This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 409: Seal Ring Truth

"The way to contact the new seal ring is actually very simple. First of all, you need to calm your mind and relax your spirit..."

"...Brother, do you think we're in the counseling room? We're running for our lives, okay! In a few seconds, we may all be hammered into meat sauce! How can we give peace?"

"Anyway, you have to calm down first and try to become a state of taking a sedative."

"Sedative state? What's the principle... Forget it, you just skip this stage, let's say the point, we don't have this condition!"

skip this stage? That is directly the final password stage.

The new seal ring is not only a brand-new sealing device that suppresses the ability of the experimental body, but also a device that controls the experimental body itself.

Yes, it is control.

Similar to hypnosis, but with a stronger effect than hypnosis, it directly affects the brain through the seal ring, so that the experimental subject obeys the commander.

This is a more efficient and robust way to manage.

If it is fully popularized, there will be no experimental object resistance in the future, and the rule of the research institute will become unquestionable.

Imagine if the research institute has a large number of experimental subjects with complete liberation ability and absolute obedience to orders, as well as complete psionic machines.

In the entire Pine Tree City, how could there still be opposition, how could there be such an organization as the underground alliance.

Absolute utopia will come and the world will be at peace forever.

Everything the Institute is doing now is for this bright future.

It's just that this goal is still far away, and there are many problems.

The biggest problem is that the hypnotic control of the new seal ring is still in the research stage.

Now that it is installed, there is only a control function that controls the strength of the experimental body's supernatural ability.

And only the person with the highest authority can release the command password function of the new seal ring by issuing an order.

Needless to say about the former, there are quite a few problems and loopholes, and you can see one or two by looking at the situation on the 11th.

The latter is relatively complete, in order to fully control the function of the experimental body that is tested first.

Before the experimental body was taken away, the new seal ring had just been installed.

Jianfeng has tested other subjects who have taken drugs and tranquilizers, and their functions are completely normal.

But at that time, No. 11 was tested by the dean, so Jian Feng didn't know the final result of No. 11.

Fortunately, the permissions are common, as long as those with research-level permissions have the permission to lift the new seal ring.

For other people, even the researchers who operated on the experimental subjects were powerless.

Originally, the research institute was still studying how to install a new type of seal ring for a special type of experimental body like the top hat man that can die and transfer.

But after Xuan Mo's organization snatched the experimental body, everything was messed up, and there was no more text.

And what Jian Feng has to do at the moment is to shout a password to lift the seal ring on No. 11, and let the two tigers fight for a chance to survive.


Jian Feng thought about it a lot, but in fact, a few seconds did not pass.

The sense of oppression in the rear is getting stronger and stronger, and the pressure of death makes Jian Feng nervous.

At Fang Yi's urging, he took a deep breath and shouted.

"I am Jian Feng, a member of the Lingyuan Research Institute, with a privilege code of 211. I hereby request that the eleventh experimental body of the Lingyuan Research Institute be released from the new era seal ring ability restriction!"

This shout is well-rounded and clearly pronounced, as if reading a textbook in a Chinese class, and like the mechanical language of a robot.

Every word is articulated clearly, for fear of inaccurate pronunciation.

This pronunciation method is specially trained, otherwise the system will not recognize it.

This shout made Fang Yi, who was fleeing with all his strength, stunned for a moment.

He just wanted Jian Feng to spit out how to remove the new seal ring, and then sold Jian Feng and ran away by himself.

What's the result?

"You...are you directly helping me lift the new seal ring?"

"Yes, currently only the dean and I have the authority to lift the new seal ring, and the method is to use oral commands."

In fact, this is not a complete release of the new seal ring, because that thing is still hidden in Eleven's brain.

This command password only lifted the ability restriction of No. 11.

This point, Jian Feng did not tell No. 11.

Although it would be difficult to seal the ability of No. 11 again, it would be necessary to return to the research institute to cooperate with other people.

But Jian Feng was originally thinking of the fisherman's profit. When No. 11 and No. 1 were both lost, how difficult would it be to re-seal the ring.

"Oral command? So simple? You... cluck!"

Fang Yi turned his head to the side and continued to ask for details. As a result, his entire face suddenly became uncontrollable and extremely stiff, and his eyes became fixed on Jian Feng, like a robot scanning.

Its teeth became uncontrollably chattering up and down, making a gurgling sound.

This... what the **** is going on?

Fang Yi tried to regain control of his face, but a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Confirm that the commander is a level authority..."

"Confirm privilege code..."

"The information has been fed back to the main base..."

"The ability of No. 11 is about to be limited..."

I rely on? !

Is this the way of verification? It turns out that unlocking the new seal ring is really that easy?

Fang Yi felt that it was simple because at this moment, he had already done it.

And other experimental subjects of the new seal ring will never be able to unlock the new seal ring in this life.

There are only two people with high-level authority in Lingyuan Research Institute.

A simple wind outside the Lord, and a dean inside the Lord.

The former has a super strong individual strength, and the foreign troops of the entire institute obey his orders.

It is impossible for most people to catch Jian Feng and force him to give the order to lift the new seal ring.

The latter's strength may be a little less simple, but as the top manager of the technical side of the research institute, he stays in the research institute like a steel fortress every day, and ordinary people have no chance to rush in and capture the dean, forcing him to give the order to lift the seal. .

Apart from these two people, there is no third person in the entire dungeon who can lift the seal ring.

This means that players who start with the new seal ring and want to liberate their combat power will face the first problem of how to catch these two people.

In this process, it is also necessary to guard against attacks from other players, the research institute's search, and in-depth inquiries, in order to know how to remove the new seal ring.

This difficulty factor is even higher than directly killing other players.

Even Fang Yi, only after threatening Minister Ya did he know that someone with only high-level authority knows how to lift the new type of seal.

And after catching up with the establishment of the experimental body alliance and the situation of Jian Feng's encirclement and suppression, he seized the opportunity and came to arrest people.

Otherwise, if you want to plan a perfect capture plan, you don't know how much time it will take to form gangs and use strength.

Even after measuring the difference in difficulty between killing a player and releasing the seal ring, Fang Yi may directly give up the idea of ​​​​liberating combat power, go directly to the general trend, use it against other players, and hide behind the scenes.

But now it is not necessary, because the ability is about to be lifted. (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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