This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 109: grassland


Fang Yi's figure flew out.

As for the red, it is just that the phantom has become a little illusory, standing quietly at the center of the explosion.

Comparing the two, the difference in strength is clear.

But obviously at an absolute disadvantage, and even almost to the point of death, Fang Yi suddenly smiled.

Because, in the direction he flew out, there was a space crack!

This is precisely the reason why he still chooses to fight against each other, knowing that he is incompetent.

If you turn around and run away, you will definitely find clues, block the action, and have no chance to escape.

But now, everything is too late.

Red, who just thought the dust had settled, also immediately noticed this, and his face changed greatly.

"Wait! Don't try to escape!"

Pull your hands apart and turn them into bow arms.

A red line, turned into a bowstring.

In her body, tens of thousands of blood-red arrows overflowed.

Whoosh whoosh!

Without any hesitation, the bowstring plucked directly.

All arrows fired!

But Fang Yi just opened and closed his lips calmly.



Fang Yi, who flew upside down like a meteor, crashed directly into the crack!

The arrow rain that was launched in a hurry, only a small amount drilled into the crack, and it was impossible to kill Fang Yi after escaping.

"He actually let him escape!"

Looking at the crack in the distance, the red face was gloomy as water.

The collision of the two forces just now was enough to blast away countless space cracks.

It's just that Hong used the power of the general to forcibly suppress it.

But she can only achieve the stability of the space around her body.

In some outer positions, a large number of space cracks are still slowly cracked.

It's just so small that no one can squeeze in.

As for the cracks left by the first wave of confrontation, Hong was fully prepared. As long as Fang Yi showed signs of escaping, he would definitely kill him immediately.

Moreover, she also performed a lore herself, so there was no chance for Fang Yi to breathe, let alone escape.

Where to think, still a hundred secrets.

In the most critical matchup, the problem of the space crack was neglected.

The cracks in space began to shrink gradually.

A struggle flashed in Hong's heart.

It is indeed the safest plan to stop at this point and send someone to search.

After all, the cracks in space are dangerous to a certain extent, and even the secluded general she does not dare to traverse at will.

But to live up to General Ying's trust and bear the king's anger, this result, just thinking about it, made her feel cold.

Even the king said that before, if the son of prophecy is really because of this, he will give up the front-line war and hunt down himself in the lower realm.

That's what really kills!

Therefore, after hesitating for a second, she has already made a decision.

Resolute flashed in his eyes, and his figure turned into a red shadow, rushing into the crack of space!

In the next instant, Hong saw a piece of suspended debris slowly drifting past his eyes.

A powerful repulsive force almost bounced her out again.

Fortunately, with strength, he resisted.

This is a unique repulsive force against existences above the generals, and it belongs to the resistance of the will of the world.

Looking forward, inside the space crack, there are dense mirror fragments.

Each mirror fragment represents a space.

The oppressive force in this area was unbearable even for Hong, the pain was unbearable, and the figure became like a shadow.

With the rain of arrows shot earlier, Hong Zhan sensed which fragment Fang Yi rushed into.

Lucky among misfortunes.

If it was a little later, it would definitely be lost!

Such as swimming in the deep sea, carrying huge pressure, Hong slowly swims to the target debris.

Generally speaking, if you want to swim in this space, you must at least have the strength of a secluded general.

It's just that Fang Yi's strength can no longer be understood by ordinary soldiers, so Hong is not surprised that he can drill into other debris under pressure.

As for the previous human who hid in the arrow rain and desperately entered the space crack, he should be dead.

Unless luck breaks the watch, just like before, just rush into the crack, and then drill directly into the next fragment.

The power of the world does not exclude existences below the generals, so naturally there is no risk.

However, such a one-in-a-million situation, you have to be lucky enough to encounter it?

The huge body that was originally a blood shadow began to gradually shrink.

Fortunately, the fragments that Fang Yi escaped from were not far away.

After all, Fang Yi's strength is not strong, and he can't swim too far.

"That's it!"

The body turned into a high-speed rotating drill, and Hong fought frantically against the world repulsive force of this fragment, bit by bit digging into the fragment.

This series of operations sounds complicated, but in fact, only three minutes have passed.

When Hong finally drilled a crack, she immediately turned her body into a thread and swooped in!


The next moment, light filled his eyes.

Wait until she gets used to it.

Man, seems to be at high altitude.

As far as the eye can see, it is an endless grassland.

And directly below, is a large circular pit.

In the center of the big pit, stood a bloodied, twisted and swollen boy who was barely human.

He was clenching a hollow disc the size of a palm with his teeth, looking up, and forcibly squeezed out two words.

"Back to the days!"

"found it!"

a minute ago.

Borderless, continue on the grassland.

A sunny afternoon.

Above the grassland, a small crack suddenly opened.

A figure fell from the crack.

It is the righteousness.

In the space crack, after only supporting for more than ten seconds, he could no longer bear the pressure, so he just found a piece of debris and rushed in.

Unexpectedly, without any resistance, it entered the debris very smoothly.

And then fell into this grassland.


He couldn't even adjust his body shape, so he fell directly into the grassland and exploded a big hole, which was very eye-catching.

In the previous battle, he had overdrawn too much power, and his state was very poor.

But just when he thought he had escaped.

In the positive direction, the originally small crack suddenly expanded!

The cracks in the void spread and expanded, almost growing to a size of more than ten meters!

The slightest red phantom overflowed from the crack again and again.

With a thud in his heart, Fang Yi's heart sank.

Are you going to force me to die?

I have a big move, okay?

Forbearance, the gate of the virtual world, are you really going to push me to that point?

Strongly supporting his body, Fang Yi slowly stood up, took out the Heavenly Wheel, clenched his teeth, and looked up.

Sure enough, the familiar red shadow rushed out of the crack and looked down at all beings!

"Back to the days!"

"found it!"

Back to the Sky: Instantly backtrack your state to five minutes ago.

Timing is such a trivial matter, of course, Fang Neng is not a problem.

So he knew very well that five minutes ago, he hadn't even fought against the red blood shadow.

A strange force enveloped Fang Yi.

It's like pushing back time.

The originally twisted arms gradually returned to their original shape.

The body, which was almost exhausted, gradually returned to its peak.

However, this state is only halfway through.


Going back to the sky wheel, countless cracks popped out and burst open.

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