This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 69: help

If there is a problem, or if you refuse to accept the answer, others can only suffer silently.

If Rouge Dock can be opened as the first brothel in the capital, there will definitely not be such a big loophole.

I'm afraid that the girl's question will be restricted to a certain extent by Rouge Wu, and it is absolutely impossible to give it casually.


When Fang Yi was thinking about it, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

Turning his head slightly, he was one of the two bidding teams.

It seems that because they are shy and unable to bid for the auction, they have no idea at all now.

He was using the appearance of someone who had come over at the moment, and sighed and said: "Yi brother, I know what you are thinking. Believe me, there is no chance, there is really no chance."

He pointed to a bald middle-aged man not far away.

"At that table, I saw that there were no rich people in the capital."

The fingers moved, pointing to the sick young man who was coughing on the other side.

"This table is called Xiao Shixian Bai Wugui."

"And the one over there, and that brother, there is no chance, really no chance. Compared with them, we are not competitive at all! Even if the winner of the auction fails to answer the question of the girl Xixi, we have no chance. might stand out.”

With a long sigh again, he lay on the table helplessly, staring at the girl Xixi on the stage with his eyes closed.

Beside him, another member of Zizhu who gave up the auction was drinking wine one after another.

Whether it is financial resources or power, or even talent.

Compared with the other people present, both of them are younger brothers, the kind who can't raise their heads at all.

To be a foil is to be despised for a low level.

There is no harm without contrast.

Now the two of them have not been autistic on the spot, and they are already considered to be of good psychological quality.

Shaking his head slightly, Fang Yi ignored the four Zizhu brothers, but got up slowly, preparing to quietly exit the stage.

The purpose of his coming to Rouge Wharf was to find someone.

Since the target is not in this hall, Fang Yi has no need to stay.

"Brother Yi, where are you going? The auction is about to decide the final winner. Although it has nothing to do with us, it's great to watch the excitement."

"Look, I'm going out for a walk."

"That's fine, it's rare to come in, so you have to read enough books."

Although the Zizhu group of four were relatively wealthy, they paid 300 taels and they didn't even get a blister. That would be a waste.

So their idea, at least, is worth the price, watch the fun and see enough money, and then go to rest.

And Fang Yi didn't care about that at all.

His money came easily, and the entanglement given by the Qing family at that time has not been used up yet.

In the fierce bidding of everyone present, only a few people cared about the trend of Fangyi.

Although it was only a slight glance, Fang Yi was very sure that they did look at him in unison.

Of course, it is also possible that you are just waiting for boredom and curiosity.

After all, there should be very few people in this situation, ignoring the three beautiful brothel women, choose to leave directly.

But Fang Yi felt that the situation was not as simple as it seemed.

one thing.

The first time, so to speak, was a coincidence.

But when it came up for the second time, it was time to pay attention.

Are these three

"Sir, please stay."

The sound that suddenly sounded behind him made Fang Yi pause in his thoughts and stop.

And at this moment, he has half footed out of the door.

Turning around to look, Fang Yi was puzzled.

The person in front of him was dressed as a maid, but he was quite unfamiliar and should have come in from behind.

"Is there a problem?"

The maid smiled sweetly, and asked without answering, "Is your son going to leave?"

Frowning slightly, Fang Yi said indifferently: "Is there still a rule in Rouge Wu that you are not allowed to exit halfway?"

"Of course not. But my lady, I hope you can stay."


I was just a little transparent in the hall, and I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so why would they be staring at me.

Frowning slightly, Fang Yi asked, "Who is your lady?"

The maid smiled slightly, turned and pointed to the stage.

"Girl Kuku is my young lady."

withered? Ma is another dancer. ,

She actually wants me to stay?

This makes absolutely no sense.

This is the first time Fang Yi has come to Rouge Wu, and he has never seen Kuku before.

Why did the other party deliberately leave me?

My performance just now has been quite satisfactory

and many more! Is it that time

If it is really because of that, it means that this withered girl is not as simple as it seems.

Suppressing his thoughts, Fang Yi looked towards the stage.

Sure enough, the Kuku girl was also staring at her at this time.

With four eyes facing each other, Fang Yi’s heart was enlightened.

With a slight smile, he turned and strode out.

"Tell your lady, I will come after I turn around."


The maid looked at Fang Yi's back in amazement, feeling incredible.

That's an invitation from the girl with a dry face!

How many dignitaries in the capital have racked their brains and tried their best to gain the favor of the withered girl.

And that young man, faced with the opportunity at his fingertips, made this choice.

Incredible, simply incredible.

She even wondered if Fang Yi was a man!

After stomping her feet, she trotted to Miss Kuku's side, whispered a few words, and then respectfully stepped back from the stage and was responsible for entertaining others.

The title auction of girl Xixi finally decided the final winner.

All kinds of sighs and wailing, one after another.

No one noticed. Amidst all kinds of noisy voices, the three girls on stage were communicating in low voices.

Obviously, the three girls didn't move their mouths, but there was a very weak voice that sounded quietly.

"He really left."

"Humph! All men are the same, I will use the sound of the lute to attract him."

"Don't worry, the man is still in Rouge Dock, we can find him at any time."

"Two sisters, are you really sure he can help? Maybe it was just an illusion?"

"Sister Ku, the treasure that my mother gave us will never go wrong. Although it was only for a brief moment just now, that man did exude a turbulent aura!"

"Whether he is real or not, men are all the same. Leave people behind and let me fascinate him!"

"Mei'er, don't act recklessly. It's not a good thing that can cause fluctuations in the atmosphere. Let the prudent Kumei take a test first, and then make a decision."

"Then do I need to report this to my mother?"

"Wait first. After we test it, we will make a conclusion and report it to mother."

"it is good."

During the conversation, they had already made a decision.

But in the dry eyes, there is a trace of worry.

That man made her feel uncomfortable, there was always an icy chill.

"Maybe it's just an illusion. I hope he can really help."

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