This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 623: Luo Fu loses face

Draco's tragic situation was obvious to all, and the second batch of students behaved like good babies throughout the whole process. Lan

Hagrid was delighted.

As a professor for the first time, he didn't remember that he could punish students until the end of get out of class.

However, Draco was lying on the ground twitching non-stop, believing that he had learned enough lessons.

Hope this is the last time.

"See you in the next class!" Hagrid led the Hippogriff towards the Forbidden Forest.

Most of the students were satisfied with today's Care of Magical Creatures lesson, and it would be better if the magical creatures in the next lesson were less scary.

Draco, who was lying on the ground, was helped back to the castle by Crabbe and Goyle. Lan

Madam Pomfrey in the school hospital looked very strange, "Is it you again?"

"It's that bastard Wayne! He let a monster grab Draco and fly around the Forbidden Forest!"

"Oh." She went to the medicine shelf and took off the petals of a Ningshen flower.

They say this every time they come to the campus hospital.

Either he was covered in scabies, or he was beaten so hard that no bruises could be seen.

I was so frightened this time that I should have a longer memory.

Put the petals of the Ningshen flower into the tea cup, and pour eight percent full of boiling water. Lan

Madam Pomfrey returned to the medicine shelf out of habit and took down a bottle of black potion and a jar of yellow powder.

Add two drops for flavor and a spoonful for texture.

The fragrance in the air became more earthy, and the pale yellow tea began to become thicker and bubbles continued to bubble out.

Draco, who was trembling all over, opened his mouth gently.

After the tea entered his throat, he seemed to twitch more violently.

Crabbe and Goyle shuddered and quickly swallowed back the questions they were about to blurt out.

There is still half an hour to go to class, he will definitely get better. Lan

forbidden forest,

Luo Fu, who finally touched Xiao Hei, was showing off what happened just now.

"At that time, it was looking at a brown-feathered Hippogriff in a daze. I thought this was a good opportunity to start a second action..."

The process was thrilling, and the final outcome was to touch the dog's head.

But that's all. Lan

Xiao Hei still didn't pay much attention to Luo Fu.

Seeing no response from the others, Luo Fe coughed in embarrassment.

"Every time there is a first time, there will be a second time. Xiaohei has had more contact with me, and he will definitely not be as shy as he is now."

Astoria blinked her innocent big eyes, "Really?

But why would it rather get close to Xiaobai than you? "

"Ahem..." I was really choked this time.

Luo Fu blushed, "Dogs are animals with a very sensitive sense of smell. Maybe it's because the smell on my body is too complex."

There was a subtle change in the way Astoria looked at him.

She didn't know how to describe this feeling, but she just felt that Xiao Hei did the right thing.

Behind Rolf, Hermione and Daphne were whispering.

"Heartless man.


The voice was small, but the person who should hear it had already heard it.

"I...our relationship will slowly get better." Lan

Gugu gave him a look of contempt.

Jomgand turned his face sideways.

Crookshanks turned around and said "meow" to Yumi several times.

Xiaobai didn't dislike him, but even rubbed his cheek affectionately.

"Alas - you are the best to me."

Vincent smiled and said nothing.

It would be fun if old man Newt knew. Lan

Rolf was disliked by the entire Hogwarts pet circle because of a big black dog that he didn't like.

It would be more fun if Dumbledore knew.

Cedric, who had just come over after potions class, saw them all laughing.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"You'll have to ask Rolf."

After hearing what happened, he also laughed.

"Where are Fred and George?"

"Them?" Cedric smiled even more.

In the Potions class just now, Snape targeted the Gryffindor students as expected.

Points will be deducted, and the patience will pass.

But as an expert in pranks, how could he really endure such a tone.

So after class was announced, Fred and George took out their latest invention of the summer vacation, the stink grenade.

Pull the tab, throw the grenade, and the entire dungeon is filled with a disgusting stench.

Snape was unprepared and took a careless puff. Lan

But he held his breath in time and quickly caught the twins who were about to run into the auditorium.

Vincent and Hermione stopped laughing at the same time.

Behind the great joy is the ending where the college points are wiped out.

Today is the first day of school, so it doesn't seem to have much impact.

After laughing a few times, they both looked sad.

With Snape being so vindictive, Potions class on Thursday must have been difficult.

"Merlin will protect you." Cedric suppressed a smile. Lan

Luo Fei sighed happily: "Compared to you, I think I am much happier."

In the face of Old Bat's "special treatment", being embarrassed is really nothing.

After forcing a smile and responding with a few words, it's time for a lesson in ancient runes.

Rolf and Astoria also have classes, leaving only Cedric free here.

He cautiously approached Xiao Hei and gently placed his hand on the head of the dozing dog.

"Tsk-" Xiao Hei sneezed suddenly, and then went back into the wooden house in disgust.

Cedric smelled his hand. Lan

The spiciness is a little bit pungent, it's the smell of aconite - that is, wolfsbane.

Wolves and dogs are close relatives. Wolfsbane, which can anesthetize wolves, can certainly have an effect on dogs.

The Ancient Runes Classroom is in the west tower of the castle, near the Ravenclaw common room.

After passing the eagle-shaped door knocker that asks questions, you will see a white wall.

After waving the wand and using the Revealing Spell, strange words appeared on the wall. Lan

Randomly find a correct ancient rune among them, and the corridor leading to the classroom will open in front of you.

Without any difficulty, Vincent led Hermione and Daphne through the corridor and came to a classroom with a fan-shaped layout.

The tables and chairs are simply polished wooden tables and chairs, and the decoration style is very medieval.

But this is an ancient rune classroom, and no matter how ordinary it is, there will be something unusual about it.

For example, a fireplace burning with white flames, or a podium hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Vincent stood in front of the fireplace and looked at it for a long time.

The reason why the flame is white is actually through the combination of three runes, which changes the visual color when burning. Lan

Very simple and easy to understand.

As for the podium on the ceiling, it is exquisitely arranged with a set of six runes, a total of three sets.

Instead of simply hanging upside down, the gravity of that area is reversed.

Vincent came to the table and chairs at the front where the two little witches were sitting, and squatted down to carefully observe the words on it.

The same three sets of runes, the same gravity-inverting effect.

The only difference is that there is no startup, and the details are slightly different.

Not long after he sat down, Draco came in with a very rosy face. Lan

Not swaggering, but not too low-key either.

It seems that he has learned well.

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