This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 62: investigation

The peaceful Flow Demon Sect, due to the appearance of the talented girl Ei Sakura, is surging with dark tides.

With the duel day of the two C-level disciples, the interior of the sect became more and more lively.

Like muddy sewage, all the bulls, devils and gods from all sides are haunting them, wanting to ask for something in this duel.

The Long Knife Girl, on the other hand, has been silently accumulating strength, taking a large amount of auxiliary medicine pills for cultivation, improving her strength, acquiring secluded weapons, and preparing for the station.

Strategically, people can be despised, but tactically, the enemy must be taken seriously.

The outcome of this battle will affect the growth rate of the long-knife female character, so she still attaches great importance to it.

In the busy preparation, time flies by.

Three months later, the duel came as scheduled.

This battle attracted a large number of low-level disciples of the Flowing Demon Sect, among which the C-level disciples accounted for the largest number.

The main battle arena was even surrounded by people three circles and three circles.

This duel lasted an entire afternoon, and both sides were exhausted, and finally came to a result.

The long knife girl, with a small gap, narrowly won the final victory.

This is an upset, an absolute upset.

The whole scene fell into absolute silence.

Everyone looked at the winner in shock, completely not expecting that in the end, the long-knife woman would win.

After being stunned for a short time, some people started crying and slamming against the wall, and ran up to the sky, looking like they were looking for a shortcoming.

More people looked at the long-knife girl with complicated expressions and discussed in whispers.

Obviously, even after defeating Senior Sister Xin, who was the chief disciple of Grade C, they still did not recognize the position and strength of the Long Sword Girl.

But the long knife girl ignored them, she didn't need the approval of this group of people.

Flowing Demon Sect's promotion path, as long as there is enough strength, other things are not particularly troublesome.

As for the recognition of the disciples of the same level, it is even more meaningless.

With the loot, the long-knife woman bought a lot.

Then, with exclusive slavery, he began to retreat.

Another three months later, the long-knife girl left the customs, and her strength rose to the next level.

"It's been half a year since I received the duel book..."

"In the past six months, I have not stopped for a moment, and finally I have improved my strength again! Now, even in the face of a high-level mist! I can't fall behind!"

"However, the amount of points required is also increasing."

Dueling is not a good thing that happens every day, the normal process, the fastest way is still to accept the sect mission.

Players with a green body are enslaved, and many tasks can be easily completed.

Entering the task hall and accepting the task, the long knife girl found that many people were looking at her vaguely.

Received the duel book, three months.

In addition to the three months of retreat, the long knife girl thought that the duel between herself and the third-level chief disciple had stopped.

But in fact, there are still a lot of people paying attention to the long knife girl.

As for Senior Sister Xin after the duel, it is said that she is still recovering from her injuries and has not seen anyone for a long time.

As a talented member who defeated the chief disciple, most people's attention was diverted from Senior Sister Xin, and then they paid attention to the dynamics of the long knife girl.

Everyone thought that the next C-level chief disciple who succeeded Senior Sister Xin must be the girl with the long sword.

The feeling of being valued made the long knife woman uncomfortable.

After checking the quest list of the next sect, she chose an investigation-type quest with a very rich reward.

"Investigate the undercover inside Tianmeng and mysterious disappearance near Muniu Village."

By the way, I also took over all the tasks along the way, and the long knife girl started the journey with her exclusive slave.

After leaving Flowing Demon Sect, those who had bad intentions, ulterior motives, and even resentment, all began to move, as if they wanted to make a move.

Staying in the sect just suppresses the problem temporarily, and cannot solve the actual problem.

Only when these hostile people are really exposed, the Long Knife Girl can get enough information to solve them one by one.

Five days later, the first chasing team intercepted the long-knife girl's team, and they were all killed in the end, and no one was spared.

For the next two months, the girl with the long knife has been harassed by the chasing troops, and she is very annoying.

But I also got enough information. Going back this time will definitely solve a lot of problems and improve my status in the Flowing Demon Sect.

The two-month journey also brought Long Knife Girl to the cow herding village, which has almost turned into ruins.

Taking this as the center, after a month of investigation, the long-knife girl vaguely had her own speculation in mind.

"If you guess correctly, a ghost soldier might have lived here, and even a ghost realm was set up here.

But it seems that something happened. Great Master You Bing hurriedly left the area, and even the ghost realm was completely recovered. It was estimated that it was a permanent departure, and... it seemed to be quite hasty. It was said that it was a relocation. Escape signs. "

You Soldier is powerful, that is not what the Long Sword Girl can handle now.

She doesn't have enough strength to make contact with such a strong person now.

The ruins in front of him seem to show that there is something that pushes the Great Master of You Bing into a desperate situation, so he can only urgently apologize to the realm and choose to escape.

What kind of existence can make you soldier panic to such a degree...

Although she has not seen the real You Soldier, she has also passed through the wreckage of the battlefield and felt the huge gap between her current strength and the most mainstream strength in the world.

By comparing with the strong, and then positioning their own strength.

Only in this way can continuous progress be made.

"I hope that the guy who can force You Bing to retreat has already left here, otherwise it will be very dangerous to continue to stay on this ruin."

After investigating the scene for a month, she suddenly felt that five people were rapidly approaching her.

"Anyone from Tianmeng..."

Liu Mozong, as one of the top super sects in the Central Plains, still needs to give some face to the Tianmeng.

As for the matter of sending undercover, it is a normal competition relationship, as long as it is not discovered or put on the table, it does not matter.

However, when the people from the Tianmeng approached and sensed a strong murderous aura, the Long Knife Girl understood that these five members of the Tianmeng were not making sense, but were preparing to solve the problem with violence.

If it weren't for the fear of extracurricular branches, the Long Knife Girl would really be interested in meeting the members of the Heavenly Alliance, what is the level of strength?

I heard that every official member of the Tianmeng must be a first-class expert.

Twenty-six masters, the long-knife girl reached or even surpassed it a long time ago.

But she really doesn't know the strength standard of a first-class master, and she really wants to know about it through actual fights.


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