This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 545: Rush into the nether sea

Irving needs to focus more on the immediate front than on the crisis in the rear.

The entrance to the Nether Sea in front is getting closer and closer, and the guarding fleet has also approached, ready to intercept.

No matter who the official is, in the face of the suddenly hurricane island, they will realize that the situation is different and need to be stopped for questioning.

Of course, their attitude is still more cautious and ambiguous.

To be able to drive such a strange super battleship on a rampage, no matter how you look at it, the identity is not simple, maybe it is a wizard, so naturally, it cannot be ignored.

"What happened recently? There was a sea beast daughter from the Honkai Sea. She called the sea vision a goddess, and she called herself a goddess. She led more than a thousand Honkai sea beasts and rushed into the nether sea. The news has just reached us, and we need to help. Wanted. The island-like super battleship is on the back foot, and it is going to rush into the nether sea alone. Coupled with the abnormal phenomenon in the sea and the ghost ship in the red flower sea breaking through the siege and entering the nether sea early, is this group of people dying? "

"What you're talking about is a well-known big man. It's different from our little man's thinking. Let's stop the boat obediently and just do our routine. If you really can't stop it... Then quickly withdraw."

"That's for sure, because of this kind of thing, offending a wizard, isn't this courting death?"

As soon as everyone said this, their faces suddenly changed.

I saw the island battleship sailing fast. At this moment, the speed actually increased again, and there was no intention to stop at all.

"What? Are you going to fire?"

"If I want to drive you, I will offend the wizard, I don't want to be implicated."

Everyone had different opinions and hesitant faces. Although there were interceptions, they were quite slack.

Even the steel gate behind the exit of the Nether Sea was not closed.

"Who is in front of you, stop now!"

"It is a felony to trespass the Nether Sea Pass in the Wild Waves Sea without permission!"

The routine shouting and interception, but it is very ineffective.

"Get out of the way for me all!"

In the face of interception, the island battleship directly rampaged.

Pulling in the distance in an instant, ignoring any shouting and rules, with a bang, he slammed into an intercepting battleship and broke through the siege.

The whole process can be described as relaxed and without any turbulence, which is in stark contrast to the dignified and tense look on Owen's face.

It wasn't until he rushed out of the Wild Waves Sea, looked back, and found that the group of interceptors were just pretending, and his expression began to change, with a confused look on his face.

Owen does not understand this phenomenon, it is normal.

Although he had stayed in the Wild Waves Sea Area for quite a few days, he was thinking about how to develop in those days, and he had never inquired about the information on the Nether Sea Area.

So he didn't know that the six super sea areas were very strict with ships entering the six sea areas from the Nether Sea.

But for ships that are eager to go out to find death and want to rush into the Nether Sea, most of them turn a blind eye, unless... the ships that rush in are in a state of severe arrest.

Therefore, when the island battleship rushed out, they were all pretending to intercept it. Only one battleship was more serious and was directly knocked away by the island battleship. The appearance of the damage looked quite serious.

But when they saw the Scarlet Jackdaw's battleship rushing over, their expressions suddenly changed.

"That is…"

"The last **** jackdaws!"

"Stop it!"

"Close the door!"

The originally loose blockade network suddenly became tight.

Everyone waited solemnly, waiting for the approach of the Scarlet Jackdaws.

When the distance is close to a certain level, not only the battleships responsible for interception begin to bombard with artillery, but even the fixed artillery on the pass is also operated, aiming and attacking.

Boom boom boom!

The artillery bombarded the sky, blocking all the routes of the Scarlet Jackdaw.

The completely different treatment made the **** jackdaws gloomy.

Originally, it was no match for the island battleship, but now it has encountered NPC troubles, and if it is delayed, it is estimated that even no one will be found.

His heart sank, and the blood-colored jackdaws merged into the pure water bow again.


Under the stunned gaze of everyone, the Jackdaw's wings spread out again and took off!

"Jackdaws spread their wings!"

Like a nimble flying fish, the Jackdaw, under the control of the Scarlet Jackdaw, rotated at different angles in mid-air, avoiding most of the artillery pieces. Only a few of the artillery pieces succeeded in hitting, emitting sparks, smoke, and misery. cry.

"Not good! He rushed over!"

"Oops, the gates are closing too slowly!"

Everyone thought that with their strength, they were enough to intercept the **** jackdaws, but they still overestimated their own strength.

It also underestimated the speed of the Scarlet Jackdaws and the strange sorcery that was unexpected.

Only then did the present embarrassing situation emerge, and he could only watch the **** jackdaws rush out of the gate and land on the sea.

With a vigorous wave of its wings, the Jackdaw instantly accelerated, chasing towards the black spot in the distance, without even looking back.

This feeling of being despised by others makes everyone's face hot, and their hearts are very aggrieved.

"Scarlet Jackdaw escaped the pass and entered the Nether Sea!"

"Oops! How can you pursue it!"

"The group of trash at the Why don't you close the gate!"

The voice from behind made everyone stunned.

Looking back, he couldn't help but stare at him with a confused look on his face.

At the end of the line of sight, the horizon on the side of the Crazy Sea Sea was densely packed with ships, which were heading towards this direction.

This, what kind of battle is this, it's too exaggerated.

When everyone was stunned, the large army had arrived at the pass.

After a simple exchange, only a small number of ships rushed out, ready to continue their pursuit.

Most of the people just looked at the deep and dark Nether Sea, they were terrified and did not dare to act rashly, so they chose to return.

The news of the treasure is just a rumor, not necessarily true, but the deterrent power of the Nether Sea is real.

To take such a huge risk in order to not know the true or false news is really worth the loss.

However, they didn't know that the phenomenon of the tide returning in the Sea of ​​Tormented Waves had become more and more serious.

After returning, the level of danger will probably be comparable to that of the Nether Sea. Those who really understand some of the situation will choose this opportunity to go directly to the Nether Sea to seek a chance of life.

Two days later.

Nether Sea.

The pursuit of the Jackdaw and the island battleship continues.

It's just that the state of the two is not very good anymore, each is damaged, and it seems that there has been a fight.

With trembling hands, Ou Om ate a black apple with a pattern again, and his heart was full of bitterness.

Previously, after entering the Nether Sea and throwing off the pursuers, he gave birth to one of the three major illusions in life - I can kill!

So slow down and prepare to fight the Scarlet Jackdaws.

As a result, the ship suddenly heard a loud bang on the spot, the whole island shook violently like an earthquake, and the speed was immediately blocked.

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