This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 211: Being ordered by heaven, you will live forever

The new Ziwei was not easy to talk to, and he sounded loyal and patriotic. Master Zhu guessed that it was because he didn't have enough money.

He's familiar with this, just add money and it's done.

Master Zhu smiled slightly, gave Lu Bei a look of his own, took out a stack of banknotes from his sleeves, and slowly handed it over: "The Dongwang Mansion is known for its diligence and love for the people, and is praised by all the neighbors and villagers. I don't know where Lu Ziwei heard this from. Despite the slanderous words of the unruly people, those who are clean will be clean by themselves. With Lu Ziwei's ability to discern every detail, he expected that he would have no worries when he came to the East Prince's Mansion."

"What do you mean, bribe this purple guard?"

Lu Bei raised his eyebrows with disdain, raised his hand to take the banknote, and counted it in front of the two of them.

Seeing this, Master Zhu felt relieved, and Ma Feiwei breathed a sigh of relief. The two looked at each other with a tacit smile.

Just collect money, don't worry about him being greedy, just worry about him pretending to be noble.

"It's only 50,000, it doesn't match the market price!"

Lu Bei clicked his tongue. He was such a pure and good boy, he didn't know such advanced knowledge as hush money. He only knew that he had a misunderstanding with the Zhu brothers last year, and the other party paid him 50,000 taels to make him mute.

Today is different from the past. He, Lu, has a different status. The threshold for dual cultivation is the eldest princess level. Sending him away with fifty thousand taels would be a bit too much.

"Lu Ziwei was joking, just a few pieces of silver and some tea to moisten his throat. The hard food hasn't been served yet!"

Master Zhu cupped his hands and smiled: "The village is a mess. They are just rough people who don't understand the rules. There is neither good wine nor singers. If you follow me to the East Prince's Mansion, you will be entertained with good wine and food."

"That's well said. You can't hide the bribery. I will record it as a testimony."

Lu Bei raised his hand, shook it, and stuffed the 50,000 taels of silver notes into his arms: "There is also this stolen money, which will be confiscated as evidence."

"As long as Lu Ziwei is happy." Ma Feiwei said with an apologetic smile.

"It doesn't matter whether I am happy or not, the key is the two of you."

Lu Bei raised his hand in a gesture of invitation: "Let's get started. It's almost dark. Have you decided? Who is happy?"

"What does Lu Ziwei mean by this?"

Master Zhu's heart pounded, and he secretly thought that this person was greedy. He frowned and said, "If the lion opens his mouth, you are not the only purple guard in Ningzhou, and the East Prince's Palace can give the benefits to others."

"You said that person..."

Lu Bei drawled a long note and spread his hands: "His mother is my godmother, and we are brothers. If I pee on him and make mud, what's the difference between giving it to him and giving it to me?"

He was quite helpless when he spoke. He was not bullying others, it was just arranged like this.

Master Zhu's face darkened and he said stiffly: "Even so, Ningzhou is not a place where your brother can dominate the sky with one hand. The chief steward of the Huangji Sect's Dasheng Pass and the East Prince's Mansion..."

"No need to talk nonsense, just give up!"

Lu Bei interrupted directly: "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. Lu's coming here is the order of the Emperor's Sect. The chief manager is in a hurry to clear up the relationship and is too busy taking care of himself to save you."

The more Master Zhu listened, the more panicked he became. His mind was in confusion, and his whole expression became panicked.

On the contrary, Ma Feiwei noticed something was wrong and laughed loudly: "Lu Ziwei really loves to joke. He knows everything about the relationship between Huangji Sect and Xuanyin Division. Huangji Sect has no right to command you."

Yes, Wu Zhou has his own national conditions here, and it is impossible for Xuanyin Division to wear the same pants as Huang Ji Zong.

I almost got fooled by your kid!

Master Zhu suddenly realized that he looked at Lu Bei with a rather unkind look. He could say such nonsense, and he was serious about asking for bribes.


Lu Bei raised his hand and took out a token, and tied it on his belt side by side with the token of Xuanyin Division: "I forgot to mention that I hold two important positions. In addition to the Purple Guard of Xuanyin Division, I am also the commander of the Huangji Sect. The former raided the house, The latter's annihilation of the clan means that they only care about killing and not burying them."

"you you you……"

Master Zhu looked at the two tokens, his eyes widened, and he murmured something, shouting that it was impossible, they must be fakes.

"One last thing, the Emperor Ji Sect's order is that today, regardless of surname, all the bandits on the mountain will die. Only Master can survive."

Lu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the two of them with a smile: "Everyone looks strange to me when I first come here. I dare to ask, which of the two is the master?"

"I am Master, I am Master." Master Zhu blurted out.

"It's empty talk. It doesn't matter what you say. I think this strong man is tall and thick, with a strong back and strong waist, and he has the appearance of a master."

Lu Bei looked at Ma Feiwei with a smile and encouraged: "You think so, Master?"

The kind smile made people feel like they were on their backs. Ma Feiwei was soaked in cold sweat and felt his calves getting weak. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Your Majesty is right, he is not the master, I am."

"You fart, you surnamed Ma. If you want to die, just tell me and I will help you!" Master Zhu was furious and raised his hand to grab Ma Feiwei's collar.

Ma Feiwei became angry and started fighting with Master Zhu. He knew that Lu Bei was sowing discord and plotting without any cover-up, just to make the two of them kill each other.

The problem is that if he takes one more look at Lu Bei, his heart will be filled with fear. There is a huge disparity in strength and realm, and he feels that he cannot be his enemy.

Master Zhu is different. If you give it a try, you might as well take his head as a certificate of surrender and exchange it for someone who can be punished and perform meritorious service.

As for the East Prince's Mansion settling accounts with him in the future...

Huangji Sect and Xuanyin Division joined forces, and the Dongwang Mansion was exhausted, and there was no future.

The fight between the two became more and more fierce, and soon it reached the point of demolishing the house. Cracks as wide as a palm spread, and the masonry and wooden beams collapsed in the hall. Lu Bei calmly retreated outside the hall and shouted to you not to fight anymore.

"Don't argue, don't quarrel. Remember my words, you two. Only the strong deserve to survive. The one who survives is the master."

After saying that, he looked expressionlessly at a group of bandits that were slowly walking towards them. There were hundreds of them, and they were all smoky and unkind.

The bandits didn't know what was going on yet, so they came forward curiously to watch the excitement. Someone started the game, and who was better, the master or the village leader.

The next second, the charm skill was captured, and the judgment was successful. A heavy pressure like a mountain rolled over, and hundreds of strong bandits rolled their eyes and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the aura of the God Transformation Realm swept across the entire audience, and all of them fainted without missing a beat.

Before coming to the village, Lu Bei passed by Dongwang County. At a quick glance, he could only see the tip of the iceberg. Not to mention that the people here were in dire straits, but there were also zombies everywhere.

The people living here have no bright spots in their eyes.

There is only numbness.

The main peak of Xuanying Mountain was even worse. I walked carefully around and found no dragon formation. I found several mass graves where corpses were buried. The prison behind the cottage is also the basement...

It's too horrific to behold, so I won't comment on it. I can only say that the evil of human nature is most vividly displayed here.

Maybe there were bandits who were forced to make a living and turned into bandits. They just wanted a good meal and had never done anything harmful to the world. They were all killed unjustly. But Lu Bei was very sure that one lucky person out of every ten people would be spared. There are fish that have slipped through the net.

He had no idea of ​​interrogating them one by one. It would be too troublesome. He took them back to the Xuanyin Division and had technicians who were good at torture to entertain them.

"It's good. There's a scar as big as a bowl on my head. It's too happy to die like this. It seems unfair to God. That's not what cultivating an immortal is like."

He said to himself that Master Zhu and Ma Feiwei had fought for their lives to the last moment.

Facts have once again proved that if you don’t have money, don’t practice immortality.

The two have average qualifications. Master Zhu is born well and has no shortage of training resources. Even if he spends three days fishing and two days drying nets, his magic power is stronger than Ma Feiwei's. With enough elixirs and a precious garment to protect his body, he quickly gained the upper hand in the stalemate and cut off Ma Feiwei's broadsword with one blow, severely injuring the man.

Ma Feiwei fell into a deep pit and smashed the cottage hall into rubble. He vomited blood and propped up his body. When he stepped back, he dragged out a bloody trace.

"I told you, I am the master!"

A sharp look flashed in Master Zhu's eyes, and he stepped forward with a knife, intending to chop off Ma Feiwei's head.

If a dog dares to bite its owner, damn it!

Buzz! !

There was a soft ringing in his ears, Master Zhu felt the sound of wind blowing by, and saw a flash of white light from the corner of his eye. In his astonishment, the long knife he held high broke into two pieces.

He felt a chill in his heart and looked warily at the smiling Lu Bei, wondering what other sinister trick this man had come up with.

"Master, please keep someone under the knife. If you have something to say, please speak it out. Fighting and killing will only hurt your kindness. Just now, you two were sitting together drinking!"

Lu Bei persuaded him kindly and said with a smile: "According to the order, the bandit leader deserves to die, but this Ziwei thinks that there are two kinds of death, one is to die with a word of ah, and the next life is to be a good man again. The other is to be ah. Ah, it has been gone for a long time. I regret that I was a good man in this life, and I wish to be just a pig or dog in the next life."

"A dog thief can kill with just a nod of his head."

Hearing the meaning of Lu Bei's words, Ma Fei roared because his eyes were split, and he wiped the broken knife towards his neck.


A white beam flashed past, Ma Feiwei was holding the empty handle of the knife, his face full of flesh was filled with confusion.

"What a man who kills people without nodding his head. Many people must have said this to you."

Lu Bei grinned, and his body became a shadow, covering the heads of the two of them for a moment: "Something happened between you two. Accompany Lu to Xuanyin Division and have fun!"

Above the cottage, two screams suddenly stopped.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew, golden light spread across the sky, and the big roc swallowed up the whole mountain in the strong wind, fluttering its wings and hiding in the clouds.

After a while, a group of ragged men and women stepped out of the prison and saw that there was no one around the village. There were only two large pots of food stewed in them. They swarmed over and started gobbling up the food.

There are businesses, there are people, there are meat tickets, there is meat...

They had not been full for many days and suddenly ate meat and fish. Most of the people in the group vomited and then wolfed down the food again.



Lu Beimao was behind the wall, rubbing a golden sword in his hand.

It was the first time I had done something wrong, and I was a little excited thinking about it.

He is not a meddlesome person. The task given by his superiors is to kill the bandits and leave his master as a warning to others. However, in cultivating an immortal, what matters is having a clear idea.

If you don't have clear thoughts and have the qualifications like him, your future cultivation path will be quite difficult.

If others do not serve themselves, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth (×)

If others do not serve themselves, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth (√)

"Just a golden sword is not enough. Rebellion is such a big brain-destroying matter. Without a national jade seal, it will be difficult to convince the public..."

"By the way, what words are engraved on the jade seal of the world of cultivating immortals? It is also commanded by heaven, and it means longevity and longevity?"

"My imperial edict doesn't seem to be stamped with this. How many seals does the emperor have?"

"Go back and ask Hu San, he should know."

"Oops, I got it wrong. One corner of the Imperial Jade Seal from the East Prince's Palace was broken. I'm going to waste a piece of this peerless jade!"

"Forget it, let's cut our losses when we raid the house."

"There is also an imperial robe. Wu Zhou likes a phoenix but not a dragon. As for the shape, the birds and patterns on it are copied from the emperor's roc. It shouldn't be seen by anyone, right?"

"Let me think about it, if the rebellion package is filled up at once, then the whole auspiciousness... As for White Snake, forget it. It's too late to give Sister She and Sister Snake a face, and the whole room will be filled with red lights..."

Lu Bei thought about it and decided to be more simple. He dug up a huge stone from the mountain and carved eight characters into it by pointing it into a sword.

Huang Tian is dead, and the Eastern King should be established!

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