This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 19: Short board, short board

The middle-aged man frowned slightly.

"A newcomer?"

"Boss, it must be a newcomer, with a good face! And you have ordered, how dare we fool you!"

Um? Why do you care so much about being a newbie...

With a slight movement in his heart, Fang Yi decided to hold his ground.

The middle-aged man's subordinates joined in one after another.

"A newcomer, definitely a newcomer."

"Boss, I haven't seen those four before."

"The two chicks look okay, is the boss interested? We..."


The middle-aged man stepped forward, and everyone's voice stopped abruptly, while the middle-aged man's companion followed behind with a smile.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Xiao Shi's cough became more serious, his face turned pale, and he was half-kneeling on the ground.

The two women were so frightened that they shrank behind Fang Yi and looked at the middle-aged man nervously.

As the distance between the two sides approached, the middle-aged man slowly took out a somewhat worn pistol from his pocket.

From the muzzle point of view, it is not a large-caliber and powerful pistol.

It is estimated that only close range can exert the corresponding power.

In general, the significance of the threat is greater than the significance of the actual shooting.

At least the two women behind them were too frightened to move rashly, and the crowd of melon-eating people were even more nervous, and they dared not breathe any longer.

Such things as firearms, even if there are no bullets in them, are enough to scare ordinary people who don't know the inside story.

When the middle-aged man stood still, a tall shadow cast down.

The direction the muzzle was pointing was Fang Yi's head.

"don't want!"

"Don't kill the white dove!"

The faces of the two women changed greatly, and they exclaimed.

Fang Yi simply took out the remaining half box of biscuits and kept an eye on the middle-aged man.

"It's all here, let's go."

Before the middle-aged man spoke, his subordinates were already surrounded by Fang Yi and others.

"Do you want to leave?"

"Boss, don't believe them, there must be something else hidden."

The guy who shouted first, greedily looked at the two girls and licked his lips.

"Body search, body search! Boss, they must be stripped and then searched."

search? !

When the two women heard it, they seemed to be out of breath, and mist had already appeared in their eyes.

Only by grasping the corners of Fang Yi's clothes, he did not let the tears flow.

The middle-aged man glanced at the shouting guy and took the half box of biscuits in Fang Yi's hand.

"I'll search."

Everyone looked at each other, and they all let out a wretched laugh.

"Of course!"

"Listen to the boss!"

"After the boss has searched, let us search too, maybe there will be fish that slip through the net, hehe."

Body search, Fang Yi is not worried.

He really only had this half box of biscuits and nothing else.

The problem is that the current situation cannot be solved by a body search.

If it was just to search him, it wouldn't be a big deal.

But if Xiao Shi and the two girls were to search along with them, everyone knew what would happen in the end.

With a sigh in his heart, Fang Yi understood that unless he gave up these loyal men, he had to fight this battle.

When Fang Yi thought of this, the middle-aged man was already taking off Little Stone's shirt.

"No...cough cough cough! Don't..."

The small stone weakly resisted, but it was meaningless.

The two women snorted in their hearts, their faces changed, and they realized a serious problem.


"Don't touch the small rocks..."


The moment the two of them spoke, the middle-aged man had already lifted Little Stone's shirt, revealing his belly.

Although the belly is a little messy, it can still be seen at a glance that there is a palm-sized area, like a crater, with pits and pits, forming black spots.

This spot, like a living thing, accompanied by the breathing of the small stone, undulating, even weird.

"I rely on!?"


"That is-"

The faces of the people surrounding them all turned pale, as if they had seen a ghost, and they took a step back in fright.

It's now!

Moving silently and quickly, Fang Yi came behind the middle-aged man.

Of course, Fang Yi knew the situation of Xiao Shi.

Since the battle is unavoidable, it is better to use the black spot disease of the small stone to cause riots and create opportunities for sneak attacks.

And now is the best time.

However, before Fang Yi could launch a sneak attack, the middle-aged man suddenly reached out and touched the black spot area.

"what is this?"

The whispering voice that sounded quietly made Fang Yi's heart move.

This guy... doesn't know black spot disease? !

how is this possible!

According to Fang Yi's understanding, the situation of black spot disease became widely known soon after the end of the world, from refugees to aristocratic families, it is impossible for anyone to not know about it.


His eyes narrowed, Fang Yi raised his right fist.

Hit the jackpot!

It's a pity that in front of so many people, you can't let go of the fight, but by surprise, this punch should be enough.

Aiming at the middle-aged man's head, he punched him directly.

"Behind the old man's heart!"

"Boss, you're crazy! Dare to touch melasma!"


The exclamation and the sound of the heavy boxing sounded almost at the same time.

The middle-aged man glanced back, and then his head was dented in half on the spot, his body swayed, and he fell directly to the ground, blood flowing.


It's so easy... No!

Compared with the system prompt as the player's death standard, Fang Yi's alertness made him aware of the abnormal situation one step To be on the safe side, Fang Yi's fist was indeed attached to the internal force of Primitive Gong.

But the power should never be so strong!

Sweeping around, almost all of them have the same expression, their expressions are wooden and stiff, like a puppet.


Vaguely, Fang Yi heard a familiar voice ringing in his ears, like the heart-piercing cry of the girl.

It's just that the sound is very soft, almost inaudible.

This phenomenon is... illusion! ?

When exactly...

Fang Yi froze in his heart, and suddenly thought of the middle-aged man's last glance back.

At that time... this guy, he took the illusion development route!

Short board, short board... I really need to get it up quickly.

Fortunately, this guy's illusion has just started, and there are many flaws.

Close your eyes and focus on the buzzing sound.

Everything around him gradually became clear.

"court death."

The first thing I heard was the cold voice of the middle-aged man.


"Do not!"

"White...cough cough cough!"

Immediately, the voices of the three companions sounded.

At this moment, Fang Yi slowly opened his eyes.

What caught his eyes was the dark muzzle and the trigger that the middle-aged man gradually pulled.

And his movements, still maintain the posture that the fist is about to fall.

Before he had time to think about it, he leaned back with a look of horror on his face, Fang Yi sat down on the ground.


The gunshots sounded, and the flames flashed.

The bullet flew past Fang Yi's scalp.



The screams from the rear and the sound of Fang Yi sitting on the ground sounded almost at the same time.

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