This is not a weird story

Chapter 117 Another Five Emperors’ Money (please subscribe!)

Those hairs were indeed disgusting, especially the sticky ones that came out of Yu Changshun's mouth. In Wei'an's opinion, they were comparable to chemical weapons.

So at first he immediately closed his eyes and mouth and held his breath, and his face was soon covered with a thick layer of black hair.

If a girl was treated like this, she would have vomited a long time ago, but Wei An wouldn't. His endurance was pretty good, and at most he just felt uncomfortable.

After his face was completely covered by hair, an extremely strange feeling suddenly hit him. Wei An's head buzzed, and he suddenly realized that he was not lying on the ground, but in a strange environment.

He tried to move his limbs and found that his hands and feet were no longer restricted. Yu Changshun, who was pressing on him just now, seemed to be gone.

He couldn't feel any hair on his face, but everything was normal.

After hesitating for a moment, Wei An tried to slowly open his eyes.

Sure enough, there was nothing on his face, and he found that he was standing instead of being pressed to the ground by Yu Changshun and unable to move as before.

Turning around and looking around, he found that this was a deep corridor, a completely unfamiliar environment.

The walls on both sides of the corridor were wallpapered, mainly in tan and black colors, which looked extremely depressing, and there were no wall lamps installed.

But it was strange. Although there were no lights around, he could still see in this corridor. He could see the deepest part of the corridor, and that direction became completely dark.

Wei An looked back and saw that the corridor behind him also had no end and no one knew where it led.

He quickly came to his senses. There should be two possibilities for what he was experiencing now. One was an illusion. After his cheeks were covered by those weird black hairs, at this moment he had an illusion that was almost equivalent to reality, so that it could not be broken for the time being. it.

The second possibility is that he has entered into a ghost story.

Wei An preferred the second possibility because he found that he could now open his inventory and take out any weapons and props he had ever obtained.

Of course, these items can also be taken out during hallucinations. After all, it is an hallucination and anything can happen.

It's just that Wei An is so familiar with the feeling of entering a strange story that he has no reason to be suspicious.

"This is a strange story. After the hair sprayed out by Yu Changshun covered my face, I suddenly came in." Wei An quickly speculated, "In other words, this strange story is most likely related to those black hairs."

The terrifying woman with long hair squirming in the mouth of the well that he saw last time beside the ancient well appeared in his mind.

Now Wei An knows that as a higher-level monster, this woman can choose to enter other ghost stories. For example, she left so much hair in the ghost story in the "hospital morgue", allowing the participants to bring out the ghost story. , and for example, she reappeared in the strange story between the white-haired old woman and Gu Jing, trying to chase herself.

One thing that can be explained now is that Wei An's decision to burn the hair directly on the spot was correct, but for some reason, something went wrong with Yu Changshun during the transaction. He did not bring up the cloth bag containing the black hair.

Judging from the scene where the guy spurted hair out of his mouth, he probably ate the hair directly, or the hair got into his body, so there was no cloth bag at that time.

Now everything makes sense. This should be the reason for this guy's strange behavior after the ghost story ended.

"Does this mean that I am now entering into the strange story of that long, straight black man?" Wei An said to himself.

Although the place was full of strange stories, he still did not dare to jump to conclusions.


At this moment, a sound of vomiting suddenly appeared in front of Wei An, and a figure stumbled out of the corridor.

Wei An took a closer look and found that it was Yu Changshun.

"You came in too!"

At this time, Yu Changshun looked completely different. His hair was messy, and his body seemed to be as weak as before, instead of being as agile and powerful as before, but his expression was terrifying, and his facial features were ferocious, especially his eyes, even though they were separated from each other. From a distance, Wei An could see the red light in his eyes, like a wild beast about to go crazy.

Wei An believed that he had entered a mental state of fanaticism. In the end, it was still mental damage that caused problems in reality. However, this problem was hidden deeply and has not been exposed until now.

"The hair entered his body, but it was not a physical object, but a control method similar to thoughts. However, it gave Yu Changshun himself an extreme desire for hair, and stimulated this potential thought to the maximum." Wei An quickly analyze.

At this moment, Yu Changshun, who was stumbling, suddenly started to speed up, staring at Wei An with his eyes, and ran towards him.

Wei An immediately backed away, but at the same time he noticed something strange in the direction of the corridor behind him.

Although he didn't hear any sound, after taking a few steps back, he immediately turned around and saw a figure of a long-haired woman faintly appearing in the darkness, standing there silently.

The outline of this woman was very similar to that of the long-haired woman in the ancient well. Wei An had no doubts and thought they were the same person. He did not dare to retreat any further.

In the weird story about "hospital morgue", the woman must have had some ulterior purpose when she asked them to take those weird hair out, although only Yu Changshun later completed it.

Later, when she emerged from the ancient well, she must have wanted to take revenge on herself, because Wei An was the first person to propose burning his hair off. Without Wei An's intervention, it might have been successful that time.

Wei An took the bloody hammer in his hand, advanced instead of retreating, and rushed towards Yu Changshun.

He actually has a good choice now. The long-haired woman behind him is definitely more threatening than Yu Changshun, so it would be better to confront Yu Changshun directly. Even though that guy is crazy and looks scary, Wei An, who has a red weapon in his hand, is not afraid of it at all. fear.

As soon as the two got closer, Wei An hit Yu Changshun on the head with a hammer. Yu Changshun did not dodge. With a bang, his head exploded, but he still reached out to hug Wei An.

At the same time, a large number of black hairs protruded from the pores on the surface of his skin, piercing the skin and trying to wrap Wei An.

The scalpel appeared in Wei An's other hand, and he quickly cut off the hair that was trying to wrap around him, and then hit Yu Changshun's right cheek with a hammer.

This guy's head drooped on the spot, and his neck must have been broken by the sound.

But at the same moment, not only did more hair grow on his skin, but he also heard a crash, as if several metal objects fell to the ground.

Wei An was stunned, and then realized that it might be the only special item on Yu Changshun's body, the "Five Emperors' Money." He almost didn't think much about it, and immediately continued to cut off the hair with the scalpel. He squatted down and quickly picked up the copper coins on the ground.

At this time, Yu Changshun had actually fallen to the ground and was twitching. It was the hair in his body that still refused to give up entangled with Wei An.

The woman behind him was getting closer and closer, and Wei An could feel a strong threat coming. At this moment, his heartbeat almost stopped, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and he couldn't help but want to escape.

"This long black man is even more weird than that white-haired old woman!"

Wei An muttered in his heart, put all the coins he had picked up, stood up, and cut off Yu Changshun's body with the sharp edge of the bloody hammer.

As expected, Yu Changshun's body quickly turned into a ball of scattered hair, which sparsely fell to the ground.

Looking at this scene, Wei An's suspicion was confirmed.

"This is not a ghost story!" He looked up at the woman who was approaching, "You are the most terrifying monster I have ever seen. You actually used only a bit of hair in reality to pull me into the space between ghost stories and illusions. , is this a world you created yourself?”

The long-haired woman approaching him stopped immediately. The woman's skin was so white that she couldn't even see her facial features clearly, as if her entire face was a flat surface.

She stared at Wei An quietly without any expression.

Wei An continued: "There are elements of ghost stories here, but they are not real ghost stories. So Yu Changshun is fake, and it goes without saying that I am also fake. In fact, my and Yu Changshun's bodies did not appear here at all, it was us My consciousness is reflected in the strange story you created..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned the scalpel over and pointed it at his own throat, ready to cut it at any time.

"If my prediction is good, I should be able to get out as long as I kill myself. Do you want to force me to try?"

The scene fell into a stalemate. After a moment, the long-haired woman suddenly turned around and walked slowly deeper into the corridor.

The world in front of Wei An disappeared with her figure and turned into glass fragments, and each piece quickly collapsed.

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