hit and run



“Mathers! Everyone gather around Mathers!”

A soldier named Mathers, who collided with the suddenly rushing radar, was thrown back with a heavy destructive sound.

No matter how fast the radar was, it was not faster than a bullet.

With everyone back to back and firing in all directions, the Raiders hid behind pillars.

“Sue, I can’t breathe!”

“Damn it!”

Thanks to the bulletproof vest, there was no trauma, but the shock was transmitted intact.

Alex gritted his teeth at the sight of his subordinate, whose complexion was pale and bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

I wanted to give him first aid, but he didn’t know anything about internal injuries, let alone external injuries.

A hand was thrust out in front of Alex, who gritted his teeth.

“Mr. Choi?”

Yoosung didn’t say anything and took out a glass bottle of red liquid and poured the contents into Mathers’ mouth.

Alex, who had been staring blankly at it, opened his eyes wide at the sight of Mathers, whose complexion improved in an instant and his breathing stabilized.

“What, what is that potion?”

Yoosung stood up without saying anything.

It was vague to explain the concept of a recovery potion, and there was no time for that.

[Pay 10,000 karma points to get Brent Republic No. 53 Melee Weapon Prototype (C+).]

A plasma ax that I took out after a long time.

Yooseong, biting his lips at the cool sensation riding up his palms, jumped out from among the soldiers and ran towards the pillar where the raiders were hiding.



Yooseong, who greeted the raider with a dazed expression, pressed the switch on the handle and slammed the ax at the top of his head.

Chii profit!

The purple plasma tore the radar in half as easily as cutting through the head.

Only then did the radars who grasped the situation scream and run, but unfortunately the compatibility was not too good.

Radar is definitely fast.

However, Yooseong had a sense of sura that could increase the perceived time and split the moment to recognize it, and there was a plasma ax with extreme cutting power.


You don’t even need to get close and swing your weapon.

After exposing the gap, getting out of the rushing trajectory, and placing the plasma ax in the direction the radar passes, that’s it.

With just that, the raiders, who boasted terrifying speed, could not scream once and turned into chunks of meat and rolled on the floor.

What a profit!

By the time the number of fallen raiders exceeded 20 and the smell of burning meat had spread thick enough to sting the nose, just like the previous climbers, the raiders also started to run away without saying anything first.

If they had run back, they would have been a little relieved, but they had to run forward.

It means that we can meet again and again in the future.

Even running away from the zombies that would be chasing from behind was a burden, but if you add a variant that hides in the dark and blind spots to attack, it was clear that there would be a lot of damage.

With a small tongue, Meteor slipped out from behind the pillar, passed the blank-looking soldiers, and approached Alex and Mathers.

“Me, Mr. Choi. just what the heck… … .”

“How is his condition?”

Alex, who had been opening his mouth, listened to the meteor and came to his senses.

The important thing now was not a potion that instantly healed wounds or a weapon that defeated dozens of variants, but the status of a subordinate.

“Can you stand up?”


Mathers got up with Alex’s support, couldn’t walk a few steps before collapsing on the floor and shaking his head.

“Looks like you broke a rib. Every time I move, the pain hits me and I can’t walk at all.”

“Emile! Drop one bag and pick up Maddyth. If it’s your strength… … .”


A scream heard from nearby.

Looking at the many shadows on the tunnel walls, Maddyth leaned against a nearby pillar and pointed her gun in the direction the zombies were coming.

“I will stay here.”


“Now I will be nothing but a burden. Rather than that, I’d rather stay here and buy some time. Just give me ammo and some grenades.”

Alex, who was about to scream, looked Maddyth in the eyes and barely swallowed the words that had risen in his throat.

Eyes filled with firm will, not feeling any fear of death.

The life of one person and the fate of all mankind.

It was very clear which one to choose.

“… … I will definitely find a vaccine and restore it to its original state.”

“Haha, I don’t think you should eat too much.”

One by one, they did not come forward and exchange plausible words or do useless acts such as saying that they could not leave their colleagues behind.

Not wanting to waste Maddy’s time, the group immediately ran in the opposite direction.

After taking a few steps, gunshots rang out from behind.

And after a while, the tunnel shook with a huge roar that could not be compared to gunfire.

“… … .”

I just silently ran forward, and no one looked back.

Yooseong, who took out a new gun from the subspace without being noticed by others, frowned as he exchanged magazines.

It hadn’t been long since I had entered the underground track, and I had already lost one of my comrades.

Unknown numbers of zombies are chasing from behind, but in front, various variants hide in the dark, waiting for their prey.

‘It was not difficult to deal with zombies and mutants mixed together, but they were divided into two sides… … .’

Things weren’t very good.

While arguing with the raiders, the distance between them and the zombies following behind them was significantly reduced.

If mutants appeared again in this situation and delayed time, what happened after that was obvious.

‘I need an opportunity to turn the situation around.’

The reason came by chance.

No, in a sense, it could be said to be inevitable.

Currently, Yooseong and his party are on the subway tracks.

Of course, the subway tracks were not made for humans to travel.

“It’s a train!”

I could see the train through the dim light.

As if that power had come from, the party picked up the speed even more, and soon arrived at the train stopped in the middle of the track.

The shattered windows and bloodstains visible beyond them told us what kind of horror had occurred here, but instead of frowning, the party smiled brightly.

Although some functions of the city, including communications, have been paralyzed, electricity has not yet been cut off.

That meant that trains powered by electricity would also work.


Yoo-seong, who reached the control compartment while overpowering the zombies that popped out, put a bullet through the skull of the zombie who appeared to be an engineer and sat down in a chair.

“Mr. Choi, do you know how to control the train?”

“I do not know. If you touch it roughly, it will move.”

It was an irresponsible remark, but there was no other way anyway.

After pushing buttons randomly and pushing and pulling levers, the train started to move forward with a slight vibration.


Alex cheered at the sight of the zombies moving away, but Yoosung shook his head with a cold expression.

“It is still too early to be relieved.”

“No matter how good their stamina is, catching up with the train… … .”


Everyone’s eyes turned upward.

Normal zombies can’t keep up with a running train, but the variants are different.

The climber is clinging to the ceiling and can fall down the moment the train passes, and the radar can throw itself through the broken window using superior speed.

Of course, there weren’t many guys who could get into the train that way, but at least it wasn’t zero.

“Fuck! New help!”

“It’s a straight passage anyway! Don’t aim, just hit!”


Gunshots could be heard continuously from behind, as if a number of zombies had entered.

However, Yuseong did not participate in the battle and focused his whole mind on the front.

In any case, there is a limit to the amount of firepower that can be concentrated on such a narrow train.

Five soldiers, including a machine gunner, are shooting non-stop, and if you help yourself, it’s like pouring a bowl of water into the sea.

Now is the time to focus on the front rather than the back.


It was far away, but the abnormally developed arm was recognizable at a glance.

The moment Pitcher’s arm was swung, Yoosung instinctively ducked.


With the sound of a bomb exploding, the cockpit windows shattered as if exploding.

After roughly brushing off the shards of glass on his body, Yooseong grabbed the gun he had placed next to him while being hit by the cold air hitting his body.

“Let’s try this, right?”

As flames erupted from the muzzle, Pitcher, who was raising his arm for the second shot, staggered as blood gushed from his body.

When Pitcher came to his senses, the train was right in front of him.


Yooseong, who had a fishy smile at the faintly audible destructive sound, aimed the gun forward again and pulled the trigger.

It was impossible to take down the mutant with a single bullet, but it did buy a few seconds.

And that brief moment was more than enough for the train to pass the anomaly.

‘How many more stops do I have to go?’

-three! No, now two!

It would have taken half a day on foot, but not much by train.

Yoosung, admiring the convenience of modern civilization, tilted his head at the sight in the distance.

An unidentified huge obstacle blocking the tunnel.

At first, Yuseong, who thought it was a trace of a collapsed ceiling, opened his eyes wide when he realized that the obstacle was a mutant.


A mutant with a massive body and great strength.

Besides, it wasn’t even one.

I couldn’t tell exactly because it was covered by the one in the front, but judging from the first glance, it seemed that there were a considerable number of heavys.

Yooseong, who was about to pull the lever immediately, stopped at the sudden feeling of ominous foreboding.

‘Can I catch a Heavy by stopping and getting off the train here?’

If you only run one or two at a time, you can deal with them somehow.

He has the toughness to withstand rifle-level firepower, but a grenade or plasma ax is enough to take him down.

However, the ones I see right now were at least ten or even dozens.

No matter how many of them get hit, if the rest of them just run at it, they will have no choice but to die from being crushed by that huge body.

Yooseong, who finished all the calculations in an instant, raised the lever all the way up instead of lowering it.

“uh? uh uh uh?”

“for a moment! Why is this?!”

“Everyone sit in your chairs and fasten your seat belts!”

The soldiers, who were embarrassed by the madly accelerating train, got out of the back in an orderly manner at the urgent meteor’s voice and chose a chair that was fine and sat down.

And at the same time that Meteor arrived last and put on his seat belt, a tremendous shock shook the train.

momentary numbness.

Looking at the scenery beyond the window that was shining on the ceiling, Yoosung closed his eyes tightly.

this is not a game

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