This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 86: Arrive at headquarters

Ye Jiancheng.

"What?! The way out you said is to go to Suozhuang?"

A sharp voice cut through the dimly lit morning.

Fang Yi rubbed his eyes.

"What's the matter? Isn't this a good way to retreat?"

"No, but... How could Suozhuang take me in? I killed everyone in Suozhuang's Qi'an City branch, and the culprit who broke the seal."

"Don't worry about it, I have my own way."

Senior Sister Su put her hands on her chest.

"You, you shouldn't, are you trying to sell me to Suozhuang?"

"Don't worry, you and I are now friends of life and death. I'm not that kind of person. If you don't worry, just stay here first, and I'll go to the Suozhuang headquarters to make a relationship first, and then let you come over?"

"...No! I want to be with you! Brother Fen, I betrayed the sect master in order to survive, and now I can't go back to the sect, the only way out is you."

"So, just listen to my arrangements."

"You, you are killing me!"

"Why didn't you find out before, you are so troublesome."

"It was at the juncture of life and death before, and I didn't have time to think about anything else!"

"Then you should treat it as a matter of life and death, don't think about anything, let go of your brain, and let me arrange everything..."

dong dong dong.

Fang Yi just said this, the sound of a guy knocking on the door sounded outside the door.


"Guest officer, breakfast will be served."

"Come in."

The guy pushed the door and came in, put down the dishes with a smile on his face, and then carefully backed out.

This is the benefit of the price.

"Let's eat, we have to hurry after eating."

Fang Yi sat down, picked up the meat bun and put it in his mouth.

He had a high fever for three days, and his whole body almost collapsed.

Fortunately, in those few days, with Junior Sister Su taking good care of her, there would be no accident.

Therefore, Fang Yi has a good sense of this Junior Sister Su.

Although he had the intention of framing himself before, he was wronged and had a debt.

If you really want trouble, you still need to go back and find a cheap master.

Although his physical condition has been poor these days, his strength has skyrocketed.

[Selected] After triggering the effect of [Explosive Strength Growth], the strength growth is really terrifying.

It was actually abruptly that he, who had just entered the [First-Class Spiritual Warrior], was directly promoted to [Second-level Spiritual Warrior] in a rocket-like manner.

Moreover, Spirit Vision has also been directly raised to a height of four o’clock.

That's right!

Not three, but four!

Second-level spiritual warrior, four-point spiritual vision.

If this is left out, it is a deformed development that is unthinkable.

However, Fangyi's spirit vision is outrageous, but his strength is a little bit of a drag.

But the problem is not big, this is paper strength.

Fang Yi's real strength lies in other things built on the basis of these strange forces.

It's a pity that the ghost's energy has been used up in the previous battle.

Now re-accumulate, it will take a lot of time to use it next time, and I can't count on this power for the time being.

As for the power of blood, it is also very slow, and the degree of ghost transformation is very low.

Solitary swordsmanship has little effect.

This time as a teenager, his lifespan is very long, enough to be squandered by himself.

If you use it too much, it will get old quickly.

No matter what, after that battle, his basic strength was improved.

"By the way, is there any new news about Qi'an City?"


Junior Sister Su rolled her eyes.

These few days, while taking care of Fang Yi, she has to devote her energy to inquiring about Qi'an City, Suozhuang, Lingmeimen and other aspects.

If it weren't for her own life and death, she really didn't want to be so tired.

Sitting across from Fang Yi, she also began to gulp down buns, ignoring her image.

"I heard that Qi'an City has become a ruin, full of wreckage and corpses. There are many strange creatures running out of Qi'an City, but they are scattered, and they should all act separately. The latest news is that the closest bomb to Qi'an City is. The city was attacked by a powerful and beautiful female monster. The monster seemed to be looking for someone, killing people and asking questions at the same time. Fortunately, you asked me to walk a little more distance at that time, and I was not in Dancheng, which is the closest to Qi'an City. Stay, or we're all in danger now."

"Just in case... But what I was guarding at the time was the head of our Lingmei Sect. I was afraid that he would know the news and find someone to continue chasing us, so I asked you to change to one that is farther away and less likely to be tracked. The city settled. Unexpectedly, it avoided the danger of strange siege."

Fang Yi shook his head slightly.

Destiny is always invisible to me, more pity.

Undoubtedly, this is also the luck value of his own identity skill [Natural Protection].

With his current state, it's really hard to say whether he can escape from the strangeness that can slaughter the city.

As for Junior Sister Su... Fang Yi acquiesced that this guy is just a tool person and has no fighting power at all.

At least compared to himself, this guy's combat power is too poor.

"Let's hit the road after eating. The sooner we arrive at the headquarters of Suozhuang, the safer we will be."

After meeting with Xiaowen and borrowing some strength, Fang Yi will directly kill Lingmei Sect and let the cheap master pay the price!

Especially now, until after the special ability of his [Selector], Fang Yi is more confident about the future Junior Sister Su sighs frequently, it seems that Fang Yi is still uneasy about what Fang Yi said.

No wonder.

Not to mention that she killed Suozhuang to distribute a nest and unlock the seal.

The fact that Suozhuang, who has broken the seal now, is weird and chaotic, and he runs to Suozhuang's territory. If he wants to unlock other strange seals, it is enough to make people shy away from the current Suozhuang.

It can be said that at this time, the thinking of normal people is that the farther away from Suozhuang, the better.

No one collided with Suozhuang by himself, he was simply asking for trouble.

At such a difficult time for Suozhuang, she wanted to rely on Suozhuang to save her life... To be honest, Junior Sister Su didn't believe it at all.

However, she has nowhere to go.

After rescuing Fang Yi for self-preservation, she had already betrayed the Sect Master, and she would have no good fruit to eat when she returned, so she could only go all the way to the dark.

The sins that you have made, you have to go through the process even on your knees.

With tears in her heart, Junior Sister Su silently packed her luggage and set off with Fang Yi.

With Junior Sister Su, the big money, the journey to Suozhuang headquarters went smoothly.

In particular, he hired a carriage and walked all the way along the road, and there were official guards and vigilance.

Not to mention the younger generation, even if there is a strange appearance, they can get the news early.

So it's very safe to walk this way.

Most importantly, they also avoided the city.

On this journey, I prepared food and all my needs, and did not stop in any city at all.

It wasn't that they were afraid of delaying time, but mainly that something strange would appear and trap them in the city.

To say that what happened to Qi'an City in the past is not psychological, it must be false.

All in all, be careful.

Five days later, Fang Yi's carriage finally arrived at the Suozhuang headquarters.


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