This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 2: core

His attitude is sincere and his eyes are firm, but it does not relieve Fang Yi's doubts.

Although before the battle, Feather Thorn expressed his attitude several times, even if he abandoned his number, he would not join his team.

Although Ming Shang also resisted at first.

But in the end, they all agreed to play a game and see the result first.

Now that the results have come out, and I have proved my strength, yet play this game for me?

Fang Yi's eyes became colder and he looked directly at Ming Shang.


"Because we want to form our own team!"

This time, it was not Ming Shang, but Feather Thorn who stood up from the sofa.

His cheeks were less red, and his eyes became firm.

"This is the decision that Ming Shang and I made before we decided to enter the new area.

Dongmen Zui, we can be friends and play the dungeon together as a team.

It can also be an enemy, fighting each other inside and outside the copy.

But the only thing we can do is to join your team. "

Ming Shang also stood up slowly at this moment, his eyes full of apology.

"...Dongmen Zui, you are also an old player, you should be able to understand our thoughts.

From an old area to a new area.

It represents the fault of human connections and the disappearance of past accumulation.

It's a gamble, and it's a last-ditch battle.

How many people in the old district are watching our jokes, and how many people are waiting for us to go back with our tails tucked.

The rhetoric before changing the district, the ambition set before deleting the number...

If we ditched this team and joined your team.

If the core of the team is not me and the feather thorn.

Even if we become famous in the future, this result is not what we want.

So...sorry, we can't join you. "

Ming Shang's words made Fang Yi silent.

The strength gap is good to say, Fang Yi originally valued the potential of the two of them, not the current strength.

Both have their flaws, but also their bright spots.

It should not be a problem if you have your own supervision, a little polishing, and focus on training.

The problem is that these two want to be the core of the team...

This is a very serious question.

The core of a team is generally only one, even a professional team is no exception.

Of course, there are dual-core teams. The Yefeng team where Xu Ya and Sick Yangzi belonged is a typical dual-core team.

The benefits are obvious. There is no diseased seedlings in the field, and the Yefeng team can also be driven by a single core and become a relegation team.

As for the downside, the tacit requirements for the primary and secondary cores are very high, and they are also very picky about the players.

It is necessary to perfectly execute the strategy of the main core, and always obey the orders of the auxiliary core, and make timely cooperation and trade-offs.

Sometimes the dual cores are not divided into primary and secondary, and they seize power from each other. The contradictions are becoming more and more intense, and the team will have to leave sooner or later.

The dual core is already complicated to this extent, not to mention the triple core.

Fang Yi definitely needs to be the main core of the team, and he has really thought about playing a dual-core team.

The problem is that there are simply no suitable candidates.

With their current performance, Mingshang and Feather Thorn can still be team members, and they can be cultivated slowly. Taking them out to be the core points of the two teams is too reluctant to be able to be on their own.

After all, Fang Yi's goal is directly at the professional competition, not just playing casually in the rank competition.

If this is the case, he will be able to return to the peak by himself, hit the high rank, and the team will not need to be formed.

After all, he [Black Vortex] became the king of passers-by with a high win rate in the old district.

The frontal combat strength is not the strongest, the scheming strategy is not the strongest, not to mention the cooperation of teammates.

In every respect, Fang Yi was inferior to those top players in the old district, but he was able to win.

As long as you can win, the means don't matter, the genre doesn't matter.

As long as he can win, his style can change at will.

Cooperate with the enemy, stab teammates in the back, it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if you cooperate with your teammates and finally swallow all the resources and become the strongest in the dungeon.

As long as you can win, the enemy will shut up and your teammates will be grateful.

Since the team disbanded and started as a lone ranger, Fang Yi has always played this way.

At the beginning, it caused an uproar, and there were countless scoldings.

But Fang Yi couldn't stand the high winning rate, and the rank climbed all the way.

Over time, the abuse turns into praise.

It has become a landscape in the first district, a golden thigh!

It was also from that time that Fang Yi changed from a poor former professional player to a famous passer-by king.

"He's not the strongest, but he always has the last laugh."

This is the most intuitive evaluation of the passerby king from the old district.

Fang Yi has experienced many things over the years.

So he knew that a three-core team was absolutely impossible to go far.

For a team, resources must be tilted in all aspects.

Combat personnel take resources related to combat power, and logistics personnel take resources related to logistics. The division of labor is clear, and each takes what he needs.

In the final distribution and inclination, there will be some differences depending on the team and situation.

This is the healthy development of a team.

As the core of the team, the main force of the team is naturally the most inclined to resources, escorting the team's victory.

Feather Thorn and Ming Shang, if they want to become the core of the team, they must have such strength, even at a critical moment, to turn the tide to save the team's broken defeat.

Fang Yi has experienced this kind of adversity many times. He can be said to be rich in experience and can control any situation.

But Feather Thorn and Ming Shang did not. If they want to fulfill their ambitions, I am afraid they still have a long way to go.

If they are willing to lose their edge, learn from themselves and become ordinary players, Fang Yi can guide them and help them improve faster.

And the price is this year, you must honestly follow yourself to play a career.

A year later, Fang Yi will not interfere in any way if they go far away.

After sorting out his thoughts, Fang Yi explained his thoughts to the two of them, and explained their interests clearly.

As Fang Yi's voice fell, Yu Thorn and Ming Shang both fell into contemplation.

Unfortunately, the two finally shook their heads.

"...Dongmen Zui, I have to admit that your proposal is very tempting, but we still want to make a breakthrough by our own strength"

"Yeah, there are so many great gods that no one can bring, and we rely on our own efforts to become the top gods. You should also see that the two of us are not bad in talent. What we lack is just a little opportunity. As long as we seize the opportunity in the new area, the rise will definitely be no problem!"

Well, since it's all said and done, there's no point in talking about it any further.

Even if the vests of their old district were revealed, it is estimated that the two of them would not change their minds.


"Who told you that the top gods are all unaccompanied and rely on their own efforts to become gods?"

"a lot."

"for example?"

"Li Batian, a veteran of the first district, Baquan, Beasts and Flowers, and Zhishui Tianyanxin... all rely on their own efforts to achieve the status of God! One day, I will also have my own position of God!"

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