This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 2: new chapter

Fang Yi can feel it.

This is still Evan's careful control of power to protect himself.

Otherwise, the leaked power alone would be enough to kill him not knowing how many times.

As for answering questions.

Fang Yi didn't think about it at all.

What can this tell him?

What is the end of the power of mutation?


The devil knows!

Obviously you are the source of the power of mutation. If even you, Evan, don't know the question, then I will definitely not be able to answer it.

However, Fang Yi did not say it directly.

He felt that the call for the return of the system was getting closer and closer.

The flow speed of everything around is gradually decreasing, even Evan is no exception.

Even Evan didn't seem to notice this, all his attention was on himself.

So, when the flow of things around you becomes slower and slower.

Fang Yi "slowly" stretched out his hand and put it on Evan's shoulder.

In Evan's astonished expression, as if he suddenly woke up.

Fang Yi pulled him to his side, attached his head to his ear, and whispered softly.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The moment the voice fell.

Evan's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he suddenly sensed something, he stretched out his hand, trying to grab Fang Yi.

However, this hand stretched out and grabbed a mass of air.

The man he had been looking forward to for five thousand years disappeared in front of him again out of thin air.

This kind of disappearance disappears together with the source of the soul.

Can't sense it!

Can't feel it!

It was as if this person had been erased from the root by this world.

No clues were left to trace the whereabouts of this person in the future.

Evan stared blankly at his empty right hand.

Hope, once close at hand.

Now, it is fleeting again, becoming ethereal. this happening!

Five fingers, and gradually make a fist.

Evan carefully recalled all the previous details.

Since when did Lord Kaku start to leave?

By what means did you leave?

Evan frowned gradually.

Pointing at his head with his finger, he put a white ball of light outside.

The next moment, the final parting picture of him and Fang Yi appeared in the open space like a holographic image.

Like observing other people's memories, Evan carefully observed every detail from the perspective of a third party.

Then... he noticed that his actions...

Do not!

It's the flow of the whole world that has slowed down!

Sky, earth, gravel, fire...

Everything is slowing down.

Only the movements of Lord Kaku have no influence at all, as if they are not dominated by this abnormal force at all, they are freely placed on his shoulders.

It's just that the self at that time was completely immersed in the reunion, and didn't notice this detail at all.

Or in other words, you don't notice it at all.

And then, the words of parting, and... the disappearance of Lord Kaku.

Unlike the previous slowdown in the world, this time, it is really like a movie clip.

At least in his replayed memory, Lord Kaku really put his hand on his shoulder one second, and disappeared together with his soul breath the next second!

At the same time, the strangely slow flow rate suddenly returned to normal the moment Lord Kaku disappeared!

At the moment of seeing this scene, Evingtonshi was horrified and deeply shocked!

"Actually... there is such a thing!"

"Control the flow of the entire world..."

"Should I say it's the man I've been waiting for for five thousand years... Sure enough, you've only been hiding your strength, this is your true strength... No! Maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg of your strength!"

"Master Kaku, are you guiding me in this way... However, I seem to have found the end of the mutation, the direction I should go!"

"Lord Kaku, I look forward to the next reunion."

"Next time, I must see your true strength, so that you can look at me and admit that I, a small character who has been chasing your back, has reached a level that is enough for you to pay attention!"

Evan clenched his fists tightly, feeling the feeling of blood boiling 5,000 years ago after a long absence.

Only that adult can bring such strong emotional feedback to himself.

The 5,000-year wait was worth it!

But next time, I will never be playing the waiting role.

Lord Kaku, next time, I will definitely find you in person, and I will definitely find you, even across the entire universe, at all costs!

What I can do, I will do, for the next reunion, for... a wider world!

Evan kept in mind someone's soul breath, and silently promised Hongyuan in his heart.

Looking at the devastated earth that was melted by the high temperature, he waved his hand gently, and the whole person rushed to the sky, broke through the atmosphere, rushed to the universe, and after leaving the earth for a distance, his body gradually heated up and turned into a hot ball of light , like... the sun!

Three years after Ivan left, it was devastated, pitted like the moon, 80% of the green vegetation disappeared, only 30% of the land area remained, and two people appeared on the earth where humans and animals were almost extinct.

It is not accurate to say that it appeared, it should be said that two people climbed out from the ground.

It was He Lin, the chairman of the Eternal Death Group, and the president of the Mad God Society.

The president of the Mad God Society looked at the now unrecognizable earth, his face gradually distorted.

"Congratulations, your plan has succeeded. Human beings are extinct, animals are extinct, and a whole new world is in front of you. Are you satisfied! He Lin!"

"shut up!"

Herring trembled, her hands clenched into fists.

"This is not my ideal world... A new world without my brother is not worthy of being called a new world at all!"

"Hehe, hehe, hehe! You, who have been hiding in the underground base with me for three years, are so embarrassed to say this!"

"If you hadn't imprisoned me, I would have come out to prevent this from happening!"

"The entrance to the underground base is only a one-time compression teleportation array, and all-round strict protection measures are taken. As long as the exit is opened once inside, all defense measures will be destroyed... Letting you go out is equivalent to destroying the underground base, the last place for life. You Don't die, I'll die! I tell you, it is my greatest kindness to save your life!"

"Leave me alive? You just want to learn the production method of [Water of Eternal Wisdom] from my mouth."

"You still mean to mention this! The Water of Eternal Wisdom will forever reduce the IQ of human beings and rewrite the genetic sequence from the genetic level! This potion is the core card of your new world plan, changing the genes and IQs of mutants, and then dominating and eradicating them. This magical medicine could have been used in a better place, but you are using it for your new world plan and for your brother, which is a waste of money!"

The New World Project, also known as the Yongzhi Project.

Through [Water of Eternal Wisdom], change the physique of mutants, solve the problem of immortality of mutants from the root, and turn them into inferior beast-level apes.

This process should have been gradual. It was a little bit of rewriting of genes, rewriting the undead characteristics of mutants, and by converting and dominating mutants, improving the strength of their own forces and carrying out the great unification of the Kaku Empire.

Then, through the mutants who have reduced their, they will carry out the earth reform work, slaughter creatures, change the genetic structure of animals and plants, and create an ideal new world.

Except for my brother Hemu, human beings do not deserve to live in the new world!

It's all so beautiful.

It's a pity that this crazy 100-year plan just started and ended abruptly.

Unplanned variables, too many.

Even the Mother of Mutation, who has been missing for many years, has reappeared on Earth!

Not to mention the baptism of meteorite rain, the mutation of the earth's environment, the extinction of animals and plants...

This change is an understatement.

"Anyway, it's just as promised. I'll provide all the technology, and you'll be responsible for rebuilding the Earth. My request is only one—"

He Lin's scarlet eyes stared at the president of the Mad God Association, and slowly spit out two words.

"Killing God!"

For three years, they have stayed together, and they have already communicated with each other and explained all the problems clearly.

At the same time, it has also changed from an enemy to a close friend.

Therefore, the president of the Mad God Society understood what He Lin meant.

"As long as you are willing to help me, the head of [Evan, the mother of mutants], one day, I will personally mention it in front of you! Believe me, your [Water of Eternal Wisdom] has such potential!"

"Okay! I believe in you. In order to avenge my brother, I am willing to give everything to you!"

The president of the Mad God Society laughed.

"Trust me, many years from now, you will not regret today's decision."

On the ruined and ruined wasteland, the two of them stretched out their right hands at the same time and held them tightly together, which seemed to represent some kind of new hope, rising again.

At the same time, in the sky, there began to be light spots representing the player, and they began to descend on the earth in this apocalyptic wasteland period.

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