raised up the stars in the sky with his five fingers, opened the curtain of starlight and swept Tu Yuan into the sea of ​​stars.

If it doesn't work, you have to use some harsh moves. If you continue to use useless skills, the loyal dog will have to develop a traitor.

The sea of ​​stars was endless. Following Lu Bei's thoughts, the endless starlight weaved into a force, and a hand big enough to cover the sky suddenly pressed down. The five fingers are the five pillars of heaven. Their power is boundless and can destroy the heaven and earth in just a matter of seconds.

Under this sea of ​​stars, the ragged Tu Yuan was as small as dust.

She closed her eyes and raised her head, the demonic eyes between her brows pulsed with red light, and the violent magic power at the peak of the Mahayana stage was released, shaking the sea of ​​stars in an instant.

He raised his hands, intertwined his ten fingers, and made a large black seal in the endless golden light of the sea of ​​​​stars.

Clear Xu Yi Divine Seal!


The Great Seal of the Sea of ​​Stars touched, and the void first stagnated briefly, and then suddenly exploded.

Pieces of black space collapsed, and countless shining fragments exploded in all directions. The raging air currents shattered and screamed, spreading thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.


There is no entity in the void. Even if there is turbulence in the ground, fire, water and wind, it is also a manifestation of energy chaos. The mirror is broken now, just like the picture of the broken void. It is essentially the product of the collision of two extremely powerful energies, or wills.

Sure enough, huge waves swept and spread explosively.

The sound is loud, but the elephant is invisible.

Turbulent ripples swayed in the void, and the soundless fluctuations shook. The bright light that flashed was like a rising sun. After shining for a moment, it turned into thousands of meteors and rushed towards the darkness.

The stream of light fell, pulling countless shocking air waves, and the earth, fire, water, and wind were subverted. A chaotic world was born in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant.

Lu Bei stood in the disorderly and chaotic void turbulence, with the shock characters coming out of his body, driving away the energy aftermath that was as sticky as paste, and looking intently in the direction of the bright red light.

"My supernatural power is quite good, it's quite powerful, and I almost hurt my sect leader. What's your name?"


Tu Yuan walked out naked, his long black hair flying in the wind, and his demonic eyes between his brows were scarlet: "The Seal of the God of Change can control the sun, moon and stars."

"Sounds awesome, but..."

Lu Bei raised his eyebrows and stood beside him Demon Heart Corpse: "Your laughter makes this sect leader very unhappy. Change it, otherwise I will stew you now."

"It doesn't matter if I don't like it, what can you do to me?"

Black mist shrouded Tu Yuan's body, and the scarlet demonic eyes spread out red threads.

Outside, running around with limbs and bones;

Inside, the meridians of flesh and blood are inscribed;

The smooth back is woven with ten disorderly red lights, which are chaotic and chaotic, like the shrunken face of the ten-eyed demon.

"Lu Nan, it was you who did something."

Lu Bei snorted coldly. He knew that if he didn't deal with it now, it would cause serious trouble sooner or later.

"Lu Bei, today is the day you die." Tu Yuan uttered a devilish voice and sneered.

"It's true or false, I don't believe it."

Lu Bei sneered: "You couldn't get down last time, and this time is no exception. You borrowed a body and projected some residual thoughts, and you also want to shake this sect leader? It's ridiculous and overconfident. Don't forget that you are just a demonic thought, and I am Lu Bei. north!"

Tu Yuan's three eyes were red, his hands were raised upwards, the ten eyes behind his back were shining brightly, the long black tails were swinging, and the huge demonic body was rising from the ground.

The big demon is about a thousand feet tall, has a chaotic face with ten ferocious eyes, and holds out the bright black sun with its arms. It is an overwhelming demonic power.

"Do you think you are the only one who will change?"

Lu Bei looked even more disdainful. He was disgusted by Lu Nan's various magical powers. He would not take revenge overnight, not even over a cup of tea. He was disgusted on the spot.

"With just a single thought, my body has become incomplete. Open your eyes wide and see clearly what it means to be the Lord of Demons!"

After the words fell, the body of the demon heart turned into hell, and infinite demonic thoughts emerged. Lu Bei sucked the water like a whale, and swept away the dark demonic energy with his mouth and nose.


The big demon has six arms and ten eyes, its body is infinitely taller, its long tail is twisting and twisting, it is waving in chaos all over the sky, its face of chaos roars into the void.

Ten ominous eyes looked down, six arms raised, and the wind and clouds changed color, cutting through the turbulent flow of the void like a knife.

Overhead, the black sun slowly solidified;

Beneath me, hell is rising and falling, and countless blood-robed Buddhas are reciting sutras sadly...

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