This is a Miracle

Chapter 477 0 battles and 0 wins

"It's really here!"

General Yiya couldn't believe it, but the elector really attacked the logistics of Qingquan Kingdom, which was meaningless to him and the Marquise, just to save face.

With Qingquan's full preparation for this battle, even if she did not take action, the powerful hanging garden still withstood the enemy's offensive.

Not only that, Saros arranged for General Yiya to be here just to expand the results of the war.

As expected by Saros, Yiya won her biggest victory since leading Qingquan's army, directly capturing three legends and more than a dozen king-level warriors from the opposite side.

"I won, I really won!"

"We win again!!!"

Yiya, Qingquan, and the entire people of Qingquan Miracle Kingdom are cheering for this hard-won winning streak.

However, Saros did not feel any joy.

His face remained calm, and his eyes were still staring into the distance, as if waiting for a more difficult challenge.

"He's back."

"This is just the beginning," Saros made his judgment: "But we have enough time to prepare this time."

According to Saros's judgment, the Elector was not fighting on a single line. He had other opponents during this period. In comparison, Qingquan could only be regarded as a mid-level enemy among the enemies.

I can't say that I don't take it lightly, but it definitely doesn't require much thought, and it doesn't matter if it's casual.

But now, being slapped in the face twice in succession, the electorate would never be able to endure such humiliation.

Saros has not met the Elector, nor the other Lords of Miracles. He only made a judgment based on Qingquan's description of them.

"Can you analyze a person with just a simple description?"


Saros: "Maybe others will think it is one-sided, but I can."

Maybe others think it's impossible, but Saros can do it because he is Saros.

"So what do we do next?"

Qingquan feels that he is so lucky to have met Saros. He is very young but talented and can do almost anything.

Qingquan is very much looking forward to what else he can do and how wonderful he will bring her.

"We need to continue training."

"The reason why I let more mortals go to the battlefield is to give them a sense of belonging," Saros: "Not just for you, but also for the love for this land and the friendship for the comrades in the army. These things will Be an opportunity for them to recognize you and thus be recognized by the power of miracles.”

As Saros said, a large number of mortals took to the battlefield, and they soon received the recognition of the power of miracles from this war and were given great power.

Except for Saros, but no one cares about that.

He saved Qingquan Country. Even if Saros betrayed him one day, he would not need to apologize for it. At least Qingquan would not hate him.

Of course, no one had this idea.

After this short period of getting along, although it was short-lived, almost everyone who had interacted with Saros unanimously concluded that he was a man worthy of trusting everything.

"This is the result of my research on your miraculous power."

Saros once again showed his ability. He perfectly understood the earthly power of Qingquan and helped every Miracle citizen improve in a short period of time.

Among them, the one who has made the greatest progress is ‘Yiya’, the only remaining legendary powerhouse in Qingquan Kingdom.

With the help of Saros, it only took her three years to cross a threshold that had not been crossed in thousands of years and become an epic powerhouse.

That's not all, Saros also helped her chart a precise direction so that she could more clearly break through to the mythical level.

It couldn't be that fast this time, but decades later, Saros felt that with Yiya's talent, even if she couldn't break through to the mythical level, she could still reach the pinnacle of the epic and become a true first-level powerhouse on the Miracle Land.

In this way, in three years, Saros led the Qingquan army to victory again and again.

Always victorious and undefeated, victorious in every battle.

He has never lost, even in the most difficult moments, which required Yiya to face the crisis of four epic heroes on her own, and in the end it ended in the victory of Qingquan Kingdom.

"How on earth was it done?!"

Ten consecutive defeats!

In the past three years and ten wars, the Emperor-Elector has never won again!

The reason was that it was Saros who, relying on his talent alone, beat the elector's face so hard that it hurt and became swollen.

"How did you lose this time?"

"The other princes of Tie Ying took action."


The elector could not understand that the relationship between the Seven Iron Eagle Kings was not absolutely harmonious. They seemed to be inseparable, and it was impossible for them to unite to fight against him.

The Iron Eagle Kingdom is just a loser. If the Iron Eagle King dies one day, they may completely turn to other Mountain Kingdoms and join forces with the Eight Kings of the Mountains to create a quasi-empire.

How could such an alliance force take action at a critical moment to help Qingquan and resist him?

"Or is it because of him?"

The Elector no longer despised Saros, he regarded him as a real opponent.


It's a pity that he still underestimated the enemy. He still underestimated Saros's ability. This man didn't know what means he relied on to convince the entire Iron Eagle Kingdom.

This also means that from now on, it will no longer be a war between the Emperor Elector and Qingquan, but will evolve into a war between the Holy Empire and the Iron Eagle Kingdom.

"The Holy Empire is not decided by me alone."

Not to mention others, the female Sword Emperor has a bad relationship with him, and the same goes for other princes and kings, not to mention that there is a Holy Emperor above the electorate.

The opponent's strength is such that even if the elector reveals his true identity and fights against him as Du Mu'an, he would not dare to be careless.

"No need to fight?"

"It's true that there was no fight."

"But," the Emperor-Elect suddenly thought of an idea after thinking: "I was not seeking victory, I just wanted to regain face."

As long as the lost face can be regained, if you lose, you lose. The emperor elector has plenty of territory and resources and doesn't care at all.

The original intention of launching a war against Qingquan was to recruit her, let her leave the Iron Eagle Kingdom, join the Holy and join his own party.

"We can't let her get such a terrible guy."

Saros gave Du Mu'an a very bad feeling. He vaguely saw the shadows of those legendary figures in him. If he really grew up, Du Mu'an could be sure that he would become the future queen's enemy: " We must find a way to get rid of him!”

With this thought in mind, the elector found the Holy Emperor and told him about the matter.

The reaction of the Holy Emperor was not beyond his expectation. The fat old man didn't want to fight at all. Once it came to an all-out war between the two big countries, he immediately made the choice to cease the war and not fight!

The Emperor-Elect agreed with this, but he had a condition: "I can retreat unconditionally, but I want one person, and I want him to be a hostage of the Holy Empire to ensure that Iron Eagle and Qingquan Kingdom are not qualified to challenge the Holy Empire. Dominance!"

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