
“Better prey. Is what I’m thinking right?”

“A warrior party.”

“Are you going to betray your colleague by someone else, the Andrei family, who was once the heir? It’s hard to believe, honestly. The story of lying to live is more plausible.”

“If you think so, kill me.”

Ignoring Abel’s voice in his head, Yoosung held out his neck proudly.

Even if you fight, the time you can live will increase a little, but dying will not change.

Serena, who was watching the scene, took out a small hand mirror and threw it in the air.

“I’ll pretend to be deceived and trust you. If it’s a lie, you better be prepared for it.”

After that, Serena flapped her wings and flew up into the sky.

Yoosung sat down on the floor as he gazed at Serena, who instantly reconciled into dots and disappeared.

Perhaps because of the sudden release of tension, my body did not have any strength.

-Betraying a colleague! What the hell have you done!

“I haven’t decided to betray you yet. We’ll decide what to do depending on the future situation, so let’s calm down and talk.”

-under! There is no such thing as a story to share with demons!

“I think you are misunderstanding something. Why do you think I’m a demon?”

-If the beings who forcibly take other people’s bodies are not demons, then what is it?

Yoosung didn’t open his mouth but fell into thought.

A being who suddenly comes to help in a desperate situation.

A being from another world other than this world.

A being who solves problems and takes valuables in return.

No matter how you explain it, there are plenty of reasons to think it’s a demon.

“… … okay. I’m a demon right So what? Wasn’t it you who called me?”

-What nonsense!

“Even if you deny it, it doesn’t change the fact that you asked me for help.”

Quests do not simply occur when you are in a dangerous situation, but are created only when the client desperately wants help.

He probably didn’t intend to call the demons, but it was unmistakably true that Abel had called him.

Since he decided to impersonate the demon tribe, Yoosung decided to impersonate the demon tribe in earnest.

“And you don’t have to act pretentious in front of me. I know what kind of person you are.”

-I’ve never done anything like acting… … .

“You want to bring down the current hero and become the hero. right?”

When I said what was written on the quest window, Abel, who had been refuting without losing a word, shut his mouth like a lie.

“That wish, I will grant it.”

-I am the heir to the Andrei family, which has produced warriors for generations. Do you think that I will make a deal with the demons?

“Well? Weren’t you kicked out of your family and stripped of your last name?”

-… … .

“If you are wondering whether to make a deal or not, why don’t we talk about it?”

-… … .

‘Did I stimulate you too much?’

As I was thinking about how to get Abel to open his mouth, I heard a loud noise.

Not the sound of weapons clashing, but cheers and trumpet sounds as if announcing victory.

After passing through several alleys, the meteor was able to reach the source of the sound in no time.


“Hero! hurray!”

“Kyaaa i love you! Warrior!”

People cheering on both sides of the huge boulevard and on top of the building, and four men and women moving along the middle of the boulevard with their chests wide open and bright smiles.

To be precise, Yooseong’s expression changed strangely as he looked over the party made up of one man and three women.

‘That’s… … .’

At that moment, Abel, who had been silent, opened his mouth.

-… … Can you really grant wishes?

“maybe? Try.”

Yooseong was sure that Abel was making a distorted expression at this moment.

* * *


An existence that protects the world from the threat of the demon lord.

Basically, since they are beings born after being chosen by the goddess, anyone could become a hero regardless of whether they were men or women, nobles or lowly people, humans or other races, but from one day, only one family started to be a hero.

The family became the best family on the continent in name and reality, and when a long time passed that people took it for granted that a hero came out of a family, an unexpected incident occurred.

The goddess chose a person other than the hero’s family, and a person brought from another world, not this world, as a hero.

When you think about it, it wasn’t unusual.

Originally, anyone could become a hero, and there were not a few cases in the past of bringing a hero from another world.

Rather, it was strange that warriors continued to emerge from only one family.

But people didn’t think so.

People thought that the family had made a big mistake, and that it had incurred the wrath of the goddess and failed to produce warriors.

“Abel Andrey, I will take the name Andrei from you. As of this time, you are no longer a member of the Andrei family.”

Sensing that the atmosphere of the people was unusual, the Andrei family chose the path of presenting the heir who was supposed to be a hero as an arrow holder.

The Andrei family spread rumors that the reason no warriors appeared this time was because Abel only believed in his lineage and neglected his training, or he did not have the character suitable for a warrior.

In this way, Abel fell overnight from being the next hero to being a sinner who earned the wrath of the goddess.

-I believed my father’s words. I thought it was all my fault for not becoming a hero, and after much thought, I decided to join the hero party.

He planned to see with his own two eyes what kind of difference there was between himself and the hero, and what he lacked in that he was not chosen.

And the result… … .

“ah! I could have caught it if I had a little more troops.”

“Can’t you do something that has already happened? Just forget it.”

“There will be another opportunity next time. You worked hard today, so please rest well.”

“Hmmmm, should I teach you how to walk an elf? You shouldn’t pass it on to outsiders, but if it’s you, I can tell you specifically.”

A female warrior of the beast tribe with hair like the stripes of a tiger.

A priestess wearing a spotless pure white priest’s uniform.

A sorceress wearing a robe that clings to her body and curves as it is.

And a black-haired young man with a sly smile surrounded by three women.

Yuseong looked at it and put on a complicated expression that he couldn’t say anything about.

“Oh, yes, Abel. The lord complained that the damage to the city was great. What happened? I trusted you and left it to you, but if you do this, it will be difficult.”

At the sudden bruise of the young man, Yooseong belatedly managed his expression and opened his mouth.

“I couldn’t help it. The city was too large to be defended by a small number of troops.”

“for a moment. That seems to mean that the damage has increased because I am leading a large number of troops.”

Indeed it was.

According to Abel’s explanation, the young man dragged an excessive number of troops beyond necessary under the pretext of intercepting the Demon King’s army, so the troops to defend the city became insufficient.

However, Yoosung slightly lowered his head instead of saying that.

“sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just my lack of ability.”


Yooseong lowered his head deeper at the young man’s blatant sigh.

“… … Okay, so let’s go.”

Yuseong left the room and went straight back to his room, leaving behind the young man who beckoned as if he were dealing with a subordinate and the women who looked at him with mocking eyes.

After locking the door and confirming that there was nothing inside, Yooseong sat down on the bed and muttered in a low voice.

“That means a warrior.”

Ironically, the hero the goddess brought from another world was a Korean.

He didn’t know if he was from the earth he lived in, or if he came from another earth like the people he’d seen in the quests so far, but the three letters in his name Han Jae-kyung and his appearance clearly proved that he was Korean.

-That guy is not a warrior. How can a guy with a rotten mental state who can’t even recite prayers, has no sense of mission, and is swayed by desire be a warrior?

The word, “It’s okay because I was chosen by the goddess,” came to my throat, but I swallowed it back with superhuman patience.

A misplaced word could make a client who had barely calmed down become agitated again.

Yuseong looked up at the ceiling and recalled the conversation he had with Abel.

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Jaekyung Han.

A hero brought from another world by a goddess a year ago.

Despite having never held a sword in his life, a young man who started his journey to subdue the demon lord after building his skills enough to create an aura blade in less than a year.

“A fight that stakes the fate of the hero, the demon king, his companions, the four kings, and the world. It’s been a long time since it’s a traditional fantasy. It’s so normal that it’s embarrassing.”

To be precise, it would be correct to classify it as a fusion fantasy, but for Yoosung, who has been through all kinds of strange worlds such as Cthulhu, radioactive apocalypse, swordsmanship, survival games, and zombie apocalypse, this level is enough to be classified as authentic fantasy.

-Traditional fantasy? What is it?

“It’s a technical term used by demons. you do not have to know.”

– I don’t even want to know. So are you really going to make me a hero instead of him?

“I’ll have to find out about that now.”

Yuseong gave strength to his eyes, which were about to close, and rubbed his face with both hands to clear his mind.

My head was complicated with various thoughts, such as the facts I learned from the conversation with Hernac, the aftermath of the meteorite collision, the situation in Dragonia, and the time scale between this world and the earth, but since I started the quest, I thought I would focus my whole mind on the quest.

“Are you sure that being a hero is someone who must be chosen by the goddess? Is there any case where someone stronger than a hero becomes a hero or something like that?”

-There are those who are stronger than the warriors, but only those who have been chosen and blessed by the goddess can defeat the demon lord. A hero who has not been chosen by the goddess does not exist and cannot exist.

“What happens when a hero can no longer fulfill his role as a hero?”

– What does that mean?

“Some of your limbs will be blown off, or you will be severely injured to the extent that you cannot even move properly, or… … .”


Yooseong put his hand on his neck and drew it.

-When that happens, the goddess chooses a new warrior. But such cases are extremely rare. Even if you look at all the examples of past warriors, you can count them with your hands. If you’re planning on attacking the champion directly, I wouldn’t recommend it.


-Simple. Because the warrior is strong. The hero who received the blessing of the goddess gains power comparable to that of quite a few countries. Literally, the hero cannot be captured unless the national level is mobilized.

Yuseong, who thought about mobilizing the demon army through Serena, shook his head.

Not only is there no certainty that you can definitely catch the hero, and even if you manage to catch it, you cannot satisfy the additional clear condition that you must be selected as a new hero.

“Is there any other way to disqualify a hero?”

-… … Come to think of it, there is one thing.

“Is there?”

An unexpected answer came back to a question I asked without much thought.

-This is the case when the goddess directly takes away the qualifications of a warrior.

this is not a game

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