This is a Miracle

Chapter 423 Nohayak

Something that was taken away. . .

The old uncle still can't forget what he experienced twenty years ago. It was simply a nightmare.

What was taken from him?

To many people, that may not be an important thing, but to Saros, it is indeed a treasure.

The supreme miracle took away the old uncle's descendants, which meant that he would never have a child of his own.

The old uncle is naturally still a man and can have women. These abilities have not changed.

But no matter what, no matter what the old uncle does, he will not have an heir anyway.

‘What a joke! ’

With the old uncle's wisdom, he quickly guessed what the curse had taken away. He did not believe that such a thing would happen.

Would a great miracle be so mean?

Even if you take his life, he will not frown. As a hero, he is already prepared to lose his life at any time.

But what's going on with this petty behavior?

At first, the old uncle didn't think that a mere heir could stop him from making progress, but even he himself didn't realize how much the old uncle liked children.

The weakness of the Adunites was not the sword, nor life and death, but loneliness.

Every Ardenite is afraid of being alone, even Uncle Qiangru.

Not being able to have children or start a family is too cruel for the old uncle.

At that time, the old uncle suffered, struggled, and fought hard, but in the end, without exception, they all ended in failure.

"It's been almost 20 years."

The old uncle walked in this pure white world. He moved forward and came to a circular iron gate with a sci-fi style.

The past has become a memory, and the old man has already found his destination.

'You won't get what you want, because what you can get is much better than you imagine. ’

This was Alea's comfort when she was young, but An'er now, it has truly come true.

Because the old uncle really found a treasure beyond his imagination.


The door opened, and the old uncle looked forward and found that inside was an extremely huge laboratory, and there, a figure was waiting for his arrival.

"Hello, wise man from a distant land, welcome to my world."

This is a man in his twenties or eighties. He has short white hair and is wearing a lab coat: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Nohayak, and I am an Olavin."

"But according to your understanding, the world of Oravan and my hometown should be called the 'Electronic Frontier'."

The existence of the other party is extremely special. Although electronic frontiers exist in the Miracle World, they are not mainstream after all.

Not to mention the man in front of him, he can actually hide himself in the torrent, under the wisdom that almost no one can touch. This power is simply incredible.


The old uncle frowned slightly: "Who are you and why did you call me here?"

The old man has always been calm. He believes in his own judgment. It is definitely not that simple for the other party to spend so much effort and use their power to connect to him.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I'm sorry."

Nohayak raised his hand, and the whole laboratory seemed to be garbled, and then blurred for a while: "This is just an image transmitted by me. The torrent is a great power. Even I can't understand what might happen. Passing this information to you is already the limit of my ability."

"So please hear me out and judge for yourself whether what I say is credible."

"What do you want to say?"

Even though he knew that the other party was an image, the old man still asked.

"A piece of history that has been sealed in dust."

Nohayak: "About 3 million years ago, an unimaginable catastrophe broke out in this world, and because the stage of that catastrophe was called 'Ellerbegen', we called it Ellerbegen. Battle of the Roots.”

The Battle of Ellebergen!

The old uncle thought about what the heroic spirits said before. Now he has received the wisdom given by the flood. Many things that he didn't understand before are now as clear as if he knew them originally.

"What exactly is it?"

The old uncle murmured to himself: "The heroic spirits buried in Avalon keep mentioning it, and now, even this person hidden in the torrent..."

"It's history and it's a scam."

Nohayak said: "I once led the Oravan people to participate in the war, in order to change some things and get some benefits, but the result has made me regret it to this day."

Next, Nohayak showed his uncle an unprecedented world, which was his hometown, a place he called the "electronic frontier".

Although the content is not much, even the tip of the iceberg shocked the old man.

However, even such a powerful electronic frontier still failed in the place called Ellebergen.

"My family, my companions, and my students," Nohayak leaned on the experimental table, his eyes full of regret and loneliness: "They all lost their lives because of my wrong choices."

"because of her."


The old uncle caught the key word in Nohayak's words: "Who?"

“In order to explore the truth, we have tried countless possibilities, including sending friendly signals to the unknown,” Nohayak said: “And one day, a being similar to you contacted me. "

"She is extremely intelligent and has a charismatic personality. As a seeker of knowledge, I have communicated with her again and again."

"Although we have never met, this way of communicating with each other still makes me extremely happy."

After hearing what Nohayak said, the old uncle vaguely guessed the identity of the 'her' in the other party's mouth: "She calls herself the Queen of Gudaen, the creation goddess of Ellebergen, Isefiya."

"She came with kindness and helped me solve problems many times over the countless years."

“As a seeker of knowledge, I was lonely and burdened by knowledge.”

Nohayak: "She is like a friend living in a foreign country, a confidant."

At that time, Nohajak regarded the queen as a like-minded partner, and like many online friends, Nohajak began to share the troubles he encountered with her and shrugged.

"But I have to admit it."

Nohayak said: "We Oravans cannot see through people's hearts, especially those who have evil intentions. They are simply our nemesis."

The long-term contact and exchange of information made Nohayak trust Isefiya more and more.

At this moment, the queen showed her minions: "My country has encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy. Now is a critical moment. I beg you, my friend, I ask you for help. I hope that the noble and powerful Ou The people of Raven can give me help and help me drive away the enemy invaders. ’

Nohayak was innocent. He easily believed the queen's lies, and took his students, companions, and countless creations to Ellebergen under the guidance of the queen, and participated in that catastrophe. of world war.

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