This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 51: the city next door

Sometimes, Fang Yi and Xian Sanbu would bump into the scene where the flying corpse was massacred.

Needless to say, the two naturally shot at the same time to kill.

Since the professional level of the axe warrior has been capped, the highest is only LV30, so Fang Yi paid more attention to the practice of professional skills, and the fighting time dragged on for a long time.

Often it was Xian Sanji who dealt with three or five flying corpses, and Fang Yi just dealt with one. However, the speed of professional level improvement is still very obvious.

After walking and stopping all the way, after half a month, the two finally arrived at Mianliang City.

Xian Sanbu's [Flower of Sin] has reached LV7.

There were no people on the main road, so Xian Sanbu deliberately went to the robbers and thieves before he started killing and raising his professional level.

Entering Mianliang City, there are more people coming and going than I expected.

However, most of the clothes are relatively simple and plain, which is a bit out of tune with the bustling city.

After quietly listening to the conversations of the bottom passers-by, Fang Yi realized that they were all refugees who took refuge here after the village was destroyed.

However, with their abilities, there are really no good job opportunities in Mianliang City, so they can only wander the streets, looking for shelter.

Ignoring these people, Fang Yi and Xian walked to the clerk hall in Mianliang City in three steps.

Compared to the Clerk's Tower in the Imperial Capital, the Clerk's Hall in Mianliang City is much simpler.

It's just a luxuriously decorated, high-rise building with more than ten floors.

Entering the hall, the crowd was surging, and the scene was very hot.

All of these people seem to be adventurers, taking quests or reporting.

Obviously, the flying corpse monsters that suddenly appeared nearby made the adventure group active.

Xian Sanbu said hello to Fang Yi, and left the team, as if to inquire about the news.

It's just that everyone else is looking for news about monsters, and she is looking for the movement of the adventure group.

Ignoring her, Fang Yi went to the professional advancement alone.

In the past two weeks, he has been exercising his professional skills, and now he has already met the requirements for job transfer.

With a single operation, the axe warrior LV30 above Fang Yi's head transformed into...

Occupation Name: Great Axe Warrior LV1.

Occupational skills: Wild Axe Dance LV1, Intermediate Battle Axe Proficiency LV1, Iron Wall LV1, Intermediate Heavy Armor Proficiency LV1.

It is basically an advancement of the old set of skills, only a heavy axe blow, it becomes [Frenzy Axe Dance LV1].

After the job transfer was completed, when he returned to the job hall again, Fang Yi found that the eyes of others looking at him were immediately different.

Originally, I was very disgusted, and I didn't even bother to pay attention to it.

Now, I took a second look, and even a spicy chicken adventure group extended an olive branch.

Should it be so realistic, once you change jobs, your social status will improve...

Fang Yi found that in such a world where everyone has a professional grade and professional title, the relationship between people has become more direct.

The poor write poverty on their faces, the weak will always be the weak, and they will never bully the wrong person.

After taking the task in the hall and searching for a long time, Fang Yicai finally found Xian Sanbu surrounded by the crowd.

With a thud in his heart, Fang Yi thought something had happened.

As a result, everyone else was complimenting Xian Sanbu, and then looked at the top of Xian Sanbu's head, and the occupational name had changed from [Sinful Flower] to [Lip Flower Mage].

With great potential and eventually becoming a rare profession, [Lip Flower Mage] has been favored by many adventure groups.

In the past, even in the imperial capital, Xian Sanbu was very popular and received many invitations.

Not to mention Mianliang City, which is a circle smaller than the imperial capital and is seriously lacking in talent.

Among the representatives of Xian San Bu Fu and the major adventure groups, they are like a fish in water, playing Tai Chi very well, hanging everyone's appetite, but not showing their attitude, always giving people a little bit, and then giving a little more favorable conditions, Let this great newcomer join the team.

But the result is that the poor point is like a bottomless pit, and it can't be filled.

This is understandable, because Xian Sanbu has no plans to join the group at all, just inquiring about the news.

And in every sense, she's a member of the Hidden Wounds.

Although the head and the deputy head kneeled, the members went their separate ways and did not know where to go.

But according to the official information, Xian Sanbu still belongs to the Hidden Injury Group.

Unless Xian Sanbu voluntarily withdraws from the group, this group of people will have no chance to recruit her.

Seeing Fang Yi walking towards her, Xian Sanbu calmly showed a tired state.

After expressing that she would seriously consider it, she Shi Shiran left the scene.

Everyone believed it to be true, and there was a look of joy on their faces.

Some people even bragged, and began to wonder how powerful it would be for their own adventure group to create a rare profession.

Seeing the reactions of these people, Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

The idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

Other Immortal Sanbu didn't mean to use [Lip Hua Mage] as the main force at all, let alone any rare profession.

Leaving the occupation hall, Xian Sanbu asked for the details of the mission, and then narrowed his eyes.

"Orchid Swamp? The mission is well chosen. I remember that there are many high-level adventurers around here who go on adventures, and flying corpses frequently appear in that It can attract more strong people to gather there. "

Xian Sanbu's hunting target is naturally the human powerhouse of the adventure group.

And Fang Yi's tasks are just by the way, mainly to improve the occupation level and occupational skills.

Swallowing the Jewel of Resentment, that is no regret medicine.

Judging from what the main members of the Hidden Injury Corps said at the time, not all those who swallowed the Jewel of Injustice were like the deputy head, and they were not perfectly transformed into monsters.

More likely, it should be deprived of consciousness and become a walking dead.

This is a road with no way back, and there is no need to embark on this road for the time being.

There are not a lot of resentment beads on hand, so you can do some experiments and then make a decision.

Before that, it is natural to continue to improve personal strength according to the original plan.

After spending a day getting ready, the two left Mianliang City.

A distance away from the city, Fang Yi suddenly frowned.

"Someone is following."

"I knew it earlier, I brought it out on purpose."

Xian Sanbu calmly licked his lips, as if expecting these people to attack sooner.

This guy... definitely did it on purpose.

Simply glance at those people.

From LV20 to LV40, there are all.

However, these people seem to be in a competitive relationship with each other, and they all act alone without any cooperation.

Tracking personnel, the strength is uneven, and the patience is limited.

After following the two for a day, most of them left the team and did not continue to follow.

The rest of the staff are basically elites with relatively high levels.

It can be seen that when they choose Xian Sanbu, Xian Sanbu is also screening them, choosing a high-quality experience package.

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