This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 36: 0 An Inn

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Zero Inn.

In the guest room, Fang Yi frowned and looked at the head of the woman on the bed.

"Senior Sister Yun, I think you still have something to hide from me."

"Hidden you? My life is in your hands, Master Fen!"

Senior Sister Yun, who had been stuffed with black baggage for a day, was full of depression and displeasure.

But there is no way.

She had to do some disguise, otherwise it would be too inconvenient to move.

It seems that I feel that my tone is not very good.

Or maybe he realizes that the only person he can rely on now is the person in front of him.

Senior Sister Yun softened her tone a little, and said in a weak woman's tone, "Master Fen, I have already promised to give you the Floating Lake Jade. It's just that I can survive until now, thanks to the power of this jade, there is absolutely no way I can do it. For you. As long as you take me back to the sect, this jade is yours."

"Okay, I'll trust you."

"Then... When does Young Master Fen plan to set off? Although Ling'an City is not big, there are already spiritual warriors occasionally appearing and it is not safe."

"Not safe?"

"Yes, it's not safe. Lingwu practitioners are not monolithic, Lingmei Sect is just one of many sects, and there are many hostile forces in Lingmei Sect. If someone knows my situation, it is very likely that they will be targeted... At that time, It's not going well."

Fang Yi pondered after hearing the words, and said, "Understood, you have to be patient. Wait for the guy who does the work, prepare a fast horse for me, and I can set off."

Fang Yi's money all came from Senior Sister Yun.

Although this guy came from a sect, he still brought a lot of money from the Human World when he went out on a mission.

He touched the corpse, took the money, and got the start-up capital.

I robbed the jujube horse at the Baichai Inn earlier, but actually threw the money bag into it.

However, the scholar seemed to have some special feelings for the horse, and he didn't pay attention to the purse that fell.

Fang Yi doesn't care either, this is such a good horse, I really want to buy it, I don't know how much time I will waste, and I might not be able to buy it, so I might as well just grab it and run away.

Anyway, in this dungeon, the power of the world is not strong, and the spiritual warrior is an existence above the world, and there is no need to care about too many rules.

Ling'an City is the largest city in the vicinity, in order to travel, he must get a good horse.

Like the big red jujube horse in the Baichai Inn before, it was hard to come by. Even Fang Yi himself never expected to meet such a good horse in such a place.

Usually, only these large cities can get better horses.

Fang Yi has already sprinkled the money, as long as there are good horses in the city, he can spend a lot of money to buy them.

Anyway, it was Senior Sister Yun's money, so Fang Yi didn't feel bad about using it.

"When they get ready for the fast horses, I'm afraid the sun will go down."

"Then what do you want to do? Lingmei Mountain is so far away, I can't send you back to the teacher's door within three days. If you are willing to take this risk, I don't mind. "


Senior Sister Yun fell silent.

It is absolutely impossible for her to gamble with her life.

"Look, that's not it. Eat well and drink well, just wait patiently... Although I don't know if you still need to eat in this state."

Fang Yi pointed to the side dishes and wine on the table, and walked over holding her head.

Although it's not the first time.

But being held by a man like this still makes Senior Sister Yun feel weird.

You must know that she has never been given a floating lake jade by her master before, and she has never tried to live on only one head.

All the sensations are novel.

Even with the feeling of righteousness, it is a bit strange.

Such an intimate contact made her cheeks heat.

Fortunately, I remembered the elegant figure of the senior brother in my mind, and the temperature of the cheeks gradually decreased until it was impermanent.

When Fang Yi sat down and started to eat the dishes, Senior Sister Yun's face changed.

Because Fang Yi would pass the food to Senior Sister Yun's mouth and feed it like a pet.

In order to avoid trouble, Fang Yi directly took a big mouthful.

The weird feeling that Senior Sister Yun had just suppressed earlier rose again.

She tried her best not to look at Fang Yi, pretended to be reluctant, and ate in.

In fact, Senior Sister Yun does not need food in this state.

Mainly she also has no stomach and can digest.

Just to satisfy the appetite.

But as a foodie, she really can't stand watching other people eat and not eating herself.

Of course, she didn't tell Fang Yi about this.

After chewing for a while, the taste spreads on the taste buds.

Senior Sister Yun, who hadn't eaten for almost two days, showed a satisfied look.

“The green pepper green beans…”

Before he finished speaking, Fang Yi's expression changed suddenly, he immediately spit out the contents of his mouth, stood up with awe, looked at the door vigilantly, and asked sideways.

"What? Is there poison in this dish?"

"Ah? Ah... No, no, I mean, this green pepper stir-fried with green beans, the green beans are a bit old, not so tasty, and the chef's craftsmanship is not skilled enough... It's not that it's poisonous..."



Fang Yi said hello with a black face.

Big sister, for the sake of having only one head left, she still cares about the taste.

This, this is really great.

Too bad I thought something was wrong.

Fang Yi had checked before and there was nothing wrong with the food.

But Fang Yi knew too little about the situation in this copy.

Maybe there is some additional poisoning method that I don't understand.

So the defense still has to be on guard.

Therefore, when Senior Sister Yun spoke, Fang Yi had such a reaction.

As a result, it was just a false alarm.

Just about to sit down and continue eating.

Suddenly, he heard a sound outside the door.

"Don't eat, go back to bed."

"...How am I going to go back!"


In the eyes of Senior Sister Yun, 'give me another sip of vegetables'.

Fang Yi picked up the black cloth, removed it, repackaged Senior Sister Yun's head, and threw it on the bed.

Just after all this was done, there was a knock on the door.


"Master Fen, the fast horse you were looking for has been found."

"…Come in."

Fang Yi had already heard that the person who made the noise outside the door was not the guy who was instructed to do the work before.

So things probably went I tried my best to call for people to come in, but my right hand was already on the hilt of the sword, ready to shoot at any time.


The door opens.

Fang Yi has suddenly approached, and the long sword is against his neck.

This action was not hindered in any way.

The visitor was already subdued before he could even react.

It can be seen that the person who comes here does not know any martial arts, just an ordinary person.

Taking a look, Fang Yi recognized it.

"The shopkeeper?"

"Big, hero, spare your life!"

The shopkeeper seemed to be overly frightened, but only now did he realize that he wanted to kneel down on Fang Yi on the spot, but he stopped when he was pulled by Fang Yi.

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