This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 103: Gan

In the first half of the sentence, there was a tone of worry and fear, but the second half of the sentence immediately became high-key and cheerful.

What's the matter with such an extremely rude tone?

Inexplicably wanting to kill.

Xian Sanbu had blue veins on his forehead, gnashing his teeth.

"Do you know what physical poisoning is?"

"do not know."


Xian Sanbu's body suddenly burst with blood and took a step forward.

It's like space is stacked.

The figure suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Xiaowen.

Alienation: Teleportation!

The delicate pink fist directly hit the bridge of Xiaowen's nose.

"This is physical poisoning! Give me death!"


This punch is a shrewd hit.

But two things burst out at the same time.

Poisonous gas.

Gu worm.

The poisonous gas, like an inflated balloon, suddenly exploded and burst open, covering Xiaowen.

As for Xiaowen's body, it looked like it was made of Gu worms, and it burst open, torn apart.

Xian Sanbu has already worked **** his severely injured body, and he has accomplished this step.

Where will Xiaowen be spared?

On the spot, he took a step forward and smashed two groups of Gu worms. Instead, the shards of the Gu worms splashed on his face, like a living thing, they burrowed into the flesh and burrowed into the body, and the right eye was blinded on the spot.

Depend on!

As soon as Gu worm entered the body, Immortal Sanbu realized that he didn't have much time and had to work hard.

Quickly smashing other Gu worms to pieces, she immediately discovered the clue.

When the boy's body was torn apart, among the Gu worms that splashed out, there was a small golden worm wrapped in a mass of Gu worms!

There must be the main body!

Xian Sanbu's expression turned ruthless, disregarding the serious injury, his body was already in a mess and almost collapsed.

A teleportation surface, directly pulled away.

The golden Gu insect group that fled far away was directly sent back to Xian Sanbu.

At the same time, a punch has been smashed in the past.

At the same time, her head suddenly stabbed for a moment.

Something came out of my nose.

A momentary feeling.

Xian Sanbu understood.

What came out of the nose was not blood, but brains.


Angry, Xian Sanbu smashed the golden Gu insect with one punch.

However, an extremely annoying voice came from behind.

"It's disgusting, my lady has a runny nose. Vomit vomit vomit."

Madam... Do it!

People say no?

The old lady will kill him even if she dies! !

I was excited, but my body couldn't keep up.


Xian Sanbu suddenly collapsed.

The breath of life gradually weakened.

And on the ground where she fell, it was a muddy flesh made up of a mass of worms, disgusting and sticky.

But in this sticky patch, she saw the remnants of the golden Gu worm, inexplicably...a bit familiar.

Wait, isn't this...

"Fuck your mother! It's you! You stinky bastard! Help my mother to treat her, she is a fairy, and my mother is dying!"

"What did you say? Can't hear, can't hear! I recognized you long ago, you are so slow, but I just can't hear. Do you know why I didn't die? Congratulations to the deity, the deity has awakened two life Gus! Death A completely lifeless worry, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

An extremely flat voice sounded from behind, and the angry Xian Sanbu wanted to get off the assembly line now, drag Xiaowen out of the dark room, and beat him violently.

"Think about Fang Yi, if Fang Yi knew that you killed me..."


The actor Xiaowen knelt down directly.

"Brother Hei, I'm sorry! I missed it! I didn't know it was a stinky woman, I didn't mean it! You have to believe me!"

His tone was excited and full of emotions. At the end, his expression faded, and he patted the dust as if nothing had happened and stood up.

"Look, Brother Hei will forgive me for this."

"You will be killed by me! In reality!"

Xian Sanbu gritted his teeth.

"So what? My happiness is above you! Besides, I locked the door, just a little!"

"Go away! After I go out, I'm going to burn everything in your room! Burn it all!!"

When Xiaowen heard the words, his breathing stagnated.

"Burning, burning personal belongings, is illegal."

"Burn, burn everything! You reason with women, I tell you mama! If you **** me, I'll **** you! Hurt each other!"

Xiaowen was a little cowardly, and tentatively said, "I'm just joking, stinky woman, won't you really burn me?"

"Try it, try it! See if I can burn it!"

"Don't! Smelly women, they are all teammates, family members! Come on, I'll let Gu worm spit back the brains for you, and then use Gu worm instead of retinal nerves..."

"Don't talk about the details, save me, and then help me up!"

The Gu worm that originally drilled into Immortal Sanbu's body to inflict damage.

At this moment, they have turned into restoration work.

But this kind of restoration is a bit strange.

Gu worm smashed Xian Sanbu's eyeballs, replaced the original eyeball function, and restored Xian Sanbu's visual ability.

But at the same time, everything she sees visually is a large screen composed of small lenses, and the visual effects presented are very strange. I don't know what the visual effects of Gu insects are.

One by one, the Gu worms inhaled the brains that flowed out into their bodies, and then drilled back into Xian Sanbu's head, connecting them together, merging into one, and breathing up and down.

This caused Xian Sanbu's head to be stretched a lot in vain.

The beautiful girl with normal human proportions turned into a biochemical monster with a big head.

One eye is normal, the other eye is a bug, embedded in the eye socket and connected with nerves, making it disgusting.

This image is really not normal.

But anyway, the fate is reported.

"Stinky woman, it's agreed that the things in the room are not allowed to burn!"

"Humph! It depends on your mood!"

"If you don't believe what you say, I'll—"

Xian Sanbuzi stared at it.


Xiaowen immediately wilted and said in a low voice, "I'll complain to Brother Hei..."

"Promise! Say it! You already knew it was me, why did you kill me?"

"The conscience of heaven and earth, I'm all for Brother Hei!"

"For the captain?"


Xiaowen nodded.

"He asked you to kill me?"


Xiaowen nodded repeatedly.

I'm such a clever little devil!

"Do you think I believe it?"


Xiaowen nodded again. UU reading

Suddenly, I realized something was wrong.

"No! Really, Brother Hei called me here!"

"Then he doesn't know that the weirdness is me."

"Even if you know, Brother Hei will definitely kill you, everyone is screaming for the team! Aren't you a fourth-level weirdo? If you die, I can upgrade to a fourth-level spiritual warrior. Then, with your will, rush towards Victory. You see, isn't this just for the good of the team, isn't it great for everyone to be united?"

"Okay, you bastard! The old lady is a fourth-level weird, rest now, let's fly with you! Do I need you to upgrade to a fourth-level spiritual martial artist!"

"It's level 4 weird... I almost killed me..."

"Beep again!"

"I... beep quietly!"

"A small beep is also a beep! The old lady is a seriously injured body! You are taking advantage of the danger of others, and you are too embarrassed to beep!"

"I'm so sorry! While your illness is killing you, the glorious tradition cannot be lost."


As soon as the two of them said this, a voice suddenly sounded in their ears at the same time, and the quarrel stopped at the same time.


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