This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 26: Spirit Warrior

Being cautious, Fang Yi did not pursue, but just watched him leave.

When you are new here, don't be too aggressive.

Moreover, Fang Yi didn't know **** this kind of thing completely.

Like the tentacles of the octopus girl that had been cut off before, when she returned to the sedan chair, it had grown back.

Although it is a bit short, it does have some kind of quick rebirth ability, and it seems that it is not an existence that can be killed by a simple slash.

She looked in the direction the Octopus Girl was looking at last.

Dressed in white, he was coming from a fast distance.

Fang Yiding looked at it and was stunned.

Come on, he knows.

It was a woman in white dressed as a man who she had just met once.

After a few ups and downs, the woman in white came to Fang Yi's side.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he shouted loudly.

"Huang Lou, look what you have done!"

Huang Lou, who had been immersed in the grief and anger of his disfigurement, was instantly shocked when he heard this voice.

"Yun, Senior Sister Yun?! You're here? You're really here! I heard that you were going to marry someone outside Huang because of your mission, so I immediately came from thousands of miles to stop it, but the woman in the sedan chair was not at all. …”


Before Huang Lou could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a loud slap.

The already disfigured face was completely bloody, showing how heavy this slap was.

The strange thing is that this guy has no signs of death, it can only be regarded as injured.

"Huang Lou, you are really brave! You dare to take care of my affairs!"

"Cloud World, I'm worried..."

"What are you worried about? Look at what you look like now! I won't tell you what's wrong with me, I won't tell you if I'm scared, but I've even been hit with [Credible Vision]!"

"What, what?!"

Huang Lou suddenly panicked.

"Senior Sister Yun, what do you mean, that it a [first-level weirdness] that already has the ability to [disabled vision]?"

"Otherwise? You think it's normal and weird, and you need me to set up like this? Get in the way and cause trouble for me all day. I've said it many times, I'm annoying you, I don't like you, don't blame me if you keep pestering me. Go to the master!"

"Senior Sister Yun, I really want to help you, I really do..."

"Enough! Don't be ashamed! I'll leave you a [Spiritual Seal], and you can go back to the sect to find the master for help."

"Okay, okay... Wait, what about you, Senior Sister Yun? Won't you go back with me?"

"The mission hasn't been completed, and you still want to go back? Do you think I'm as irresponsible as you? Hurry up, don't shake it in front of my eyes, it's annoying to watch."


Huang Lou was trembling, and the cautious Yazi looked like a dog.

And Senior Sister Yun was yelling and drinking, not caring, but felt that the dog was too annoying.

When Senior Sister Yun slapped Huang Lou on the back.

Fang Yi immediately felt a powerful spiritual energy from the front, bursting out, and it was fleeting.

Then, behind the Huanglou, a white plum blossom pattern slowly emerged.

The face that was bleeding non-stop, stopped bleeding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His face gradually swelled up like a pig's head, swollen, twice the size of ordinary people.

But those places where only white bones were left were gradually filled with some pieces of flesh because of the swollen flesh around them.

With his ugly swollen head on top, Huang Lou stood up in despair.

Under Senior Sister Yun's annoyed eyes, she stumbled out.

It wasn't until Fang Yi passed by that he stopped.

In a low, inaudible voice, he whispered: "First, I would like to thank my brother for your life-saving grace. Huang Lou will never forget this kindness. If you need help in the future, you can come to Lingmeimen to find me."

As he said that, he lightly tapped Fang Yi's palm, leaving a small black dot, and then he left completely and disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

It was not until Huang Lou left that Senior Sister Yun squinted and looked at Fang Yi.

"I didn't expect you to be a [Spiritual Martial Artist]. I really missed the point just now. But facing my ugly appearance, you can still be indifferent, but it's rare, even if you are a philistine, you take all the cheap and you will lose your life. "

Fang Yi: ? ? ?

It's okay if others say you are ugly, but you yourself say you are ugly...

Fang Yi was really confused.

Feeling that her appearance is really ugly here?

No, if she is ugly, then why is Huang Lou so infatuated.

After hesitating for a while, Fang Yi said hesitantly: "I think, your good looks... No, your appearance, even if you look at the whole world, should be a high-class beauty. The girl is self-deprecating..."

Before Fang Yi finished speaking, Senior Sister Yun's expression changed drastically.

It was as if he was taken aback, no longer squinting at Fang Yi, but looking at Fang Yi in shock.

"You, can you see my true appearance?! Impossible! Even my master praises my camouflage skills. When I go out, no one can see through my camouflage except for the brothers in the sect!"

Do not…

This honey juice confidence is how fat four.

Little girl, look at the world more, don't be a frog in the well.

However, from Senior Sister Yun's Fang Yi somewhat understood something.

First of all, there is nothing wrong with his aesthetics. In the same way, in this dungeon world, there is no problem with the aesthetics of normal people. The problem is that this guy who opened the camouflage and was seen through by his own spiritual vision did not have any self-knowledge.

Secondly, 2 points of spiritual vision seems to be a very high value in the human world. Because this Senior Sister Yun, relying on the camouflage technique that she saw through at a glance, she was able to confuse herself with confidence outside.

"Little old girl... No, Yun... girl, that, in fact, I just happened to see through your disguise and saw the truth. I'm not a spiritual warrior at all, and I don't even know what a spiritual warrior is."

It should cooperate with your performance, I can't turn a blind eye.

The news has been delivered to his lips, so Fang Yi naturally wants to make some tricks.

Sure enough, Senior Sister Yun showed another surprise on top of her shocked expression.

But after a while, she showed a trace of disgust and contempt out of routine.

"Such a strong spiritual vision, and the power to cut off the [first-level weird] life beard, you actually told me that you don't know what a spiritual warrior is? Young master, it is a good thing to fall in love at first sight. You have a feeling of admiration and like strong men, but... the way you pursue girls is too low-level! This kind of approach is popular in my master's era! "

Fang Yi: …

So, so, how is this honey juice self-confidence fat four?

What kind of environment did this girl grow up in to have such a confident attitude.

Big sister, I just want to spread the news, I'm not chasing you! Please wake up a little, don't see a man and think it's your junior brother Huang Lou, full of thoughts of love and love!


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