This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 583: teammates civil war

The others also took a breath of cold air and trembled all over. --

The scene was suddenly silent, and only the sound of 'waves' and 'flowers' beating was clearly visible.

Everyone held their breath and stared blankly at the bright 'hole' mouth with shock written on their faces.

"God, the pillar of the gods... The legendary pillar of the gods, which is as solid as a rock and will never be destroyed, has actually been blasted out of the 'hole' by that beam of light?!"

"What happened, the light beam that just flashed by... At that moment, what happened?"

The pirate group alliance of the original third echelon has also escaped at this moment, breaking away from the merger point of the last pillar of the gods, just witnessing the light beam that flashed before and the huge breach of the pillar of gods, all of them were stunned. in place.

Fang Yi looked at the Black Sky Pirates and the Pirate Alliance, just like dumplings falling from the sky, his face darkened.

He didn't want to worry about the Black Sky Pirates' black hands all the time when he was facing off against the duo.

"Guy, Lord Gale!"

A slightly familiar voice came from the sky.

Looking at the sound, it is Fang Yi's second captain Ward.

He fled too quickly before, and even Ward's battleship was left behind by Fang Yi.

Surprisingly, Ward's battleship was not badly damaged.

It seems that the Black Sky Pirates team has little interest in it.

In a sense, this is good news for Ward.

If there is no eternal curse, he may have left Fang Yi's fleet by now, and completely separated from the relationship.

But now, he is still thinking about the heart of the knight, and his eyes are full of desire.

Unfortunately, Fang Yi only left him a cold back, and the black finger began to accelerate suddenly, rushing towards the breach of the pillar of the gods.

After killing the gods, Fang Yi did not get any feedback from the soul.

This made Fang Yi think more.

Originally, he thought that these gods were just enhanced versions of sea beasts, but now it seems that they are really gods...


Maybe it was because the Wanling Artillery killed the gods, so there was no soul energy feedback.

According to Owen, an artillery of all spirits that is not in a full state should not be able to blast off the pillar of the gods.

But the reality is that the pillar of the gods was directly blasted out a huge gap.

The key to this should be to absorb the soul of the gods.

It is a pity that the premise of this increase is the initial power of Wanling Artillery, which can hurt the gods.

The previous shot was brewed after Fang Yi sacrificed so many prisoners of war for several months.

Now that there is no soul sacrifice, the power of Wanling Artillery is not as good as that of ordinary artillery, not to mention killing gods to increase its power.

Such a powerful attack... a pity.

"Master Gale!"

"The attack just now was sent by that ship!"

"Gail the Ghost... When did he have such a terrifying gun?"

While Fang Yi was thinking, the ships of the pirate regiment alliance in the rear had already fallen, and the discussions followed one after another.

Lily came back to her senses, her eyes flashed with a strong greed and lust, and the fleet turned into thunderclouds again, chasing Fang Yi away.

The situation seemed to reproduce the previous chase, the difference was that this time, in front of Fang Yi, there were still two severely damaged ships.

"...What a terrifying power of artillery! Dong'men' is drunk, this year's dungeon development, what did you "get"..."

The sharp blade looked at the ghost ship with only half of it and the battleship that had gradually sunk with lingering fear, and couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

In the previous blow, if the other party was not too greedy and wanted to solve two people at the same time with one 'sex', now he might really have to fight alone.

"Ming, Ming Shang... hurry up, hurry up and save me..."

There was obviously only a piece of wreckage in front of him, but the weak voice of his teammates was clearly heard in the ears of the sharp blade.

Soul binding.

One of the special features of the ghost ship.

As long as the soul is bound, the body cannot leave the scope of the ghost ship 100 meters away, otherwise the soul will be directly deprived and die on the spot.

This is just a disadvantage, but the advantage is that as long as the ghost ship's necromancy is within the influence range, even if you die accidentally, you can recycle the soul and fill it into the skeleton soldier.

Of course, the time must not be delayed for too long, otherwise the soul will still dissipate, and the consumption of necromancy is very large. Once activated, the ghost ship will lose most of its functions.

If the feather thorn is just a stranger, then the choice of the sharp blade must be to give up the resurrection feather thorn directly, and instead use all the necromantic power to repair the ship and escape.

But now...

The sharp blade sighed and slashed the deck with his right foot.

clap la la...

The skeletons on the ghost ship suddenly fell one by one, silently, and scattered into bones.

At the same time, the skeleton soldiers who were at the helm gradually ignited the fire of the soul in the empty eyes of the 'hole'.

When the number of skeleton soldiers was reduced to only 30%, the skeleton soldiers at the helm suddenly took a deep breath, breathing desperately as if they had just been saved from drowning.

"Yes, I'm saved...Fuck, Dong'men' is too ruthless to be drunk. Although it's been a long time since we met again, I really can't handle it this time."

The sharp blade wiped away the fine sweat on his forehead, supported his 'spirit', walked to the side of the skull feather thorn, patted its skull, and pointed to the front.

"...He came after him."

"So fast?!"

Skull Feather Thorn was stunned for a moment, and quickly looked forward.

Sure enough, I saw that the medium-sized sailboat was sprinting at an extremely fast speed.

And Dong'men' was drunk, sitting on the bow of the boat, drinking one after another.

As if feeling something, Dong'men' Zui suddenly stopped and smiled at the two of them.

"The system message hasn't sounded, so I know you're definitely not dead. How about it, you two, can you still fight?"

Skull Feather slapped the railing forcefully, and shouted excitedly.

"Fight! Of course I have to fight!"


Along with this action of his there was a strange sound from the bones of his right hand, the palm directly separated from the body, and fell to the ground.

"Ahhhh, my hand, my hand..."

Skull Feather Thorn screamed in agony, jumping and jumping with his right hand raised, frightened.

The sharp blade's face turned black, and the skeletons behind it fell apart. At the same time, the broken bones of the right hand of the skeleton feathers were regenerated, and a new pair of hand bones grew.

"...East 'men' drunk, with the previous attack, you could have killed the 'daughter' of the sea beast in the cabin, but you deliberately shifted the attack trajectory to the direction of the battleship. This shows that you don't want to end like this. Dungeon, don't plan to rely on such a cannon attack, let us be convinced, right?"

Fang Yi glanced at Ming Shang with admiration, but did not answer, but picked up the wine bottle and poured it down again.

"The system prompts: You have entered a state of heavy intoxication."

Good, ready for battle.

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