This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 58: unstable factor

It is impossible for these untrained monsters to obey orders precisely.

As long as the general direction of the order can be heard, that is enough.

It's just a touchstone anyway, the real ultimate move is still hidden behind.

The army of monsters is coming, Fang Yi and Xian Sanbu naturally do not intend to shake such an army.

Like the flying corpse group and the swamp fog monster, the two looked at each other, turned around and ran away.

One foot steps on the lotus flower, and the other foot dances with green leaves.

The speed of the two was not slow, and gradually overtook the team composed of the flying corpse group and the swamp fog monster, and rushed to the front of the team.

At this time, the Demon King army in the rear had already bit the tail of the team.

The screams sounded from the rear, and it was obviously a monster, but the Swamp Fog Monster was being massacred.

Moreover, it wasn't some high-level monsters that attacked, but a team composed of a large number of low-level monsters, engulfing them like a tidal wave.

The flying corpse group is not much better.

In Fang Yi's impression, the group of flying corpses should belong to the subordinates of the new Devouring Demon King.

It stands to reason that they are all subordinates of the Demon King, so there may be a possibility of cooperation.

However, the reality is that the group of flying corpses were chased and killed and fled, and there was no chance for communication at all.

If you think about it carefully, whether the flying corpse group is considered to be the subordinate of the Devouring Demon King, it is still two.

Although the Devouring Demon King also evolved from flying corpses, when killing flying corpses and gaining experience points, it seems that there is no holding back.

As the saying goes, you don't need to run the fastest, as long as you run faster than the people around you.

When those flying corpses faced the crisis of life and death, they all opened up and attacked the swamp fog monster next to them.

Under the sneak attack, the swamp fog monsters were attacked one after another, and were instantly engulfed by the Demon King's army.

And those clever flying corpses didn't last long before they were overtaken by the Demon King's army, screaming in agony.

The situation in the rear gradually spread to the front, chaos and killing became the main theme.

However, in order to slaughter the swamp fog monster and the flying corpse group, the charge of this army finally eased, giving Fang Yi and Xian Sanbu enough time to escape.

With their speed advantage, the two took the lead and gradually left the Demon King's army behind.

Although the poisonous fog of the Orchid Swamp gradually thinned with the death of the Xenopods, it did not completely dissipate overnight.

Therefore, when the figures of the two were gradually covered by the poisonous mist, the Demon King's army had already missed the best chance to seize the two.

Unless the entire Demon King's army is scattered and searched in order to find these two people.

Otherwise, there is little hope of finding the two of them.

Not to mention that although they caught up with the swamp fog monsters and the flying corpse group, they were only catching up. If they wanted to completely eliminate them, it would take a little time.

Although the first reaction of the flying corpse and the swamp fog monster after seeing the Demon King's army was to flee in fright.

But that doesn't mean they don't have combat power, it's just that they don't have any chance of winning against the Demon King's army.

Now that there is no escape, under the tenacious resistance, it still consumes a lot of the living strength of the Demon King's army.

The leader of a giant eight-clawed spider, after cooperating with his subordinates to kill the last swamp fog monster, looked at the thick poisonous fog in the distance, and the two backs that escaped before flashed in his heart, thoughtfully.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental...

dong dong dong!

The ground trembled, and the Demon Ape Monster's order came, interrupting its thoughts and rejoining the queue.

The Demon King's army set off in a mighty manner, and in the direction they were heading, it was the City of Sleeping Cool!

That big city that is very close to the imperial capital of Thelma Empire!

On the other side, Fang Yi, who had left the Orchid Swamp and completely got rid of the pursuit of the Demon King's army, were discussing.

"...According to this information, I think this Demon King's army is most likely to attack Mianliang City!"

"Mianliang City? It seems to make sense. Occupying Mianliang City, you can attack, retreat and defend, which is equivalent to opening a passage for the other teams of the Demon King. But..."

Xian Sanbu suddenly changed the conversation.

"What does this have to do with us, as long as the target isn't us, who cares who is in charge of Mianliang City. For all this, we just need to observe silently."

The reason is this, if there is no system news that just sounded, if there is no dungeon side quest just released, Fang Yi really supports Xian Sanbu's remarks.

But now, he has to make a statement.

"You can't say that, you must know that once Mianliang City is occupied, the human camp will be at a disadvantage, and maybe it will be taken over by the Demon King's army. Our life will not be easy at that time. In addition, the most important thing is, I Received the dungeon side quest "Stopping the Demon King's Army's Actions", and the reward is...a high-level professional "Retrorunner"."

Fang Yi didn't hide anything about Xian Sanbu, but chose a direct showdown.

Fang Yi's sincere attitude was something Xian Sanbu never expected.

This undoubtedly represents trust, and trust among peers.

After hesitating, Xian Sanbu still shook his head.

"No matter how good the reward is, we have to take it with our life. With our current ability, even if we forcefully accept the quest, we can't complete the task. Chen Power is too low. are not the only one who received the dungeon side quest."

"I'm not alone... Could it be you too?"

"That's and my mission is exactly the opposite of yours! The content is to **** this Demon King's army and let them successfully capture the city. The mission lasts for three days, and the reward is... directly increase by ten A professional level!"

"Level 10? This kind of reward, the better the level, the stronger the effect. It's a pity your level..."

"No! Even now, this reward is still very attractive. At first, I thought that the Demon King's army would attack the Imperial Capital, but now, according to your analysis, I think they will indeed attack Mianliang City. In this case, the chances of completing the task are very high. High...if it wasn't for your interference."

As these words fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.

The two stared at each other, neither of them said anything, and they kept calculating in their hearts, weighing the pros and cons.

In fact, without Fang Yi's interference, the chances of winning between Mianliang City and this Demon King's Vanguard Army are only 50% to 50%.

The first sneak attack, the Demon King's Pioneer Army, would definitely be able to gain an advantage.

But when all the people in Mianliang City reacted, they had a tug-of-war in the alleys, using the war equipment in the city, as well as their delicate cooperation, there was a high chance that the situation would be reversed.

The last thing is to see who can hold on to the last step.

It was the monsters who first defeated the military hearts of humans and fled after disarming.

Or whether the monsters were slaughtered and the human beings recaptured the city, which contained too many unstable factors.

The biggest unstable factor is Fang Yi and Xian Sanbu.

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