
Undoubtedly, the country that prevented the invasion of monsters with the least damage is Korea.

It was thanks to a combination of several reasons, such as high population density, high military power relative to area, and obsession with excessive firepower to the extent that it was nicknamed the Ministry of Defense and Defense.

Ironically, however, South Korea was not considered a very safe country.

The reason was North Korea.

In front of the monsters, old-generation weapons were not very effective, and because the dictator made the mistake of concentrating all defense capabilities, including contractors, on Pyongyang for his own safety, North Korea had a superpower of using nuclear weapons in its own country. It did not survive the initial stage of the crisis and was destroyed.

Since North Korea has been occupied by monsters, there is no way that South Korea right below it can be seen as safe.

So which country is considered the safest in the world?

It was Japan.

“Welcome to Japan. Mr. Carlos.”

“Thank you for the welcome.”

Carlos accepted the passport presented by the examiner with a smile on his face.

What Carlos felt while walking through the airport was a hostile gaze toward him.

Even though he was smiling on the outside, everyone, from civilians to employees, was looking at him with strange wariness and hostility.

“Karl! Here it is!”


What greeted Carlos as he left the entry gate was a middle-aged man holding a sign and calling his name.

The atmosphere of the two people, who had been talking with a smile as if they were talking to an acquaintance they hadn’t seen in a while, changed completely the moment they got on the car waiting outside the airport.

In the middle of a heavy silence instead of a friendly atmosphere, Donovan opened his mouth first.

“Did you feel comfortable on the way, boss?”

“I was fine when I came, but when I saw people, I felt the same way. I felt like a monkey in a zoo with everyone staring at me.”

“Partly because this country was originally a bit hostile to foreigners, and partly because foreigners entered the country en masse after the monsters appeared, and security became unstable.”

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Japan is considered one of the safest countries in the world due to its geography as an isolated island nation.

It was because there was no fear of influx of monsters from the outside through the land route.

The only danger is the monsters and marine monsters that appear in mainland Japan, but the former is handled by the Japanese hero, Weapon Master Ryuhei, and the latter can be sufficiently countered by the Maritime Self-Defense Force.

Thanks to this, more and more people believed that Japan would be the last bastion of mankind in the event of a worst-case scenario, and as a result, many people came to Japan.


“Here it is.”

Carlos, who received the document so thick that it could be considered a book, quickly turned it over.

There was no need to read about Ryuhei, which took up half of the document.

No matter how much the general public did research, it didn’t reach even one-tenth of what he, the same user, knew.

What he needed to see was information about Japan, not Ryuhei.

‘It’s much easier to just destroy.’

For the convenience of users, the titles of three strong, three strong, and three weak are classified only by looking at the fragmentary aspect of strength, and even the three weakest, considered the weakest, are no different from the outside world to the general public.

Kang Chang-seok can generate transcendent power, albeit temporarily, through Kang Shin.

With enough time and materials, Sophia can create a weapon that can destroy humanity in the true sense, not metaphor.

The same is true for himself, who has become weak due to excessive use of items and has run out of karma and received numerous penalties.

It is not a task to destroy a country by blowing up a nuclear power plant, scattering nuclear waste here and there, and destroying the administrative power by inflicting terrorism on the leadership and social infrastructure.

However, the client’s request was not to destroy Japan, but to raise the world’s attention by causing an incident.

‘It would be much easier to just destroy Japan.’

It was a really difficult request and an act of betrayal to humanity, but I had no intention of giving up.


half of yourself.

I can do anything for her.

Carlos’ hand, which had been handing over the papers for a while, stopped.

“A-class hunter? Ten swords?”

“These are ten people who received weapons from Weapon Master Ryuhei. It’s not comparable to a hero, but they say he’s much stronger than a contractor.”

“It has to be.”

The weapons held by the ten swords in the photo were among the weapons Ryuhei possessed, and were ranked high.

The latest armor that appears to have been made by Sophia herself.

Of course, he couldn’t be weak.


Carlos looked carefully at the picture of the Ten Swords.

I felt like I could do something if I used them well, but that wasn’t enough.

No matter how strong you are, you are only a contractor.

Even if all ten people gathered together, it was impossible to defeat one user.

‘If you trigger the latent power with an elixir, it seems to be useful enough. But even though it can attract attention, it won’t last long. I need a bigger case.’

Carlos, who had been fixing his mustache for a while, took out a green seed the size of a child’s head from the subspace.

The seed of the World Tree received as a reward from a quest long ago.

The only problem is that they are tainted seeds, not normal seeds.

“I roughly predicted what would come out, but it was useless anyway, so it would be better to write it here. and… … .”

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Japan will be hit hard by this.

If Europe were destroyed and Japan, one of the few countries capable of producing high-tech materials and parts, was hit, it would be a great threat to mankind, but that was not his business.

A world without her meant nothing anyway.

* * *

Among the mountains where people cannot reach.

Altars were installed wherever there was space, such as on the top of a mountain, in an empty field, or on a rock.

Only that number is one hundred.

And on top of the highest mountain peak, where you can see them all at a glance, Meteor and Aris were writing something on the tablet while constantly alternating between subtly different altars.

The record, which seemed to last forever, ended only when the sun disappeared over the horizon and darkness settled over the world.


“Yooseong-nim, aren’t you overdoing it?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Aris looked at the meteor waving her hands with worried eyes.

Unlike himself, who does not have to sleep thanks to his mechanical body, Yuseong was a human made of cloth, no matter how superhuman he got.

For about a month, Yooseong didn’t eat or sleep properly, and wrote down things about the altar as if possessed by something.

When Meteor suddenly collapsed, I was so surprised that my heart stopped, and as soon as I got up, I was surprised to observe the altar again.

“… … Is this really that important?”

Aris took another look at the energy flow and distribution chart she had recorded.

The conclusion was always the same.

The movement of energy around the altar was miraculous, but nothing special.

‘Irregular flow that does not cause even the slightest change in reality.’

In Aris’s mind, what she had been doing was completely meaningless.

Nevertheless, it was for two reasons that Meteor was not dried.

One is that Yooseong was too serious.

And the other was the difference in records.

Obviously, even though he was using the same demonic eye of truth to see, the meteor’s record was completely different from his own.

Of course, the record of the meteor was also the same in terms of meaningless irregular flow.

Meanwhile, Yuseong was so focused on the screen that he couldn’t feel Aris’ gaze.

‘This is the result of about a month.’

The tablet contained records of observations of various solar and lunar rituals.

When the image file was played as a video, a geometric pattern as if looking at a kaleidoscope unfolded.

The flow of karma he observed.

However, this alone could not erase the feeling that something was missing.

“Aris, can I see what you recorded for a second?”

“Here you go.”

What Aris recorded was a pure flow of energy.

For the first few days, he observed only the flow of karma, but realized that he could not find any regularity at all, so he had Aris observe the flow of energy.

Karma and Energy.

Both streams were irregular and disordered no matter how much I washed my eyes.

However, after a while, Aris’ eyes widened slightly.

“Yoosung-nim, this… … .”

“It should be called regularity, can you see something?”

“… … Yes.”

Looking at the two images superimposed, order was born out of chaos.

I was able to find a certain harmony in the irregularity.

I didn’t understand karma.

It falls into the realm of enlightenment.

It was a gut feeling, but I thought that if I fully understood the essence of karma, I would be able to become a transcendental person through the Great Awakening.

What Yooseong found out was regularity.

Regularity, such as how karma reacts to the surrounding energy and how karma flows according to the degree of cohesion.

‘This is enough.’

You don’t have to understand the structure of a car to be able to drive.

It is not necessary to know the ingredients of a medicine to be effective.

So is karma.

You don’t have to fully understand.

It is enough to know what characteristics it has and according to which laws it moves.

‘You can only see, you cannot directly deal with karma. then… … .’


The radiant energy formed on the fingertips of the meteor reached the altar and began to envelop Karma.

No, wrapping is too simplistic.

Now, the meteor was reproducing the complex flow of energy that occurs in the consciousness of the sun and moon.

‘By increasing the distance by 0.02mm, the circulation speed is 3.2%, no, 3.21% acceleration, and by giving a very slight difference in the rotation period of the upper and lower… … .’

Currently, Yoosung’s inner strength was less than 10 points, but his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

Although the amount of inner work dealt with was not much, the amount of mental power consumed by concentrating on details was on a different level.

It was like carving words into dust with a needle.

Dust, not grains of rice.

In other words, it meant that it was practically impossible.

And Yooseong was doing the impossible now.

“Oh my gosh… … .”

Aris, who was watching from behind, let out an exclamation involuntarily.

Aris also had the Mystical Eye of Truth, but he couldn’t even dare to imitate the control that Meteor is showing now.

If he was dealing with energy in handfuls, the meteor was dealing with it almost atomically.

And, due to the interaction of minute energies, some of the sun, moon, and stars gathered in the altar gathered on the meteor’s palm.

I don’t feel anything, but I do feel a strange sense of fullness.

“… … .”

I wanted to say it myself, but I couldn’t think of any other expression.

The meteor, which was lost in thought for a while, was mixed with Mujikjin and mixed with karma to release it.


There was a clear fist mark on the tree in front of me.

It was a power that could be added to or lessened from the strength it took, but there was one difference.

Half of the tree trunks, bordering the area hit by the fist, are visibly reviving quickly, and the other half are dying in an instant.

[You have learned Karma Management (EX).]

[Han Yoo-seong meets the conditions and reaches the divine status… … #@%&^Σ%.]

[Han Yuseong did not meet the conditions.]

[^Yugwal found %#! *&Have reached God 1… … .#@%&^Σ%.]

[A fatal error has been detected in the Deus Ex Machina program.]

[Please wait a moment.]

“… … What is this?”

this is not a game

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