This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 41: difference

This is the problem of game understanding, and it is also the gap between most ordinary players and senior players.

Deform every part of the body to the best point of force, exert one's own potential to the extreme, and form a perfect deformation. This is not something anyone can do.

Experience and skills are indispensable.

For another ordinary player, in the situation in front of Fang Yi, the best outcome is to escape from Kurong City.

After all, at that stage, Fang Yi's strength on paper was actually behind Miss Xin.

Even if the opponent had just been reborn and his strength was suppressed, Fang Yi would have run away immediately.

As for now, after absorbing the source power of Youbing, his strength has been improved again.

Now, against an enemy of the level of Miss Shangxin, you can directly kill the enemy without even casting [Black Wheel].

"Tianxin Gong: The Great Perfection of the 200th Floor."

"Special effects: Aftershock, Restraining Breath."

Peng Bai's huge aura like the sea is slowly flowing steadily in Fang Yi's body.

The terrifying power, due to the special effects of the exercises, did not spill out a single breath.

The original power absorbed from Miss Xin's corpse not only filled the "Earth Resentment Gong", but also made the "Tianxin Gong" who had just successfully cultivated to break through the realm of 200 layers in one fell swoop.

This is still an unprecedented record of the number of layers in the cultivation technique.

According to the literature records in the family, according to the family's "Heavenly Heart Technique", the highest level that the average clansman can cultivate is 30.

Even the few geniuses who have appeared in the family in history have only trained to the 50th floor.

And this is already a performance of great potential, and they have been crowned as peerless geniuses, and later, without exception, they have ascended to the position of the head of the Yi family.

But those geniuses are really nothing compared to the current Fang Yi.

There is a four-fold difference between the 200th floor and the 50th floor.

The most important thing is... Fang Yi's potential has not yet reached its peak!

Two hundred floors is not his limit!

Although the number of subsequent layers is increased, the source power required is very large.

But that's right, the change in strength brought about by it is also very obvious.

"I... can be stronger!"

"Tianxin Gong" is different from "Earth Resentment".

The leap between the two exercises is like a toddler one second before, and an adult's 100-meter sprint the next second.

Kunlun's hand, the earth's grievances.

This set of exercises is the one that Yijia uses to lay the foundation.

It is not much different from the first two exercises of other noble families.

Even though there may be many differences on the surface, the core role is the same, with little differences.

Even if it is a first-class family, the first two sets of exercises are inseparable from the basic word. At most, the functions of the exercises are more comprehensive and easier to practice.

But when it comes to the third set of exercises, everything is different.

The gap and background between the aristocratic family and the family, that is, starting from the third set of exercises, became prominent.

Because the third set of exercises will begin to touch the core content of the family exercise system.

This also means that the third set of exercises of each family will have a decisive and huge difference, and there will be no similarities.

Just like the first two floors, everyone is a student in the ivory tower.

Of course there are gaps between individuals, but they will not widen too much.

But when it comes to the third set of exercises, it is equivalent to stepping into society. The resources of the parents will be involved, and the gap will be infinitely widened in the moment when the exercises are completed.

From the third set of exercises, you can see the family style and family background behind the user.

For example, Qingran's family, in terms of the content of the exercises, is a specialization in the direction of investigation.

The same is true for other families. The focus of the family's core exercises will be clearly reflected in the third set of exercises.

As for Fang Yi's Yijia, it tends to be latent and explosive.

Taking this as a direction, the special effects of "Tianxin Gong", which is specialized, are aftershocks and breath-holding.

The aftershock special effect is to gather its own qi, to conduct a certain degree of shock, and then produce an explosive attack.

The breath-holding special effect is to restrain the breath, try to disguise as an ordinary person, and wait for the best opportunity to attack.

These two special effects will be possessed at the same time when one cultivates into "Tianxin Gong".

However, since "Tianxin Gong" is an introductory exercise that has just stepped into the core system of the family, the "Tianxin Gong" practiced by ordinary members of the family has very weak special effects.

No matter the aftershocks or the breath-holding, there is no way to play a practical role. Some of them are like decorative vases, which are very tasteless.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, raised this introductory technique to the realm of 200 layers.

Even the tasteless special effects have been enhanced to a very terrifying realm.

In fact, Yijia's exercises all have a corresponding ghost realm.

Kunlun hands are not qualified to be compared with ghosts.

In the initial stage, you will have the ability to infect unconscious ghosts. In the intermediate stage, you can deal with very weak ordinary ghosts. After reaching the full level, you can reluctantly pass a few tricks with regular ghosts and escape smoothly.

Tian Xin Gong, in the primary stage, can beat the conventional ghosts without falling behind. At the intermediate stage, you can kill regular ghosts. After the level is full, it can deal with the existence of the mist-level among the ghosts.

This so-called full-level stage is based on ordinary clansmen.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, broke the stake.

He, with his grievances against ordinary ghosts, beat the ghost soldiers! Even kill it!

Now, he has even practiced the Heavenly Heart Technique, which can deal with the mist. Even Fang Yi himself doesn't know what his strength is.

However, he could feel that there was a huge gap in the source power needed for the subsequent improvement of UU Reading Tianxin Gong.

Even if you kill another You Bing of the same level as Miss Xin, the number of layers of Tian Xin Gong might increase by about 30 layers.

And with such a rapid increase in strength, Fang Yi clearly felt that his foundation was unstable.

Although now I can practice the exercises behind "Tianxin Gong", but in this situation, it is the only end to forcibly practice and go crazy.

"It needs a steady wave."

Glancing at the progress of the character's main quest.

The column of You Bing has become 1/1000.

Although it is only a step forward, it is indeed a very good start for Fang Yi.

After all, the time limit is a whole hundred years, and now, only a few months have passed.

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry. In addition, the news of hostile players will also start to be collected."

In a few months, it has been enough for some players to grow to a more eye-catching level.

If there is enough news network coverage, it is possible to find the hidden players.

As for his teammates, Fang Yi doesn't expect much, as long as he finds the woman with a long knife.


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