This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 5: market phenomenon

Just kidding, although this ear-broken mouse is obedient and easy to use, in terms of strength, it is not as strong as his current teammates.

From the perspective of the players in the entire new area, this guy should have some strength to be able to reach the current rank in the early stage and match himself.

It's just that it is far from the expected strength and potential in Fang Yi's heart, and he doesn't think about it at all.

The broken-eared mouse who was rejected was suddenly lost, until Fang Yi politely said that he would take him to the rankings when he was free, and then his mood returned.

That's right, it's fine if you can't get into the team, hug your thighs, keep the friend's seat, and sooner or later you will have the opportunity to hug your thighs again!

In the courteous reception, the ear-piercing mouse watched Fang Yi leave the top of the gods.

But his heart was still excited.

In particular, the four unknown ordinary players on their side, leaning on their thighs, beat the opposite, a small celebrity in the new district, a little-known muscular five-color team.

This honor, although he basically has nothing to do with him, but in the future, it is also a kind of talk about it.

Thinking of this, he opened the forum and prepared to record today's exciting copy experience.

Leave the summit of God.

Fang Yi glanced at the friend list.

Surprisingly, Xiaowen and the others haven't released a copy yet.

You know, this is a copy of a four-person team playing together.

Without the unknown factor of matching, the abilities of the other three have been recognized by Fang Yi.

Just like this combination, the dungeon that has been played for so long is not over yet.

It's... not right.

Fang Yi reckoned that if they hadn't encountered an extremely powerful player or a dungeon in an extreme situation, then the four of them should have been able to end the dungeon easily.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi decided to wait, just to put resources into skills and improve the character's strength.

Leaving the independent space and crossing the game square, Fang Yi went directly to the skill hall.

Taking a glance, Fang Yi found that the points required for important skills were too high, and they were not enough.

After thinking about it, I decided to continue to greatly improve the level of small skills.

"Skill Name: Drunk as a Mud."

"Skill Level: Level 5."

"Skill Status: Upgradable."

"Skill description: Drunk state, can make the body change like mud."

"Upgrade preview: The degree of deformation is slightly enhanced, the body burden is slightly reduced, the number of feathers is greatly increased, and the flight speed is increased."

"Upgrade price: 5500 points, 30 LPs."

"Skill Note: You are the Birdman!"


"Win points: 140."

"Personal points: 5000."

The points are a lot less, the rest is Fang Yi

"Skill name: Forbearance."

"Skill Level: Level 6."

"Skill Status: Upgradable."

"Skill description: consumes a lot of physical strength, causing damage to the body to occur after a delay of 6 seconds."

"Upgrade preview: Delay time increased by 1 second."

"Upgrade price: 5,000 points, 70 LPs."

"Win point: 60."

"Personal points: 0."

The direction of the drunken upgrade seems to be biased towards the improvement of flight ability.

This is not a good sign. If this is the case in the follow-up, Fang Yi may consider terminating the investment of follow-up resources.

Fang Yi relied on other aspects to make up for his flying ability. The biggest role of this skill is the application of deformation. If there is no follow-up to continue to strengthen it, it is better to stay at this level.

Forbearance, the upper limit seems to have no end, it just depends on whether the resources are enough.

Although it is usually not used, when it is really used, it can definitely play the role of a Jedi comeback, and it belongs to the hole card among the hole cards.

Now, forbearance has been as high as 7 seconds, enough to do a lot of things.

In the follow-up, Fang Yi plans to earn more personal points and improve several major skills, such as the sword of the lonely life, ghost incarnation and so on.

It's not that Fang Yi doesn't work hard, but that his several skills are all very powerful and big skills. Naturally, his appetite is also very large, and he is very resource-intensive.

If someone else can have a similar big skill, he has already tried his best to cultivate it, but Fang Yi needs several big skills to be cultivated and improved together. Naturally, it is quite laborious and resources are tight.

Qualification skills: Desperate overtime.

Enhanced skills: powerful liver (level 5), iron wall (level 7).

Life skills: simple maintenance, primary blacksmithing.

Basic Skills: Advanced Basic Swordsmanship.

Actual combat reconnaissance skills: see six ways (level 5), listen to all directions (level 5).

Actual combat trick skills: suspended animation (level 5), forbearance (level 7).

Actual combat skills: Ghost Incarnation (Level 5), Sword of Lonely Life (Level 3), Drunk as a Mud (Level 6), Bird in a Cage (Level 1), Skyfall (Level 1)…

Divine Arrival Skills: Door to the Void (Level 4).

There are still some winning points, but if there are no points, there is no way to point skills.

Looking at the friend list, Xiaowen and the others still haven't released a copy.

what the hell!

Really encountered a particularly difficult copy?

In desperation, Fang Yi had no choice but to go around the game plaza.

After walking I didn't see anything good. The only thing I found was that low-strength armors began to appear on the market.

There have been sales before, but not much.

But now, the number of armors with low armor value on the market has suddenly increased a lot.

Fang Yi inquired carefully and found that there were two factors.

The first factor is life players, that is, players who specialize in forging. The overall skill level has generally improved, and they have finally begun to forge low-end armor with practicality and low consumables.

Another factor is the raw material.

Although the armors are not from the same model, they are all made of the same material.

And this kind of material seems to be someone who has harvested a 'advanced' mine in the dungeon, and brought out the dungeon and sold it at a great cost.

The raw materials that can be made into armors with armor value are not low in value, and it is even more difficult to find such advanced raw materials and monopolize them.

It seems that there are still many capable people in the tenth district, not only their own side.

Fang Yi has enough positioning for himself.

He understands that he is strong, but others are not all fools.

He is not the only one who has made a name for himself and has been promoted all the way. Other players with strength or luck are also rushing all the way.

Everyone is sprinting towards the upper level and sprinting to the rank. Around the early stage of the game, this competition is more intense and obvious.

This is good for righteousness.

It allows teammates to get in touch with the powerhouses who do not belong to this rank early, collide and exercise their abilities.

After Fang Yi learned about the situation, he stopped paying attention.

Armor with low armor value does not meet the needs of Fang Yi.

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