This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 56: Worst Orange

But there is one thing, Xian Sanbu was right.

This kind of poison mainly depends on the object.

It is not difficult to fight against masters and leave wounds to each other.

But if the attack of the hidden weapon type hits the wound accurately again, and then poisons it, the difficulty factor is too high.

Monsters like Xenopods obviously don't have any awareness of protecting the wound, which is why Xian Sanbu easily succeeded.

hoo hoo hoo!

The Xenopod's roar continued, but compared to before, there were signs of recovery, and the body gradually stood up and glared at the two of them.

How can you bear this.

It is not the first time for Fang Yi to deal with a wounded enemy. Taking advantage of your illness to make you sick is the kingly way.

Anti-kill or something, non-existent, in the face of the enemy, Fang Yi will never forget to make up for the last knife.

One step out, people are in the air.

The purple axe fell, and Professor Yi's head was wounded.

The axe was not powerful enough and stuck in the wound, but instead made the Xenopod go berserk.

"Dongmen Zui, are you doing acrobatics?"

The teammates are all taunting, how can this be tolerated.

"Ball ball!"

Cards, Cards!

Flow inside! Dark indoctrination! Drunk as hell!

The three major skills were used together, Fang Yi was full of black gas, his body gradually became shorter, and his arms suddenly swelled, like the arms of a little giant, with blue veins covering the surface, full of explosive power.

Crazy axe dance!

Compared with the previous skills, Fang Yi's attack this time became fierce and violent, like a violent storm.

The original purple axe was dyed with black gas and turned into a black axe.

The shadow of the axe is heavy, like chopping melons and vegetables, and completely chopped the head of the Xenopod into a pulp.


With the last scream, the Xenopod of LV60 collapsed.

Based on the strength of the professionals alone, the two are indeed not opponents with different legs.

However, with the unique poison of Xian Sanbu, weakening the ability of Xenopods, coupled with the full power of righteousness, clearing and breaking defense, this is the result of today's victory.

Otherwise, if the Xenopod's state recovers and becomes resistant to the poison, even if it is Xian Sanbu with the [Flower of Sin] profession, it will have to find a way out.

After the Xenopod fell, the golden light on Fang Yi's body flickered crazily.


Every golden light represents a level up.

And Fang Yi's current level...

Great Axe Warrior LV40!

Full level!

This is also because the upper limit of the level of the big axe warrior has only reached this step, otherwise the excess experience points will allow him to continue to improve several levels.

After all, it is a LV60 boss-level monster. I don't know how many levels it has surpassed, and the experience value provided by ordinary monsters is not the same level.


Xian Sanbu looked at Fang Yi's level with complex eyes and sighed.

Fang Yi understood what she meant.

If killing monsters can also gain experience points, then Xian Sanbu will definitely not give this head to Fang Yi.

However, the reality is that she must kill humans in order to gain experience points and improve her strength.

And it must be a strong human, otherwise the experience value provided is too low.

Originally, Xian Sanbu came to the Orchid Swamp to use the resident adventure group here to make a knife, and who would have thought that the monsters would be destroyed directly by the group.

and many more!

Xian Sanbu suddenly frowned.

"Dongmen Zui, do you think it's strange? According to the information in the clerk's hall, these adventure groups are permanently stationed here and have a strong suppression force. Even in the past three months, there have been information uploaded, indicating that three months Before, the adventure group was still firmly in control of this area, why is it suddenly..."

"You mean, the xenopods have mutated in the past few months?"

Judging from the ability of Xenopods, the poisonous mist of the Orchid Swamp is made by it, so the time spent here is definitely very long.

The adventure group has not eliminated it, nor has it been eliminated, indicating that the two sides have fought back and forth, and even the high-level officials of the professional hall are aware of this situation, it is just that ordinary professionals have access to this information.

But in the time when the adventure group did not contact the staff hall, the Xenopods suddenly became powerful and wiped out all these adventure groups. There must be articles in it.

"I don't know if it's a mutation or not, but something must have happened. I remember the description of the Swamp Fog Monster in the clerk's hall. It's just an ordinary monster. There has never been such a thing as joint hunting and cooperation. And now, it's actually happening..."

When Fang Yi heard this, his heart suddenly moved, and he groped for the body of the Xenopod for a moment, and his face changed slightly.

When he retracted his hands from the corpse, he was already holding a familiar bead.

Resentful Food Pearl!!

Performance...very poor!


Fang Yi couldn't help gasping for air.

Orange quality!

Although the worst performing orange item.

But in the end it is an orange item!

Fang Yi was immediately excited.

I am afraid that even the previous purgatory demon cow, the resentment beads eaten, did not have the orange quality.

I ended up getting one myself.

But thinking that Xenopods would also complain about Shizhu, Fang Yi had a strange feeling in his heart, and he always felt that things were not that simple.

"You have... Resentment Orbs? Why even Xenopods..."

Boom boom boom!

A sound that suddenly sounded in the distance interrupted Xian Sanbu's inquiry.

It was the sound of the galloping beasts, and it was the loud noise of the earthquake shaking the mountain.

The trembling of the ground became more and more obvious, UU reading www. The faces of both of them are not very good-looking.

Previously, they were forced into the xenopod's feeding circle by the swamp fog monster and the flying corpse group.

It's not that they can't beat those swamp fog monsters and flying corpses, but that there are too many of them, and they can kill Fang Yi and Fang Yi.

On the contrary, it is not so difficult to deal with Xenopods, and it is an outbreak of war, not a protracted war.

And now, it seems to be back to where it was.

The two looked at each other, and both of them had the intention of retreating.

Fang Yi's level has reached the top, and his professional skills have also been raised to a very high level with the help of boss-level monsters. After a little practice, he can meet the requirements for career transfer. There is absolutely no need to fight for life and death here.

As for Xian Sanbu, that means he has absolutely no interest in flying corpses and swamp fog monsters. Apart from wasting stamina, there is no benefit at all.

As experienced players of the game, neither of them is interested in things that have no interest.

With a sigh of relief, both of them responded.

Fang Yi's hands shrank as if shrunk, and the blue veins on his legs protruded, became taller and longer, and became long legs, like rabbit legs, full of explosive power.

Xian Sanbu attached the leaves to his legs and prepared to retreat.

With the death of the xenopods, the thick fog has also become thinner, and the shadows ahead are flickering and getting closer.


When the two started to retreat, the monster just broke through the thick fog and appeared in the sight of the two of them.

Sure enough, it was a group of flying corpses and a group of swamp fog monsters.

Xian Sanbu turned around and was about to retreat, but found that Fang Yi seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly let out a light yawn and stopped in place.

"Dongmen Zui, what are you thinking, hurry up..."

Before he finished speaking, Xian Sanbu's pupils shrank, and he also stopped, froze in place, and looked forward in amazement.

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