This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 21: 3 stream masters!

"Rain... Rain stopped... Rain, finally stopped!"

Looking at the morning sun outside the temple, the little boy trembled slightly, and tears silently fell from his eyes.

"It's... it's dawn..."

Sister Die stared blankly at the rising red sun, feeling that what happened this day and night was like a dream.

But the weak scholar standing at the door, as well as the ruined appearance of the broken temple after being devastated by two perverts.

It reminded her all the time how real everything was before.

Seeing Fang Yi slowly turning around, Sister Die subconsciously took a step back.

On the other hand, the little boy's expression flashed decisively, and he knelt down and kowtowed loudly.


When he looked up again, there was a little blood on his forehead.

Fang Yi's expression moved slightly.

"You are..."

"Mr. Yi kills ghosts and takes revenge for Grandpa Tomb. You should receive this gift."


As soon as he finished speaking, he kowtowed again.

"This time again?"

"Mr. Yi is highly skilled in martial arts. In today's chaotic world, ghosts are rampant. The little monk Xuanyun wants to contribute to this troubled world and wants to take Mr. Yi as his teacher!"

Xuan Yun's eyes were fixed on Fang Yi, full of hope and desire.

Want to take me as a teacher?

Fang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became strange.

The hidden family is not open to the outside world because it wants to monopolize the exercises and keep its status.

But their respective exercises can only be learned by those with family blood.

Outsiders want to practice, no matter how talented they are, it will not help.

Shaking his head, Fang Yi said decisively, "I don't accept disciples."

With a stagnant expression, the expression on Xuan Yun's face gradually changed to a disappointed look, and he slowly lowered his head, his eyes dimmed.


but? !

Xuan Yun suddenly raised his head.

"Please also make it clear that Mr. Yi, no matter what your request, as long as Xuanyun can do it, he will die!"

"No, it's not that I changed my mind. It's that I remember that the major sects in the Central Plains and the South have the ability to deal with ghosts. If you really have the heart to save all living beings, you can go to those sects and try your luck... In addition , are you a monk?"

Great gate?

There was hope in Xuan Yun's eyes again.

The death of Grandpa Tomb, the ferocity of ghosts, allowed him to see a wider world, and also planted a seed in his young mind.

Taking a deep breath, Xuan Yun nodded slowly: "Don't dare to hide Mr. Yi, in fact, I am the current abbot of [Lengyue Temple], and the previous abbot is Grandpa Tomb..."


Is this little guy the abbot of [Lengyue Temple]?

Such a small abbot... Fang Yi's face became strange, and even Sister Die next to him couldn't help but glance at Xuan Yun a few more times.

"Wait! Since you are the abbot here, doesn't that mean that you have always lived here?"

Previously, Fang Yi only thought that the two grandfathers and grandsons were just homeless people who lived in the ruined temple for a while.

Who would have thought that the broken temple was the home of the two of them.

"I know what Mr. Yi is thinking, but it's not what you think. That group of ghosts didn't live in Lengyue Temple all the time, but quietly moved in recently, which may be related to the dilapidation of our temple. It may also be related to the legend of our temple."

Fang Yi's heart moved.

"It's interesting, let's talk about it in detail."

Seeing Fang Yi was interested, Xuan Yun did not hide it.

No matter what, the other party has avenged the blood relatives for him, and this kind of favor must be repaid.

"It is said that many, many years ago, our [Lengyue Temple] was very prosperous and prosperous, and even had a record of becoming the state religion.

Later, because of the seal of some kind of existence, the vitality was greatly damaged and it continued to decline.

About a hundred years ago, according to the records of that generation of abbots, the seal was automatically broken.

At that time, some people asserted that the residual breath after the seal was broken was very serious and needed to be relocated immediately, but in the end, because of the shyness of the money and the inability to relocate, it was abandoned.

Now that a hundred years have passed, nothing has happened to the temple, and Lengyue Temple has also declined severely.

Therefore, it has become a legend, and has long been forgotten except for written records.

It was not until more than ten days ago that the group of ghosts suddenly appeared and completely occupied the place. I remembered reading the documents that were once regarded as legends.

However, in such a short period of ten days, the death toll was countless.

This is still the result of constantly filling in from outsiders.

In the end, the only people in the temple who were killed and injured were me and the tomb grandfather, and the position of the abbot passed on to me..."

Fang Yi was suddenly stunned.

I remembered the sound of the little boy's reminder when the ugly and strong man was recruited.

I am afraid that he has seen the means of the mist, so he knows some ways to deal with it.

"Take me to the place where the seal is."

"it is good."

The two walked to the back of the temple, and Sister Die hesitated, and followed behind them with a stomping.

South, Perseverance Plain.

A middle-aged man with a thick beard was holding his breath, quietly hanging upside down on the branches of the towering giant tree.

He is the sect master of Hudaomen, Hu 30,000!

Because of the fierce scars on his face, ordinary people who know each other will respectfully call him a scar boss.

It has been half a month since he was forced by that strange breeze to enter the Plain of Perseverance.

If it is counted from the time of entering the copy, it is the past month and a half.

Although he was forced to escape from the Plain of Perseverance, he went back to develop his power.

But this half month, he is not completely without harvest.

"Tiger Soul Sabre: The Tenth Floor Great Perfection!"

In the past half month, he has practiced swordsmanship while avoiding the powerful animals and peculiar ghosts and ghosts in the Plain of Perseverance. Finally, he was only one step away from the door, and the character's own swordsmanship has been practiced to the state of great perfection. !

"According to the background introduction of the character, and the news I found when I entered the Forest of Ten Thousand Woods. Now I... have stepped into the realm of third-rate masters!"

Third-rate master!

Every time he thought of these four words, his heart couldn't help but get excited.

In just one and a half months, he has stepped into the realm of third-rate masters. This opening, this progress, and this strength are unmatched!

You must know that in Panfire City, where he descended, a third-rate master is a top-notch force, a terrifying force that can dominate the entire town!

"Except for those ghosts, in this area, I can already dominate without any scruples!"

"I'm afraid my teammates and enemies are still struggling in the entry-level stage of martial arts, and they can't even ask for it, and they can't even touch the power system!"

"You must leave the Plain of Perseverance as soon as possible, go back to develop your forces, and search for enemy players and teammates... This dungeon requires me to lead the team to victory! No... Only I can make the team win!"

"Teammates, be optimistic. Enemies, tremble... This dungeon will completely become my personal show [On the Water Side]!"


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