This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 92: back to the sky

At present, it can only strengthen itself through the secluded weapon, and there is another direction, which is to dig deep into the power of the golden bone.

Since obtaining the Golden Bone, in addition to raising the upper limit of the martial arts level, it also has a very strong reaction to ghosts.

Fang Yi has taken the test many times this year, and has gradually found the way.

Continue in-depth research to stimulate the second characteristic of the golden body, there should be no problem.

For the next ten days, Fang Yi's life became more relaxed.

Apart from occasionally going out to give money to people to find out about ghosts, the rest of the time he learns the magic of ghosts from Master Wuzhu.

Under the guidance of famous teachers and Fang Yi's own talent, the learning progress can be described as very fast.

On the tenth day, it has been officially recognized by the system.

"Congratulations, you have comprehended the "Sealess Curse Removal Technique"."

"No Sea Curse Removal (Elementary): Can remove weak curses, only items."

From this moment, Fang Yi was officially introduced.

However, if you want to lift the curse of the secluded weapon, you still need to continue to study in depth.

At this level, it is only just getting started.

This kind of spell removal with a personal logo is very unique.

Without the guidance of a master, if you just rely on your own exploration, even if it takes more than ten years, it will be difficult to make great progress. It is far less simple and quick than other conventional spell removal techniques.

In short, it is difficult to learn, low start, but huge potential.

As for the conventional curse removal technique, the upper limit is to unlock the ordinary secluded weapon. When encountering an intractable curse, you can only do nothing.

In addition, Fang Yi noticed something.

This no-sea curse removal technique, in the description, is limited to items, and is not limited to the curse of ghosts.

That means, if you encounter items without spells in other dungeons, they might also come in handy.

And the conventional curse removal technique should only be limited to lifting the curse of the secluded weapon. After this copy, it may no longer be used.

Fang Yi learned and mastered Wuhai's spell-free spell so quickly, making Master Wuzhu extremely happy, and even these days, he completely gave up teaching Guo Li and concentrated on Fang Yi.

As a guardian, he has reincarnated many times, and has taught and guided countless students, but he has never had a talent as strong as Fang Yi!

This, maybe...genius!

Pushed forward for hundreds of years, pushed back for hundreds of years, you may not be able to meet the genius!

Even Master Wuzhu has already decided in his heart that Fang Yi's future achievements in spell removal will far surpass him!

Youth is better than blue. Such a happy event makes Master Wuzhu laugh with joy these days, and his mood is extremely happy every day.

Especially today, it's still a great day when the catfish soldier spit out the ice crystal fan to make a combined secluded weapon!

Therefore, at dawn, the three of them arrived at the entrance of the secret room early.

Entering inside, Master Wuzhu couldn't wait to open the stone gate.

However, the picture that entered the target made the three of them stunned for a moment.

In the secret room, there are only three things.

A fan of ice crystals stained with withered yellow slime.

A pool of foul-smelling blood mixed with minced flesh and catfish skin.

And... the starry glass that leaned on the ground and kept spilling wine.

The Uncursed Master's expression was solemn.

"This... what about Catfish You Bing?"

Guo Li hesitantly pointed to the stench of blood and said, "Maybe... it was crushed to death by the power of the curse?"

This conclusion, no curse master can't deny, because he must not have a standard judgment on how powerful the curse of the Fanxing Cup is.

Fang Yi rubbed a few times around these three things, observed it carefully for a moment, and pondered: "Perhaps, it was because the catfish felt that the time was approaching and there was no hope of escaping, so he decided to drink the Starry Wine and fight for his life. It's a pity. … it ended up being this result.”

This is also a possibility. The three discussed it for a while, but in the end it ended without success.

Anyway, the catfish ghost soldier must be dead, otherwise the contract of the ghost weapon curse will not disappear automatically.

And as long as the ice crystal fan is still there, that's enough.

After tidying up the secret room, the three of them left the secret room and put the ten artifacts collected over the past year on the table.

Then, the fusion process begins.

This process is quite complicated. Master Wuzhu is the leader, and Guo Li cooperates by the side.

At this moment, Fang Yi noticed that Guo Li looked at himself with complicated eyes, and then went to work.

Fang Yi moved slightly in the play, and then silently stepped aside to take up logistical support.

With his current level of spell-removing, he didn't even have the chance to strike, so he could only observe and learn from the sidelines, but he gained a lot and learned a lot of skills.

Ten days later, the first ghost artifact and the second ghost artifact merged into one.

Seven days later, the third ghost artifact was also fused into it.

Three days later, the fourth...

Nearly a month later, the combined secluded device was finally completed!

Master Wuzhu and Guo Li looked at the finished product on the table, almost collapsed from exhaustion and collapsed to the ground.

And Fang Yi stared straight at the combined secluded weapon, feeling a little excited.

On the table, there is a hollow disc the size of a palm, with a short handle in the middle.

This is the combined secluded device - Huitian In terms of shape, it is a bit like a miniature miniature version of the steering wheel of a car.

However, from the luster flowing on the material of the back to the sky, it can be seen that this thing must be extraordinary!

"Returning to the Sky Wheel: It has the effect of returning to the sky!"

"Special effects: Back to the sky, pure heart."

"Curse: None."

But when Fang Yi saw the special effect of returning to the sky, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Back to the Sky: Instantly backtrack your state to five minutes ago.

What the hell!

Full of blood, Resurrection Spring Brother Jia!

Fang Yi instantly thought of countless dramas of the Jedi counter-kill, this is simply the second life!

If it is combined with skills such as suspended animation, it is even more magical!

Fang Yi was in a surging mood and looked at another effect.

Pure Heart: Restrain the curse of disturbing gods.

Hmm... this is a bit general.

"Master Wuzhu, you've worked hard. Why don't you use Huitian once to restore your state?"

Fang Yi handed it out, but Master Wuzhu waved his hand.

"This is too wasteful. Every time I use the effect of returning to the sky, it will cause wear and tear to the sky, and it may even be completely destroyed once I return to the sky. I'm just exhausted, and I can recover after a short rest. However, the effect of clearing my heart is the key to treating my injury. If you can rest assured, will you let me go here tonight when you return to the Heavenly Wheel?"


Anyway, Fang Yiren is here, he is really not afraid that Master Wuzhu takes it and runs away.

Guo Li gritted his teeth and stood up reluctantly.

"Teacher... Master, I, I can't take it anymore, I'll go back to my room to rest first."

"It's okay, you go."


When Guo Li left, Fang Yi helped Master Wuzhu to get up, and suddenly lowered his voice: "Master Wuzhu, do you think Guo Li has been a little unusual these days?"

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