This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 220: line and ghost

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This blood seems to be incompatible with black water, and a small part of the black water evaporates when touched.

After a while, the black water pool under Fang Yi's feet shrank in a circle, and the spatial power of locating the ghost was partially suppressed.

"Sure enough, it has space ability! And it is stronger than locating ghosts!"

Such a clear suppression effect makes Fang Yi not sad but happy.

He is in urgent need of space teleportation ghosts, so the positioning ghosts can absorb them.

As a result, someone sent a pillow to doze off, isn't this home delivery!

Good man, Mr. Kim!

Fang Yi whipped a corpse, and then increased the seal contact rate, pointing at the empty frost ghost.

Orientation markers!

Take a step.


Fang Yi appeared on the edge of the Blackwater Pool.


Fang Yi was slightly stunned.

Not only because the positioning mark on Kongshuang Ghost suddenly disappeared, but also because he failed to teleport to Kongshuang Ghost.

This is the first time the positioning ghost has missed.

This result was a bit unexpected, but Fang Yi quickly understood.

This is because the level of power of ghosts is too large, and the power of positioning ghosts has no way to break through the suppression of empty frost ghosts, and can only use his power in his own small black water field.


Fang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and both hands were holding something at the same time.

In a throwing position, throw your right hand forward.


The sound of breaking the sky exploded immediately.

The Heavenly Sword turned into an invisible sword, heading straight for Kongshuang Ghost's head.

"Snow... fight! Snow... fight! Snow... fight!"

Kongshuang Ghost's tone was slightly lighter, and he seemed to be a little happy and not very wise.

At the same time, his body shook a few times, and small snowballs fell. These small snowballs and the first small snowballs revolved around its body at a high speed.

This picture is like a star surrounded by dense small meteorites.

It seems to have sensed the invisible Cangtian Sword, and in the rotating snowball ring, a large number of small snowballs were separated out. After the snowballs broke away from the surrounding belt, they quickly turned **** at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Just use this sword to probe your bottom!"

Fang Yi didn't panic in the slightest, he controlled the Cang Magnetic Sword with his left hand, and after swinging it a few times, the Cang Tian Sword that flew out suddenly danced nimbly in the air, avoiding the **** snowballs one by one.

This operation is not difficult for Fang Yi, but the difficulty is how to cross the snowball circle.

However, Fang Yi had already had an idea.

"Sky Sword!"

The magnetic force increased, and the Cangtian Sword suddenly accelerated, rushing towards the surrounding belt with a bang.

When it was about to enter the surrounding area, the Cangtian Sword was stained with layers of frost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The long sword, which was originally only about the thickness of an arm, suddenly thickened by several tens of centimeters, and turned into a chubby appearance, and the speed also slowed down.

Whoosh whoosh—

Those snowballs around the belt seized the opportunity and collided with each other at this time.

The already bloated Cangtian Sword was completely stuck to the snowball, and the heavy one could hardly fly, and it kept sinking.

The defensive performance...and the ghost's tricky.

Fang Yi's face darkened slightly.

Unlike Young Master Jin, when Kongshuang Ghost came out, its power was far stronger than when he contracted with Young Master Jin.

Judging from the things that have been tested so far, there are very few things that can hurt this empty frost ghost.

If you don't weaken it, even if you are a humanoid seal ghost, it is impossible to forcibly subdue a ghost of this strength.

Unless you can get the seal of ghosts and make the character's abilities complete, then it is possible to do such a thing.

"what can we do about it…"

Fang Yi hesitated.

It's not that he is helpless with the current situation, but that those methods are outside the routine, and they are a bit expensive to use.

With conventional methods, others are confined in the **** circle, and his black water pool can only temporarily protect him, but cannot provide more protection. Once the black water pool is completely melted by blood, he may be in danger.

As for cutting the Frost Ghost with a sword at close range, it is also a bit difficult. With that kind of low temperature and extreme frost ability, I am afraid that I will be frozen into an ice sculpture before I get close.

If it is said that he used the anti-clockwise ghost to fight hard like he did with Jin Gongzi before, then before he could get in front of the Kongshuang ghost, he would be killed by the anti-clockwise ghost after the seal was lifted to 100% on the spot.

Seeing that the Cangtian Sword had been glued to the hilt by the snowball, and the scope of the black water pool was gradually shrinking, Fang Yi had a decision in his heart.

"Try this trick first, if it doesn't work, try another trick."

Holding the Cang Magnetic Sword tightly in both hands, Fang Yi slashed forward with force.

"Transformation of virtual reality!"

The voice fell, Fang Yi's face suddenly lost its blood, and the blood in the body quickly flowed.

At the same time, the Cang Magnetic Sword in his hand revealed its original form, and turned into an ordinary long sword that everyone could visualize.

In the distance, the Heavenly Sword, which was almost in the shape of a snowball, suddenly became illusory, and the traces of the link frost completely disappeared.

All the snowballs penetrated through it, and the Cangtian Sword seemed to have entered another dimension, and no longer had any connection with the main material world.


The Cangtian Sword slammed into a terrifying power, and slammed into the empty frost ghost.


Kongshuang Ghost's face was full of confusion, a blank expression as if there were many question marks in the child.

In its surrounding belt, there are dense snowballs, madly smashing towards the final flight trajectory of the Cangtian Sword, and indiscriminately attacking everything around it.

Under the all-round coverage attack, there were indeed many snowballs who guessed the position of the Cangtian Sword correctly, but without exception, all of them passed through the sword of the Cangtian Sword.

This is the new special effect that Cang Tianjian got from the previous copy - the transformation of virtual and real.

The transformation of virtual reality requires a lot of blood energy in Fang Yi.

This is a big problem for the character's inherent frailty.

So this time the virtual reality transformation will not last.

After Cang Tianjian went all the way unobstructed and smoothly rushed in front of Kongshuang Ghost, Fang Yi's forehead suddenly cracked.

The seal contact rate is 40%!

The virtual reality transformation is lifted!

The Cangtian Sword instantly turned into a corpse, and the snowball that attacked indiscriminately immediately had a target. It stopped in the air for more than a second, and then frantically rushed towards the materialized Cangtian Sword.

At the same time, the Cangtian Sword body directly condensed a thick layer of frost, slowing down its speed.

Counterclockwise ghost!

Frost melted away instantly!

Cang Tianjian accelerated, leaving all the snowballs behind, and went straight to the empty frost ghost!

"Fight... snow... fight... snow... fight..."

Kongshuang Ghost made a sound of joy or excitement, and then...

brush brush brush -

Intensive sword light, instantly cut the huge head of the empty frost ghost.

The Empty Frost Ghost was immediately cut into irregular shapes.

And in every shape, empty eyes and mouths quickly emerged—after being cut into dozens of pieces by the Heavenly Sword, the empty frost ghost became dozens of small empty frost ghosts!

"Can you do this?!"

Fang Yi's heart sank.

Just as he was about to take another shot, he heard a violent explosion at the location of the small stone hut in the ruins behind.


The sound was the ground shook continuously.

Fang Yi looked back and saw two figures colliding violently.

One figure is Sister Spicy Flower with leopard legs and snake body and dragon head.

The other figure is actually... the short ugly informant who introduced him to the informant!

Fang Yi was slightly stunned.

No way, the line organization is so perverted! An informant is so strong? Can you fight head-to-head with Sister Spicy Flower's players?

Fang Yi felt incredible, and felt that he really underestimated the local force of the line organization.

At this moment, Sister Spicy Flower's high-pitched voice suddenly sounded.

"Dongmen Zui! Don't worry about that scumbag! Come and help me! This guy is a player! He is a member of the black team!"

Fang Yi: ? ? !

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