This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 98: Level 4 vs. Level 4 (Mon/Fri)

In the distance, the three-headed crocodile began to shoot flames again.

The illusory shadow seemed to be frightened, became panicked, swooped down, and found the nearest human beings and possessed them.

Batches of [inverted people] took shape and immediately rushed to the nearest rotten wall.

From this point of view, these strange actions are indeed in accordance with a certain process or law, and they are completely in line with Xiaowen's theory of refining and refining.

Because it is a refining formation, the refining process is fixed and must go through the entire process.

The sealing formation that Fang Yi had seen before was extremely dangerous, but after the mystery was lifted, it seemed to be the same.

On the contrary, the three-headed crocodile he brought in was so strong that he was perverted, and he was asking for trouble.

The problem is that Fang Yi's original idea was that the people inside couldn't solve the strangeness of the seal, and needed external forces to intervene to break the situation.

The idea is correct, but the actual situation is slightly different from the expected.

Under Fang Yi's gaze, most of the people standing upside down were wiped out by the three-headed crocodile before they even reached the rotten wall.

"Let the three crocodiles clean up the mess, and we all withdraw to the Suozhuang headquarters... Wait! That's it?!"

Fang Yi was in command of the team when he suddenly paused and looked forward blankly.

In front of them, the rotten power that should have been fixed at the position of the city wall was moving towards them.

Do not! Not only this rotten wall, the other three rotten walls are also facing inward.

The rotten walls on all sides are like sandwich biscuits, squeezing everyone in the city into meat patties!

"Chongchong! While the gap in the rotten wall in front is still there, quickly rush out of the gap!"

At this moment, Fang Yi was very grateful to the powerful flame jet of the three-headed crocodile.

It is this power that allows them to easily escape from the gap in the rotten wall in front of them.

As the rotten wall in front was squeezed, Fang Yi and the others were left with a lot of strength.

When the rotten wall was approaching, they all got into the gap and ran out.

As soon as he entered the gap, the foul smell came out.

Surrounded by rotten flesh, running in the dark channel gap, just like running in the stomach of a human being.

And the surrounding rotten meat is like the meat wall in the stomach, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Speeding up, Fang Yi covered his nose and rushed out of the rotten wall first.

Then, after everyone else came out, they continued to run outside the city.

However, it's only halfway through...


A deafening crackling sound suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, I saw a special third-level weirdness. One of the four-door weirdness had a rotten wall that was blasted into two halves.

On the rotten wall, the three heads seemed to lose their minds, biting and devouring the rotten flesh of the rotten wall like crazy.

The violent power, powerful physique, and the red flame spewing from the mouth of the red head made many people face the real strength of this fourth-level weird for the first time.

With the rotten walls on all sides, he still has the absolute upper hand. This fierce strength makes Xiaowen sigh.

"Brother Hei... Did you just fight this kind of monster?"

"What do you think?"

The fourth-level weirdness is only one level away from the third-level weirdness.

Without actually experiencing the specific strength gap, it is difficult to feel it. This level of gap brings about a huge gap in strength.

The further back you go, the more difficult it is to improve your strength, so the gap in strength between each level is more obvious.

Because of this, Xiaowen's ability to rapidly increase his strength by relying on the strangeness of the seal is even more precious.

There is no bottleneck, as long as you kill the seal monster, you can quickly and steadily increase your strength.

This is the ability that many strong people dream of.

Fang Yi and Xiao Wen quickly evacuated with a large army.

And behind them.

One side of the rotten wall has been completely petrified from the root, while the other side of the rotten wall has been torn to pieces and burned to the ground.

The remaining two rotten walls were constantly surrounding and attacking the three-headed crocodile, but to no avail.

Wait until Fang Yi and the others leave.

The battle of the three-headed crocodiles is also coming to an end.

For ordinary spiritual warriors, the seal is a disaster. In front of the three-headed crocodile, there is almost no backhand, and it is easily wiped out.

But it is also clear that this is because these seals have not grown up yet, and they have not given them enough room to grow.

After all, there have been rumors that there is a fourth-level weirdness in the seal weirdness.

If there is the first Liezi, there will be the second one.

The three-headed crocodiles couldn't imagine how terrifying the scene would be if the entire seal formation were all four-level weirdness.

That's why it wants to stifle danger in its cradle.

Of course, this is only limited to the vicinity of one's own territory.

As long as you don't provoke it, the three-headed crocodile is not willing to ask for trouble.

Even if the seal monster evolves more fourth-level monsters, or even fifth-level monsters, that's not something he needs to consider.

That's its boss... [Ling Mo Thorn Mother] needs to think about it, it just waits for the boss's order.

Looking at the ruined Nianwei City behind, the three-headed crocodile fought a battle, dragging its exhausted body and twisting its tail, preparing to go back to their swamp.

It's a pity that the cunning spirit warrior was not killed.

This incident is a lump in the heart of the three-headed crocodile.

Because that spiritual warrior has the ability to leapfrog challenges.

With the strength of a second-level spiritual warrior, he can fight himself to that extent.

If one day, let him be promoted to the fourth-level spiritual martial artist... and then come back to seek revenge.

The three-headed crocodile is not sure that it will survive in the hands of that guy.

"Let your subordinates find a way to inquire about the news and cut the weeds."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the three-headed crocodile made a decision in his heart.

" Did you smell anything?"

"It seems... there really is, boss, the situation doesn't seem right."

At this moment, the red head and the blue head suddenly made a sound.

The black head took a strong sniff, and sure enough, there were some different smells in the air.

"The situation is not right, everyone cheer up!"

The three heads have a wider field of vision in the end.

Soon, the red head saw a small black dot standing in the distance.

That's... a person.

No, not right!

That's not human breath!

"Level 4 weird... Level 4 weirdness I've never seen before!"

"She has a strange seal on her body! It's the fourth-level weirdness that came out of those seal weirdness!"

"It seems that this guy is the recently rumored level 4 weirdo... I didn't expect to bump into it here."

The three-headed crocodile felt a little heavy in his heart.

If it is in its prime state, it is naturally not afraid of the fourth-level weirdness of the same level.

Although everyone is a level 4 monster, it is the overlord of one side, and it is essentially a lot stronger than a normal level 4 monster, so it can sit firmly in this position.


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