This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 581: Changes in the Dursleys

Old man Wayne caught the most prey, while Gugu, who was dragging a pheasant, had already collapsed from exhaustion.

When it was about to take a good rest before continuing, the big golden retriever that it bullied last night came over with its tail wagging.

It took all of them in its mouth and then ran.

"Gugu——" The only sound left at the scene was the scream of the owl.

When Vincent counted on his fingers how much exercise he could get, a scene that almost made the three of them stare out of their eyes appeared.

The big golden retriever was holding a pheasant, and Gugu stood on its back, gently flapping its wings.

The weight loss plan failed again.

What about the natural enemies of cats and dogs?

The victory between him and Gugu was decided, but Eric and old man Wayne were not done yet.

However, no matter how fierce the battle was, Vincent was not in the mood to watch it now.

As the biggest winner, Gugu obviously no longer had hostility towards the big dogs after returning to the cabin.

When the father and son came back with a lot of harvest, they were even playing and chasing outside the house.

Maybe old man Wayne won again, and he didn't talk to Eric with a gloomy face.

"Dad, why don't you move back to London so that you can see us at any time."

"Goodbye, the environment here is pretty good, and occasionally there will be young people who love adventure coming here."

Seeing their relationship getting better, Vincent's original depressed mood was swept away.

It doesn't matter if it's a little fatter, at most you can invent some alchemical props that can assist flying.

Miniaturize the flying broom, and make a few more if the power is insufficient.

Since it's like this, it seems unnecessary to be obsessed with the appearance of the broom.

There are many single-person flying devices for Muggles, but most of them are experimental products that exist in concepts.

Even if there are finished products, they are not perfect, and each has more or less fatal flaws.

Flying backpack?

Flying boots?

Flying cloak...

Who said that Voldemort is the only wizard who can fly by himself?

Vincent, who seemed to be grinning, helped his father and grandfather carry the prey into the house, and then continued to sit quietly at the door.

This situation can only mean that something good has happened.

When Eric brought the grill, he also went over with a smile to help fix it.

"Dad, grandpa seems to like you much more. Did you lose on purpose again?"

"What do you mean on purpose? I really can't beat him."

The father and son smiled at each other.

Mrs. Wayne brought the sauce and brush, and the old man also brought out the processed meat.

When Yin Fulin took out the cut barbecue skewers, the charcoal under the grill was already burning red.

There were a lot of prey just caught, so we just had barbecue outside for lunch.

The old man picked up a large piece of venison leg meat and put it on the grill, "Remember to bring more back when you leave. Your mother and I can't finish so much.

Eric nodded with some guilt, "Okay. "

If he hadn't been going to Harry's birthday party tonight, he wouldn't have had the courage to walk into the Bourne Forest yesterday.

Gugu seemed to have become familiar with the big dogs, and they were all eagerly waiting to eat.

Vincent's scalp was numb from being watched, and he had to speed up the process of grilling one tender and juicy barbecue after another.

It wasn't seasoned much, and there wasn't much sauce, but the ingredients were fresh enough.

After a full meal, Gugu said goodbye to the big dogs.

Seeing its reluctant look, the Wayne family decided to spend the rest of the summer vacation here.

"Grandpa and grandma, are you going to attend the ceremony of my election as the British Youth Representative of the Wizengamot?"

Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Wayne smiled and shook their heads,

"We are used to quietness, just reading in the newspaper is enough. "

Newspapers and periodicals in the wizarding world can be subscribed and unsubscribed at any time, but it's hard for the owls who deliver them to Bourne Forest.

But if it can be like Cuckoo, it will soon fall in love with this place.



4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

The house, whose roof was ripped off last year, no longer has iron fences, and the lifeless brown-yellow exterior walls have been replaced with warm light red and warm yellow.

The small attic was expanded into a normal room, and the tables, chairs, beds and cabinets inside were all brand new.

Harry was sitting on the floor opening presents.

Although he had already opened them once on his birthday in the early morning, there were obviously many gifts sent by wizards he didn't know.

In the past twelve years, he couldn't receive them because of the Dursleys, but starting this year, it was different.

Not only Dedalus Digger, whom he had met as a child, but also the one who shook his hand warmly when he first went to the Leaky Cauldron. Kodori also prepared gifts.

Of course, many of them were unsigned.

For example, this wrinkled card with a "Happy Birthday" written on it was barely legible.

It must have been a long journey, and it looked like it had been soaked in water and dried.

It smelled salty, and it might have accidentally fallen into the sea when it was delivered.

After sorting out the second round of gifts, it was already time for afternoon tea.

Under the "influence" of the Waynes, the Dursleys also developed this good habit.

Whether resting or at home, you must have a cup of hot black tea at a certain time.

Vernon, who took a day off, bought some snacks. Although most of them fell into Dudley's bulging belly, Harry still felt unprecedented happiness.

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If there hadn't been last year's lawsuit, if he hadn't chosen to forgive...

"Ding Dong--" The doorbell stopped him from thinking further.

"Dudley, go open the door."

"Okay, Mom." Dudley took the tissue handed to him by Petunia and wiped his greasy hands and mouth.

The only people who came at this time were those who attended his cousin's birthday party.

He pulled the door handle nervously.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...

Fortunately, it wasn't the family that he least wanted to see.

But the bald uncle in the front looked familiar. It seemed that he was some commissioner from the Ministry of Magic who came last year?

A pair of red-haired twins suddenly squeezed in and pulled the black short sticks held high in their hands.

"Harry, do you like our surprise?"

Countless colorful little fireworks sprayed out.

The Dursleys stared at them gradually forming the words "Happy Birthday" and stared at Harry in an instant.

Perhaps they remembered the lawsuit last year, and they were hesitant to say anything in the end.

"Fred! George!" Molly grabbed one of their ears with one hand,

"I should have left you in Egypt so that you wouldn't cause any trouble to Harry."

Vernon stood up and waved his hand reluctantly, "Mrs. Wesley, this won't cause any trouble."

He winked at Harry and said, "Our family likes surprises, right, Harry?"

"That's right, we all like surprises."

A few days ago, Harry wrote a letter to invite the Wesley family to attend today's birthday party.

The reply was received when he was opening the gifts in the early morning. Ron was particularly regretful that his family was still traveling in Egypt and had to be absent.

I didn't expect it to be fake, just to create a surprise.



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