City of demons

The forest was dark, still, and damp.

The tall trees that seem to reach the sky block the light to such an extent that it is difficult to see in front even though it is daytime, and the irregularly extending branches make one lose one’s sense of direction.

It was a bonus to be distracted by the smell of damp soil, rotten leaves, and the corpses of unknown beasts.


At the same time as he heard the sound of branches breaking, Yooseong raised his magic power with his staff.

Magical power rearranged according to certain rules twists the laws and causes the caster to desire.

Along with the faint wind, an invisible magic blade was born at the end of the staff that could cut down even a giant tree.

Magic completed in an instant.

However, in the end, Yoosung acted in a meaningless way.

Pak! Pak! Pak!


“I know even if you don’t tell me.”


As soon as Nathan fired three arrows, three destructive sounds rang out.

The remaining guys rushed back and forth through the trees to avoid the arrows, but as Walter swung his sword, the monsters that were more than 10 meters away collapsed, bleeding from their necks.

The explanation was long, but it took only 3 seconds to get here.

It was truly just an instant.

“Princess, are you not hurt anywhere?”

“Thank you for your concern, but I haven’t even come near you, so there’s no way you’ll get hurt. Is Sir Walter all right?”

“no problem.”

Yuseong smiled dejectedly as he looked at the party exchanging conversations calmly.

I’ve seen it countless times over the past few days, but the haggard impression I saw on the first day was so strong that I couldn’t get used to it no matter how many times I saw it.

I don’t know what kind of world this world is yet, but with this level of skill, I’ll be able to use it in some way.

“Mr. Yooseong, are you still far away?”

“I do not know. Let me check it out.”

The forest where the party was trapped was so complex that it was nicknamed a labyrinth.

Teresa’s party, who escaped from the demons, was complicated enough to wander for months, so a special method was needed to find the location and escape.

‘Did it break again?’

Yooseong, who checked the terminal, checked the LCD with the message ‘No signal’ floating on it and frowned.

this is the second

I don’t know if it’s a monster attack or some kind of environmental factor, but the meteor that lost two portable satellites in just a few days seemed to be burning.

“Ha, wait a minute.”

Meteor slashed the magic blade he had just cast upward, cutting off tree branches that were in the way and launching a portable satellite.

Then, the surrounding terrain appeared on the screen, and then the ‘No signal’ message appeared again.

“Well… … .”

I couldn’t even last a minute this time.

Fortunately, it was possible to grasp the current location and nearby terrain.

“We are almost there. You can get out of the forest by going in this direction for about 30 minutes.”

“Phew, I guess I can finally get out of this damn place. There is nothing to eat, monsters appear all the time, it was a really terrible place.”

“Is it better outside than here?”

“I do not know. In terms of environment, outside is the best, but there are demons, so I’m not sure which is better.”

“I heard that the city of demons is covered with huge stones, but what does that mean… … .”

– You must have heard the explanation a few days ago, but can’t you remember that?

Hearing the voice in his head, Yooseong briefly clicked his tongue and shut his mouth.

They also knew that users could only come when the client desperately needed help.

Marcus seemed to be quite ashamed of having a user enter his body, so he tickled at every opportunity.

“We move.”

We ran into monsters a few more times, but the party dealt with them without difficulty, as they had so far.

And the moment he finally got out of the forest, Yuseong lost his words when he saw the scene unfolding in front of him.

“This… … .”


Yooseong quickly hid behind a tree.

These are veterans who have lived in the Demon Realm for more than three years.

When I didn’t know what it was, I had to do as I was told.


Something started flying from afar with a faint mechanical sound.

Metal fuselage, two propellers, camera flashing red light.

It was a little unusual shape, but it was definitely a drone.

The drone, which was not big enough to fit through the dense trees, hovered nearby and disappeared somewhere.

“Could it be, is that the steel bird the princess said?”


A steel bird created by the demons’ sorcery.

They fly around making strange noises and have various appearances.

A mysterious familiar that exists innumerably and does not harm its owner no matter how many times it is destroyed.

‘When I heard the explanation, I thought what kind of monster it was… … . No, if you think about it, all of these explanations are correct.’

A drone depicted by a resident of a fantasy world.

Yooseong, who laughed dejectedly, soon put on a serious expression and fell into thought.

‘Is this demon realm a scientific civilization? No, since the demons are said to have superhuman strength, there is a possibility that it is a civilization in which science and magic developed together and harmonized.’

Under the forest, an asphalt road symbolizing civilization stretched out.

Meteor, who was looking around, found a city located at the far end of the horizon and his eyes lit up.

“What is that city over there?”

“What are you asking for the obvious? It is a city where demons live. Do demons live in cities in the demon realm, or do humans or elves live?”

“Your question is wrong. What about the number of demons living in that city and the defense system?”

“I don’t know.”

“… … .”

“Don’t look at me with those eyes. How could we, who were just fugitives, know about the city of demons?”

“Well, now you have to enter the city, but if you don’t have any information, it might be a bit difficult… … .”

“Wait a minute, Yoosung. What did you say now? If I’m not mistaken, I think you said you were going into that city, is that correct?”

“you’re right.”

-… … what?

Yoosung answered calmly.

Teresa, who was the first to come to her senses among the four in shock, shouted out loud.

“To enter the city of demons! Are you insane now?!

“I am perfectly sane.”

“I don’t think so. No sane person thinks like that.”

“Princess, what is our purpose?”

To the sudden question, Theresa tilted her head in response.

“That’s it, getting out of the Demon Realm and returning to our world.”

“That’s right. And that is a goal that cannot be achieved by running away.”

“… … It is.”

“Princess, there is a saying in my world that if you want to catch a tiger, go into the tiger’s den.”

“That is a good word. But what does that have to do with the current situation?”

“The world the princess lived in was invaded by demons for thousands of years. That means the demons have a way to go to the world of the princess.”


A very obvious fact.

However, it was a fact that people who fled, waiting only for the relief forces to be sent from the original world, could not recall.

Even if there were people who remembered it, they would have given up at the stage where they had to enter the city of demons.

However, users are different.

An existence that can do anything for the sake of clearing a quest, and even if it dies, it can come back to life and start again from the beginning.

Getting into the limbs was no big deal.

“The princess and everyone wait here. I will find a way to enter the city of demons and return to the original world.”

“outside! How about kidnapping the demons outside and finding out?”

“If the abducted demon is a guy who doesn’t know anything, it’s like not getting any information and just heightening vigilance. Gathering information within the city has the highest chance of success.”

“Then I will go in too.”

“I’m sorry, Princess, but I can’t allow it.”

“Users don’t die even if they die, but once the princess dies, that’s it.”

Walter and Nathan stopped Theresa.

Theresa, who had pursed her lips, sighed and stepped back.

“like. Instead, I promise to come back unscathed.”

“Are you worried?”

“What are you worried about users for? I’m worried about Marcus, not you. Be careful not to injure Marcus. I know?”

“… … Ah, yes.”

Yooseong, who answered with a shy expression, took out an experimental nano-suit from the subspace and put it on.

A garment that can change its appearance to any desired shape.

The official grade is only D+, but the Nano Garment was worth more than that.

‘The category of clothes is very wide.’

In a dictionary sense, it includes everything that can be worn on the body, such as gloves, shoes, scarves and masks, not just tops and bottoms.

In an instant, the nano-clothing that covered Meteor’s entire body began to change from a smooth shape to a different shape.

And when the change was over, instead of the meteor, there was a demon with red skin and a horn on his forehead.

“… … What is this again?”

“It is a non-trivial item.”

Yoosung took out a mirror and started checking all over his body.

There were problems such as feeling uncomfortable when looking closely, perhaps because of the clothes, or dulling the senses because the whole body was covered with clothes, but it was enough to deceive for a while.

“The demons in my world are roughly like this, but do the demons in this world look different?”

“… … The appearance of demons varies greatly, so there is no specific image. I think that would be enough.”

Recognized by the party, Yuseong started to approach the city along the edge of the forest.

As they got closer to a certain distance, they were able to discern the shape of the city.

The city of demons was a large dome-shaped city.

There were four doors, east, west, south, and north, and several cars were passing through them.

‘It’s much more difficult than I thought.’

There were only four gates through which one could enter the city, and the boundaries were too strict.

The ceiling and all sides were blocked by domes and walls, and machines that looked like turrets were installed everywhere.

As I was contemplating how to get in, I saw a group of trucks coming towards the city from a distance.

Meteor jumped down as the truck passed nearby.


Yooseong buried himself among all kinds of junk and closed his eyes.

The truck, which was running at a constant speed, gradually slowed down and then came to a complete stop.

Faint conversations and footsteps.

The moment he felt the presence and gaze toward himself, Yoosung didn’t even breathe.


How many times did you repeat standing and going?

Soon the car started going pretty fast.

However, Yuseong did not move hastily.

The car came to a complete stop, the ignition went off, and it wasn’t until I felt that the crowd was moving away that I came out of the mountain of clutter.

“… … Is this the city of demons?”

A dense forest of buildings.

Colorful lighting that is so bright that it hurts the eyes and rock and electronic music heard from everywhere.

Watching the drones flying in the sky and the androids walking down the street, Yoosung muttered blankly.

this is not a game

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