This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 449: Vincent prefers to take the initiative

There are a lot of words, but the photography level is really high.

"Beautiful lady, please relax as much as possible, we don't have much time left."

The efficiency is very high, almost everyone has a unique set of photos.

When it was Vincent's turn at the end, there was not much left in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Switching the exposure combination of the camera, this background before the dark night is a bit weird and has a particularly alternative aesthetic.

"Mr. Brutal, could you take off your coat?"

Vincent unzipped and was only wearing a long-sleeved white shirt.

"Bravo!" the Italian tourist kept tutting.

No wonder I was able to climb Mount Fuji three times in one day. It turns out that I look strong when I am wearing clothes, and I look even stronger when I take off my clothes.

If I could take it off again——

"Ahem—please look up at the sunset in as relaxed a manner as possible."

As a professional photographer, he almost suffered from occupational diseases.

Every day I take pictures of male and female models who have basically the same body shape, so when I accidentally see one that is different, I will inevitably become very excited.

After taking a dozen tentative photos, he took out his camera from his backpack.

It’s also a film camera, but you can tell it’s professional just by looking at the exaggerated lens.

"Put your hands in your pockets and smile in a naughty way."

Vincent's face froze.

In the last less than 5 minutes, he basically changed a pose the next second.

It's going to be hard, but he believes the final result will be great.

As night fell, the Italian tourist who used two cameras alternately showed a satisfied smile.

"I'm very sorry. The scenery just now really matches your temperament." He handed over a business card with white text on a black background.

"Also, I would like to ask if you have any ideas about being a model?"

Vincent looked at the business card in his hand.

Giovanni Gaste's background is not small. He is actually a real fashion boss and one of the photographers of "Vogue", a top fashion magazine.

"Sorry, I still have school work to finish."

"This is such a shame." Giovanni caressed the two cameras in his hands, "Part-time jobs are also possible. Your temperament is very consistent with our theme this summer."

"I will seriously consider it." Vincent put away the business card.

Forget about being a model, he just couldn't stand it for less than 5 minutes.

Giovanni returned the classical Kodak camera to James, "Can I take a photo with you?"

He held up his camera.

"No problem, Mr. Gaste."

After setting the shutter time, he ran to the children standing in two rows.


As soon as they got their cameras back, Giovanni noticed that they were putting their ski gear back on.

"Are you going down at this time?"

Vincent buckled up his skis and said, "Stay away from the direction where people are climbing. There shouldn't be any problems."


It's not too dark now, so as long as they stay out of the way, accidents are unlikely to happen due to their physical fitness.

Giovanni patted the camera in his hand and said, "Remember to call me when you return home. I will send the photos to you as soon as possible."

"I will." Vincent responded, sliding to the edge of the slope and stopping.

"By the way, Mr. Gaste, you can keep a copy, as long as it doesn't appear in the magazine."

As Giovanni watched, they slowly slid down the slope.

"A bunch of interesting kids." He put the camera back into his backpack and took out a small foldable tent.

Vincent, who was skiing down the mountain for the third time, did not pursue speed, but followed the inertia while admiring the beautiful scenery.

They are the same.

James slid forward holding the camera, "Old Wen, I think you should be ready to order your business cards like Mr. Gaste did just now."

"The wizard doesn't have a phone number."

"It can also be like the sisters in the next life. Every time they do something good, they leave a card."

Vincent's face was expressionless, "Do you think I am this kind of person?"

"It just doesn't look like it, so I won't suspect you."

James thinks it's such a middle-of-the-road behavior.

Not to mention Muggles' high-tech criminal investigation methods, wizards alone have a lot of spells to determine the ownership of items.

"I'll definitely put your name on the card."

James curled his lips and went to find Neville without interest.

Behind him was Kenny, whose face was filled with envy and jealousy.

"Wayne, why didn't you agree to that photographer just now?"

"I'm still going to Hogwarts."

“Part-time work doesn’t take up too much of your time.”

"How about I tell Mr. Gaste and let you work as a full-time model in the Muggle fashion industry after graduation next year?"

"Not interested!" Kenny left with a dark face.

If you fail to satirize, you will be satirized, and even your eloquence cannot match it.

"What are you going to do?" Linyin slid over,

"I provoked the Abe family twice, do you think I will give you a third chance?"

Vincent slowed down, "Who knows, just try your luck."

She wanted to say something, but finally gave up the plan when she saw Hermione approaching.

"What are you talking about?"

"How should we continue to cause trouble for the Abe family?"

It was normal not to show up the first time, but it was almost like a slap in the face not to show up the second time.

It's true that I can endure it, but it's strange that I didn't even take any action to stop it.

The principal of the magic house, Gen Abe, can definitely guess the reason why Vincent did this, but the lack of any reaction will only increase his own suspicion.

Don't care at all?

Or is it just being mysterious?

The best-case scenario is of course that things can be different this time. If there is still no response like before, then the only choice is to visit Abe's house.

The feeling of being passive is very uncomfortable, and the speed that has slowed down gradually begins to speed up without realizing it.

Vincent, who was at the back, returned to the front.

Linyin, who had been chasing after her hard, knew it was coming.

"I'm going to just run right through it."

She almost let go of the pole with shaking hands, "Are you serious? That thing is as hard as a steel plate."

"If I get hurt, can the Abe family just watch?"

What a great move to turn retreat into advance!

"Magic Street Daily Fun Facts" just clarified the news, Vincent was suddenly injured near Abe's house.

Regardless of whether they participate or not, they will be involved in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Skiing down the mountain at night?

Is it because Abe’s house happens to be in that place?

It's a good idea to force them to express their stance. I hope the next one for the Weiwu family will go smoothly.

When Hermione and Daphne came over, they happened to hear them discussing which position would be more serious.

"The snow surface has a buffering effect, and it would be too uncomfortable to hit it and then roll down the mountain."

"Post it in big fonts?" Linyin joked: "This way you will definitely dominate the headlines of major newspapers in the next half month."

"It's still making international headlines, right?" Vincent ignored her, slowed down slightly and looked sideways at the two little witches.

"I'm going to hit him directly. What do you think about being seriously injured?"

"Ah!?" After a brief daze, both of them thought of the deep meaning behind it.

He really prefers to take the initiative rather than react passively.

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