This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 611: The mysterious charlatan

After not sleeping for nearly 24 hours, Vincent went to bed as soon as he returned to the dormitory.

His watch showed 7:30 in the morning, just in time for breakfast.

Three hours later, it was dawn.

Five hours later, he got up.

The three roommates had already washed up, and it was the first time he slept so late.

"Old Wen, what did you do last night?"

"Aha——" Vincent yawned and put on his slippers,

"Anyway, I didn't hide in the quilt to read comics."

James chased out of the dormitory with a red face,

"Old Wen, you must have sneaked out while we were asleep last night and did something shameful!"

"Yeah." Vincent pushed him out of the bathroom,

"Wait until I wash my face, okay?"

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Neville and Alfred also came.

Judging from their expectant eyes, they were definitely called by the gossipy James.

"Nothing, just insomnia."

That's it?

Under James's persistent pestering, Vincent didn't reveal even a word.

There was nothing he could do, so he had to change into school uniform and go downstairs for breakfast.

He came a little late, but a student from a dormitory in Slytherin came even later.

The oatmeal porridge was almost gone, and they rushed in when they were about to start the first class.

Vincent glanced and continued to look back at the schedule in his hand.

At most three classes overlapped, which means there would be three of him at the same time.

I don't know if the Marauder's Map can be displayed.

The first class of the new semester is Divination, and the professor is Trelawney, whose predictions are sometimes effective and sometimes not.

When he walked to the hallway, Vincent looked back at the Slytherin table and met Draco's angry eyes.

"Puff--" He couldn't help laughing.

Draco's eyes instantly turned cold, almost comparable to Snape's.

Vincent left with a big step behind.

"It must be Wayne!" Crabbe swallowed the whole meal bag viciously.

After quietly coming to their dormitory and perfectly breaking all the traps, he filled the expensive velvet carpet with a sticky swamp.

There is only one student in the whole Hogwarts who can do this.

Coincidentally, Draco just has a big grudge against him.

"Is this even necessary?" Goyle picked up the last meal bag, "But what can we do to him.

Wayne is a treacherous kid, and he is also the school's biggest trustee."

"What the hell is the biggest!" Draco's little knuckles turned white as he pinched the milk cup.

"This bastard just took advantage of the loophole and found 7 temporary trustees to become the biggest!"

His little face was extremely hideous, "When I grow up, the castle will definitely not approve of such a despicable practice!"

Crabbe and Goyle swallowed the meal bags in their mouths and grinned.

"Wayne's gold galleons are going to go down the drain~"

"How pitiful, spending hundreds of thousands to be a school director for five years~"

Draco drank the milk in one gulp, "This bastard will get his comeuppance sooner or later!"



Vincent on the eighth floor of the castle walked through the corridor and came to the entrance of the north tower.

Going up along the spiral staircase, a silver ladder suddenly fell from the open ceiling trap door.

Climbing up, there is the divination classroom inside.

The place is not big, it looks like a small attic teahouse.

Twenty round tables are placed in the small space, and printed armchairs and bulging small cushions are placed around the tables.

The curtains are drawn tightly, and all the lights are covered with large crimson scarves, emitting a hazy red light.

Under the mantelpiece that is full of things, the fire is burning.

On it is a large copper teapot, which emits a strong and nauseating fragrance.

There were many shelves on the circular wall, which were filled with dirty quills, candle ends, tattered playing cards, countless crystal balls and a pile of teacups.

In the shadows where the red light could not reach, a vague figure could be seen.

Vincent pulled the corner of his mouth and sat at the round table in the front.

Harry and Ron, who came late, stood obediently with other students, and did not dare to sit down directly like him.

When the voices of discussing where the professor was appeared, a soft and unclear voice sounded in the shadows.

"Welcome, it's great to finally see you in the material world."

A vague human figure slowly walked out of the shadows and came to the light covered with a crimson scarf.

She was very thin, and a pair of large glasses magnified her eyes several times.

She was wearing a thin and transparent shawl with many shining metal flakes.

There were several beads and chains hanging on her thin and long neck, and many bracelets and rings on her arms and hands.

Trelawney stopped in front of Vincent's round table.

Her appearance was very mysterious, and several students who were frightened immediately covered their mouths.

Lavender and Parvati had the biggest reaction.

They usually liked to discuss topics such as constellations, tarot cards, and crystal balls.

Divination class has already satisfied the fantasies of little girls, and Trelawney's appearance has made their expectations full.

Only Vincent was an exception.

He didn't think it was mysterious, but rather felt very mysterious.

"Sit down." Trelawney looked down, and the corners of her mouth seemed to twitch a little,

"My children, sit down quickly."

Hermione, who was standing in the corner, walked forward and sat next to Vincent without saying a word.

Neville timidly found a seat at random, and happened to sit at the same table as Harry and Ron.

In this weird and mysterious atmosphere, Trelawney tightened her shawl and walked unhurriedly to the rocking chair in front of the fire and sat down.

"Welcome to the divination class." Her tone was the same as before, soft and unclear.

"I'm Professor Trelawney, you probably haven't met me before.

Because I found that living in a chaotic and noisy environment downstairs would make my third eye blurred. "

The corners of Vincent's mouth twitched wildly.

In addition to the residential property, it is also because there is no sherry downstairs.

Trelawney glanced over and adjusted her shawl very elegantly.

"Let's put it this way, you are right to take divination as an elective course. This is the most profound knowledge in all magic.

I have to say it up front. If you don’t have excellent insights, I may only be able to teach you a little bit in this field..."

Vincent quickly turned his little head.

It’s not that I can’t teach, it’s that I don’t have the talent.

He had long known that Trelawney who was sober was unreliable, but he didn't expect that she would be so unreliable.

Hermione's little foot nudged him lightly under the table.

You still have to pretend when it’s time to pretend.

Trelawney saw Vincent "listening carefully" and her voice became a little louder unconsciously.

"Many wizards, despite their talents in areas such as the sound of ping-pong balls, various smells and sudden disappearances, are unable to see through the mysteries of the future."

She suddenly opened her eyes wide and scanned the nervous faces of the students one after another.

"It's a talent that only a few people have."

Her eyes were fixed on Neville's face, causing him to immediately shrink his neck in fear.

"Is your grandma okay?"

Neville stammered: "It should be - not bad."

Trelawney straightened up so that only half of her face could be illuminated by the fire.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you, honey."

Neville gasped.

Just when he was about to ask why, Trelawney looked away and calmly explained the teaching arrangements.

“This year we will learn the basic methods of divination.

In the first semester we focused on tea leaf interpretation, and in the second semester we started learning palmistry. "

She suddenly looked towards Parvati, "By the way, my dear——

"You have to be wary of a man with red hair."

With a look of horror on her face, Parvati looked back at Ron, who was sitting behind her, and quickly moved her chair further away from him.

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