This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 647 Good Professor Lupin, Lupin Good Professor

Physically beating up the red hat is too cruel, and the students actually prefer to use magic spells to subdue him.

Combat skills shorten their reaction time, allowing them to cast spells with knockback effects.

From Lu Ping's perspective, each of the four groups of students had their own methods.

After Harry and the others made several thrilling sneak attacks, they would take turns casting tracking spells every time they passed a corner.

Not giving the red hat any chance, a very smart move.

The group of Justin and Ernie are quite average.

Although it can handle the attack, it is not easy.

The red hat on Vincent's side had been beaten several times, and he probably wasn't sure he would come back again.

The maze is huge and has many forked paths.

Half the class time passed, and the four groups of people were all about the same distance from the exit.

"It can't go on like this!" Harry cast a tracking spell and quickly ran out of the corner.

While looking for an exit, you must also be alert to attacks coming at any time.

"Do you have any idea?" Ron followed him and applied the tracking spell when the blue light group disappeared.

Harry looked back and stopped when the light ball disappeared.

Lavender and Parvati ran over, and Seamus and Dio at the back cast tracking spells at the same time.

The red hat did not give up, but hid as before.

"I have an idea..." Harry spoke his mind.

After hearing this, Ron made a grimace and said, "Why me?"

"Because I believe you." Harry approached Lavender and Parvati, "You do too, right?"

The corner is a visual blind spot and an excellent attack location.

Lavender and Parvati, who were hesitant to speak, finally nodded.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "Seamus, Dean, where are you?"

"You're the leader, and we don't have anything better to do."

The order has been changed slightly.

Harry, who was at the front, exchanged glances with them, and then started again.

The forks in the maze are very dense, and if you walk ten or twenty steps, you will encounter one.

Ron clutched the wand in his hand tightly and slowed down little by little.

The three boys in the front walked together, the two girls in the middle, and him at the end.

Separate a short distance from each other, if he is a red hat, he will definitely choose to attack himself.

Although he did not rule out the possibility of attacking two girls, he was only one person.

"Traces revealed -" Harry's tracking spell lit up the location of the red hat.

Ron's hand holding the wand was shaking.

Because the blue light group is right in front of you, right on the corner where the two girls are.


Red Hat jumped towards the clueless Lavender.

Two sets of decoys will help anyone who is attacked immediately.

Even though their trust was somewhat reluctant...even though Lupine wouldn't let accidents happen...

He recited the incantation simply and neatly, "Collapse!"

The stun spell hit Red Hat's big stick and it fell in front of Lavender.

"Ah——" the two girls screamed.

The red hat who lost his stick did not leave, but rushed towards Lavender with a grin.

"Hey!" Ron ran forward and threw the wand in his hand.

It missed, but the red hat stopped.

There were rapid footsteps coming from the corner behind it, it was Harry and the others.

"Don't even think about running away!" Ron ran between Lavender and Parvati and pushed Red Hat to the ground.

"Yeah yeah--" It's impossible not to resist.

Ron's fingers dug into the long pointed nose of the red hat, causing its talon-like hands to squeeze the red hair tighter.

After a brief fright, Lavender and Parvati both raised their wands tremblingly, as if aiming at the hateful red hat.

But it was too cunning, constantly struggling to change positions.

Ron felt a burning pain in his scalp and pulled his fingers out of his long, slippery nose.

It seemed like something splashed out together.

He had no time to think about what the liquid on his face was. He supported the floor with one hand and hugged the red hat tightly with the other.

"What are you still doing?"

It was indeed easier to aim, but at this time Harry and the others also ran out of the corner.

Finally, Lavender and Parvati's wand hands stopped shaking.


Two stun spells were cast, one on Ron's stomach and one on Red Hat's back.


Harry quickly stepped forward to inspect the situation.

Ron was fine, except his hair was a mess.

The red hat he was holding down suffered a disaster. His long, pointed nose was tilted to the left, and blood continued to ooze out.

"Wake up quickly——"

Ron woke up just after reciting the waking spell.

Lavender and Parvati were both a little embarrassed.

The situation was urgent just now, and they didn't know whose stun spell hit him.

Ron wiped his face and immediately felt the urge to gag.

What's sticky here is not nosebleeds, but yellow-green nasal mucus.

He quickly shut his mouth, then rolled over and lay down again.

My tongue licked it, it was so exciting.

The more he retched, the more uncomfortable it became. He always felt like he had swallowed this thing.

Harry knelt down and comforted: "Well... do you want to wipe your face first?"

Seeing that he was still retching, Lavender stepped forward and handed over his handkerchief.

"Thank you." Harry wiped it and put on Parvati's handkerchief.

Seamus and Dean got chills when they saw the snot.

If they had walked slower, Ron wouldn't have had to suffer this.

But if the distance is too close, the red hat may not jump down.

"Well done!" Lupine suddenly jumped down.

He took out a piece of chocolate and handed it to Ron, who was still retching, "Eat it quickly, time is running out."

After finishing the meal in two or three bites, Lupine jumped back onto the wall.

"I'm much better." Ron stood up and glanced at the red hat lying motionless on the ground.

He succeeded and lived up to everyone's trust.

It feels so good to feel so confident.

"We have to find an exit quickly!"


The six of them strode forward without encountering another fork in the road.

After passing through countless corners, they met the carefree Vincent group.

Four entrances and one exit.

If you encounter other groups, it means you are heading in the right direction.

"You can never imagine what happened to us..." Seamus and Dean talked about what happened just now.

Ron bravely fought against the red hat, subverting everyone's previous impression of him.

Although the process was embarrassing, the result was good.

"Where's your red hat?"

"Oh, it probably doesn't dare to come."

Harry and the others all looked at Vincent.

"It's all Neville's fault."

Neville blushed with embarrassment.

Ron hugged him, "We finally proved ourselves!"

A few days ago, they were both doubting themselves in Snape's class.

After the boggart and the red hat, everything changed.

Everyone was sincerely happy for them.

"Professor Lupine is the best professor!"

"Where are Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall?"

"Well...that's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!"

"Professor Dorje will be very sad when he hears this."

"I'm talking about the official professor!"

Students’ evaluations are the greatest affirmation.

Lupine, who had been paying attention to them, smiled and shook his head, then turned to look at the other two groups of Hufflepuffs.

They are all very close, and there are no more detours.

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