
“Does each virus contain energy? This is why science couldn’t solve it.”

A virus wriggling ominously as if it were alive.

Yuseong inadvertently focused his consciousness on the thought that he might be able to control the energy possessed by the negative dimension virus.

It was an impulsive attempt, and I didn’t really expect it to happen.

Even if all the mana of one ampoule is combined, it is less than 0.1 point, and the energy of one virus is so weak that it is impossible to even detect it, let alone measure it, even with state-of-the-art devices.

In order to interfere with such a minuscule amount of energy, energy sensitivity and control power beyond the limit are required… … .

“Is this going to happen?”

Coincidentally, Yuseong had both of those abilities.

Yooseong burst into a devastated laugh as he looked at the virus, which moved easily enough to be pointless according to his will.

There was only one thought in Yoosung’s head.

I think that getting the magic eye of truth is the best luck in life.

“What is sweet water? It’s just omnipotent, omnipotent.”

That’s what he said, but in fact, all of this wasn’t done only by the power of the demonic eye of truth.

It was possible due to the overlap of various factors, such as the Wisdom stat approaching 3,000 and the spiritual power stat that can enhance the performance of the Magic Eye of Truth.

Of course, even so, if it wasn’t for the demonic eye of truth, I wouldn’t have known that the negative dimension virus harbored energy, so it was true that the demonic eye of truth played a decisive role.

‘If it’s like this, I think it’s possible to improve with my skills… … .’

Yoosung’s eyes shone.

It could be Choi Hyeon-seong’s research, he knew about the identity of the unknown area that was impossible to analyze through science, and he even had a means to intervene and manipulate it.

I don’t know if it was instinct or if it was inspired by forbidden knowledge, but I was certain that the results would be good.

“… … Shall we try it?”

* * *

After the monsters appeared, there was something that disappeared, and that was freedom prior to residence.

It is free to migrate, but safety thereafter cannot be guaranteed.

To be precise, it is not that the freedom prior to residence has disappeared, but rather that the freedom prior to residence is not exercised.

However, there were indeed people whose freedom before residence was lost, and that was the contractors.

“for a moment. What do you mean by that? Can’t I go back to my country?”

“I came here for a short tour! I’m going back to my hometown, what right do you have to stop that? What communist country is this?”

The contractor was a human being, but at the same time, it was also a valuable force that could be used against monsters.

Every day we hear the bad news of a city being destroyed or a country being destroyed, but who would just watch the electricity leak?

Everyone, from the people around them to the government, did not allow the contractors to move to other regions or even to other countries.

It is for this reason that Yooseong received worldwide attention when he went to the United States.

Even if an ordinary contractor goes to another country, it will become an issue, and it goes without saying if one of the less than 10 heroes in the world is the main character.

“It is short-sighted to block the movement of contractors unconditionally. The biggest problem right now is the growing imbalance of human and economic damage, not monsters, but power. Some countries can afford to defend against monster attacks and hunt for profit, while others are in a hurry to just hold out right now. In order to resolve this imbalance, the movement of contractors should not be blocked… … .”

It was the International Contractors Association that challenged this practice.

As soon as the International Contractors Association was launched, it actively advocated for the freedom of contractors and made efforts to create a transnational response organization to effectively fend off monsters.

However, despite these efforts, there was no significant result.

Even if I rationally knew that the International Contractors Association was right, it was because I was worried that I might leave another city or country when I guaranteed freedom to the contractor.

Everyone expected that it would take quite a while for the contractors to get their freedom, and for the International Contractors Association to do its job.

However, that expectation was spectacularly wrong.

“Russian hero. The plane with Ice Queen Olga Petrova is landing at Incheon Airport!”

“This is the fifth visit of a hero after Bruce, Kassim, Isaac Edward, and Ryuhei Tanaka!”

“oh! As I speak, Olga Petrova is getting off the plane!”

Incheon International Airport was truly a crucible of enthusiasm.

When Olga smiled and waved her hand, the heat intensified.

Instead of going through the airport for safety, Olga moved to a helicopter prepared in advance, and as soon as the door closed, she put on a cold expression that showed no emotion.

Everyone in the helicopter kept their mouths shut as if they had promised.

It was an instinctive realization that if you make a noise, something bad will happen.

By the time we arrived at the Contractors Association headquarters, there was no sound in the helicopter except for the sound of the rotors turning.

“… … Im here.”

Leaving behind the people whose faces were white from nervousness, Olga got off the helicopter and arrived in front of the conference hall following the guide’s guidance.

Olga looked at the back of the receptionist, who ran away as if she didn’t want to stay here for another second, then opened the door and went inside.

“long time no see.”

The first person to say hello is Grand Mage Kassim.

Olga nodded slightly and quickly looked around the meeting room.

Bruce, who is closing his eyes as if in meditation, and Ryuhei, who is waving with a happy expression.

Fortunately, I didn’t see a human figure I didn’t like.

‘Are you somewhere else? No matter what, thinking that I can look at his face a little less seems to give me a bit of a breather.’

He let out a small sigh of relief, but it felt too soon to be relieved.

“Is something wrong? Why are you sighing?”

Olga, who endured the word “because of you” with superhuman patience, said nothing and went to a seat as far away from Isaac as possible.

The best way to deal with Isaac is to ignore him.

Because if you talk, a fight will surely break out.

As usual, he would have been persistent in talking to him, but fortunately, perhaps because of Bruce, Isaac no longer flirted and sat in his seat.

The conference room was so quiet that you could even hear the sound of a needle dropping.

There were people with whom I had a close relationship, but there were also people who were not, so I just kept my mouth shut.

It was a new figure who broke the silence.

“It’s a much heavier atmosphere than I expected. There are only 10 colleagues in the world, so what’s wrong with being a little closer?”

“I don’t think that’s what you meant. When I think of how you tried to peel and eat our whole country… … .”

“Okay, that’s it. Now that I think about it again, this isn’t good enough. What’s the point of not rushing to kill each other?”

Kang Chang-seok, who appeared confidently, raised both hands without even having a few words of conversation.

Olga looked at Kang Chang-seok with a smirk on her face with pitiful eyes, but belatedly came to her senses and opened her mouth.

“So what is the reason for gathering users in such a hurry?”

It was because of Kang Chang-seok that the users who had not left their territory for quite some time came all the way to Korea with heavy buttocks.

A message asking you to come to Korea because there is an important task related to the defense of the earth.

It was the first time I had received a direct message of this kind, so I came once, but I couldn’t stay long.

“The movements of the giants in the fortress are unusual, so I can’t be away for long. Let’s put aside the chatter and get straight to the point.”

“Then I am fine. I made this place today for two purposes. One is because of the International Contractors Association problem.”

“I expected that.”

Cassim nodded as if he knew that.

“Are you thinking of using your name?”

“right. The people’s backlash is stronger than expected, so it’s impossible for the contractors to leave the country even after several years in the normal way. So, immediately after this meeting, we will hold a press conference to announce that our heroes are in line with the International Association of Contractors.”

Even when they were suddenly notified that the name would be borrowed without any prior discussion, no users frowned or clicked their tongues to oppose it.

It was because he knew that the issue of the behavior of the contractors was that important.

Compared to users, even contractors with powers inferior to those of claws are not easy to deal with.

Even if it is swept away like autumn leaves in front of monsters with a certain level of strength, it is much more suitable than a single user when dealing with civilians, city protection, or large-scale monsters.

Except for some unusual cases like Korea and Japan, most countries, even those with users, were always suffering from power shortages, so there was no particular reason to refuse this job.

“Once the heroes officially support the International Contractors Association, public perception will change as well.”

“The public’s perception is important, but wouldn’t the intentions of high-ranking people be more important?”

“I will take care of that. Put some donations in and it will be quiet.”

“Then aren’t you losing too much?”

“If you think about the benefits you can get from the International Contractors Association, you should think of it as an investment.”

A body that can project a group of contractors anywhere in the world.

and the leader of the organization.

More at readwn com

Just looking at it, I can smell the smell of money.

“So that’s why you called us?”

Olga, who was listening to Kang Chang-seok and Kasim’s story, protested in an annoyed voice.

If the purpose was to simply borrow a name, it would have been possible to simply express support in one’s own country.

Of course, it would seem much more plausible for the world’s greatest heroes to gather in one place and unite their thoughts than to express their opinions through public broadcasting, YouTube, or social media, but I still feel like I’ve suffered a loss.

Kang Chang-seok, who saw that not only Olga’s expression but also the other people’s expressions changed unexpectedly, immediately continued.

“no. Didn’t I mention there are two purposes? the other one… … .”


door suddenly opened.

Where everyone’s eyes were focused, there was a pair of men and women.

The woman was someone everyone knew.

The problem was on the male side.

A familiar yet unfamiliar face.

someone muttered.

“How much is the corner of the room?”

“It would be nice if you could call me Han Yuseong.”

Yuseong Han.

The fact that he was a user was a fact that everyone in this room already knew, but people who heard that he was a user directly made strange faces.

‘This guy is the one… … .’

‘You say you can’t believe it or you’re nervous, but coming out in front of us and revealing your identity like this means that you’ve gained some confidence in your skills now?’

‘Is the power shown in the video real? How can you become so strong in such a short period of time?’

Yuseong approached the podium with Kang Chang-seok, receiving the eyes of people with complex emotions.

“The other one, this guy will explain.”

Yooseong, who climbed onto the podium, glanced at the people in the conference room.

A total of eight people including myself.

‘Carlos, Nirvana.’

Yooseong repeated the nickname of a user who was not present and spoke in a low, powerful voice.

“I would like to formally greet you. This is Han Yuseong.”

“Couldn’t the second purpose be something like self-introduction or a welcome party for new users?”

sarcastic voice.

The main character of the voice was Isaac.

Yooseong gave a faint smile to Isaac, who was looking at him as if he was laughing, and recalled his profile.

‘Triple. arc knight. A strange guy who believes in white supremacy and aristocracy even though he has good skills.’

He is a guy who has nothing good to do with himself.

After thinking about it, Yuseong ignored Isaac and took out the object in his bosom.

“The reason we gathered you here today is to show you this.”

Yooseong had three ampoules in his hand.

this is not a game

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