At the beginning of the month, two days before the transaction between Jiuzhushan and Sitong Trading Company, another distinguished guest named Zhu came to Sanqing Peak.

Zhu Kui.

Among the two brothers of the Zhu family, Zhu Bo is a good hand in the field. If you really want to do business, you have to look to Zhu Kui.

A few days ago, Lu Bei killed the die-hards. When Zhu Bo learned the news, he quickly sent Feng Si back to Dasheng Pass. Zhu Kuixing traveled at night to stabilize the situation.

Because of Ding Lei's super efficiency, Lu Bei picked up the five mountain tops of Sijing Peak, Wuheng Peak, Liuyang Peak, Eight Wild Goose Peak, and Jiu Song Peak in one go. Excluding Sanqing Peak, which has a short length of spiritual bamboo, eight mountain tops Only three of them still have cooperation with Sitong Trading Company.

What Zhu Kui wanted to do was to lure Sitong out of the company by throwing money at it.

He is very confident about this.

No matter what kind of business, as long as the old Zhu family enters the market, others will only give in.

Those who play yang have more money than money. Sitong Trading Company is not as good as Zhujia Trading Company. Those who play yin...

Zhu Kui couldn't bear to do this.

Wu Zhou's surname is Zhu. Whether it is the royal court that governs the world or the Huangji Sect in charge of the spiritual sect, it is the old Zhu family who has the final say. In Wu Zhou, who dares to do something dirty to their surname Zhu? The result is tantamount to suicide and exit.

Zhu Kui is very optimistic about the spiritual bamboo industry in Jiuzhu Mountain. There are too many details that can be manipulated. If it is operated well, it will definitely develop into a pillar industry of the Zhu Family Trading Company.

Leaving aside the distance, there is no problem in ensuring food and clothing for several generations.

People are in high spirits during happy events. Zhu Kui happily climbed up to Sanqing Peak, raised his hand to hook Lu Bei's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Brother Lu is such a wonderful person. He not only dominates the distant mountains and is unique in elegance, but also raises a shiny family." The red fox really knows how to enjoy life."

"Pull it down, Brother Kui, this is what you call life, and what I call survival." Lu Bei handed the roast goose to the little fox, picked up one and started to stroke it.


After a month, Lu Bei fed him pills and cooked food, and it was all in vain. The little foxes lost their initial wariness and trusted him very much, and they refused to resist.

The little fox demon at the beginning also lost his guard. He was very talented and had learned a lot of human characters under Lu Bei's guidance. He was currently in the process of transforming into an adult, and he was just around the corner.

By the way, not long after learning to write, the little fox demon wrote his name - Hu He in front of Lu Bei.

The name of the demon clan becomes its own after opening up its spiritual wisdom. The inheritance hidden in the bloodline is not the envy of the human race.

This is a good thing, otherwise Lu Bei's ability to name names would be limited to Meier, Lili, and No. 8, and the lower limit would be Gangpao, Wangcai, and Laifu. It would be difficult to guarantee whether this litter of foxes would rebel in the future.

"Haha, brother Lu is humble again and still so funny."

Zhu Kui didn't care about Lu Bei's so-called survival. When the two got down to business, he said bluntly: "I heard from the eldest brother that besides Lingzhu, does he also want to do other business?"

"That's right, I was about to ask Brother Kui for advice."

Lu Bei's eyes narrowed slightly: "If I refine the finished elixir, the kind with a large amount, will Brother Kui have any good sales?"

"What level of elixir?"

Zhu Kui said: "If it is consumables such as Ling Qi Pill and Qi Accumulating Pill, don't waste your time. This business can't be done."

"How can I say this? Doesn't Huangji Sect also accept the goods?"

"Accept it, accept it, but..."

Zhu Kui organized his language and said without any hesitation: "It is not difficult to refine consumables such as Ling Qi Pill and Qi Accumulating Pill. Taking Ningzhou as an example, Dasheng Pass can cooperate with other sects. The amount is allocated monthly, and the money is paid in one hand and delivered in the other hand, and the power can even be delegated to counties, such as Langyu County, but it is reasonable but not in compliance with the rules."

"Come on, slow down."

"Brother Lu spent some time in the Dasheng Guantan Room. You know how much moisture there is between the raw materials and the finished elixir. This is a level of profit. Dasheng Guan reports the monthly total, and then distributes it to various places after it is stored in the warehouse. , the twists and turns in the middle are the second layer of profits. I don’t dare to guess whether there are other profits.”

Zhu Kui chuckled and continued: "Everyone knows that direct purchase of finished pills by counties will reduce expenses. At least it saves time, effort and expenses in transportation, but it can cut off people and money... It will be unpleasant and thankless for everyone, brother. Don’t get yourself into trouble.”

"Thank you Brother Kui for your guidance. I understand."

Lu Beishen nodded in agreement, and then raised his eyebrows: "Then if some people are not good at money, and there is no profit between raw materials and finished products, Brother Kui, you can directly buy it, and then send it to Dashengguan together. Is there anything you can do about it?" ?”

"Of course there is a start. There are two levels of profits. How you made it in the past is how you can make it in the future. It's even easier to make. It's reasonable and in compliance with the rules. Most importantly, it's legal than before and you won't be caught. "

Zhu Kui looked at Lu Bei in confusion: "But the problem is, brother, you are working in vain, what are you wasting your time for?"

Lu Bei smiled casually and said in a deep voice: "Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of a country."


Zhu Kui said nothing and looked at Lu Bei as if he were a mentally retarded person.

They all saw it, and it was not his fault for provocation. It was Lu Bei who insulted his IQ first, so he scolded him back.

"Brother Kui, to be honest, you can still make money. Small profits but quick turnover. You should understand this truth."

"don't know."

Zhu Kui shook his head like a rattle: "Brother, that's not how you make money. I sell the raw materials for alchemy at shoddy quality without affecting the final quality of the elixir... It does affect it a little, but it's still within the quality standard range. It's okay. He said that it would not affect its use, but if he passed off the finished product as a good one, he would be punished according to the law. Even my surname is Zhu, which is useless."

"Brother Kui misunderstood, can I do something that's shoddy? I'm really making money. I promise you, there's no problem with the quality of the elixir!" Lu Bei smiled mysteriously.

"Why, brother Lu has developed a new alchemy posture that can save raw materials?"

Zhu Kui's eyes shone: "Speak in detail and hurry up."

When Lu Bei came out with the elixir, he changed hands and put it on the official label of Huangji Sect of Dashengguan, and the profits were expected.

As a businessman, it’s hard not to be moved when hearing about such huge profits.

"Business confidential, no comment."

Lu Bei shook his head decisively and agreed with Zhu Kui that as long as he could refine consumable elixirs that met quality standards and in large quantities, Zhu Kui would be responsible for purchasing and transferring them to other companies.

"What's the specific time? When can you ship the goods?"

"There's no rush, just wait, early next year at the latest!"

Lu Bei insisted that he remembered clearly that the public beta test was in the year 824 of Wu Zhou, which was this year. It's already the middle of the year, and the closed beta will be here soon.

That night, they drank happily on Sanqing Peak, and Zhu Kui brought Mingyue Tower's roast goose, Lu Bei's favorite.

There are also five vixens accompanying them. As long as you ignore that they have not yet transformed, they are not only greedy but also secretly drinking. The plot of "3人の男と5人のキツネが酔っ払った夜のことについて" still sounds very exciting.

At the wine table, Zhu Kui patted his chest and promised that if Lu Bei helped the Zhu family business win a big business, the Zhu family brothers would definitely repay him generously. From now on, Lu Bei would get a share of the net profit from the Lingzhu business every month.

As for who will pay for the money...

Dashengguan received the goods at the original price, Zhu Kui said that he made a profit, and the heads of Jiuzhushan also said that they did not lose money.

It’s not appropriate to go into details about business matters, as long as everyone makes money and everyone is happy.

The next day, Zhu Kui visited several peaks and visited several heads. On the trading day, in front of the managers of Sitong Trading Company, he spent a lot of money to take away the spiritual bamboos from several peaks.

On this trip, the bosses made so much money, and Zhu Kui spent so much money that they couldn't keep their legs closed. Everyone was very satisfied, except for the manager of Sitong Trading Company, who couldn't keep his legs closed either, but he was just angry.

When I went to Mr. Zai Li's house in Langyu County to complain, he was greeted with a few sighs as he sent me off, and I had no choice but to swallow the bitter pill.

On Lu Bei's side, at the end of the trading day, the villain who was disliked by all the peaks was upgraded to the guest of each head of the house. Even Pang Miaosong, who had had a quarrel with him before, was too soft to deal with others. The Lu Bei siblings started to get along with each other.

After seeing off the Zhu brothers, Lu Bei made an appointment with them to meet again at Dasheng Pass another day. He asked the little foxes to watch the front and back doors and courtyard walls, and then slide down the well rope to look for the forgotten map.

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