This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 60: meteorite

The huge sun, still obscuring the sky, did not change anything.

It's just a scorching high temperature for the entire earth.

What has really changed is...

The alien star closest to Earth has disappeared.

Do not!

Not gone!

Fang Yi narrowed his eyes.

Those eyes seemed to penetrate the clouds and the sky.

There was an unpleasant feeling faintly.

"Rat, what happened to the alien planet?"

Turning on the communicator, he directly contacted the chief engineer in the [Last Coffin].

"Big, my lord, the alien star exploded!"


Fang Yi frowned.

Alien explosions are no small matter.

That's a planet!

Even if it is a small planet, it is definitely not something that anyone can destroy.

The power of broken stars...

If that force reaches Earth...

The earth is bound to be doomed.

And the strength of this kind of strength, this is not the strength of the seventh or eighth dungeon at all, it can appear!

I am afraid that when the players of the earth face the moment of that power.

The copy will be out of order!

And the strength of the copy... will also increase rapidly.

Just under that power, all players will be wiped out.

So on the black team, if there are smart people who can observe the alien situation, they will come to their side now.

The reason is simple.

Because when the unparalleled power comes, all players can choose is how to passively resist this power and support them to the end.

This is a passive choice, full of uncertainty.

It is an active choice to take the initiative to find yourself, the white team player who has exposed the coordinates, and kill the white team player in advance.

Can rely on their own ability to summarize this copy.

"Sir, hurry back to the [Last Coffin]! After the explosion of the alien star, the fragments formed are flying towards the earth. These fragments have turned into meteorites. Once they fall on the ground, it is the doomsday natural disaster, even if you are alien With a changed body, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist such disasters."

The chief engineer's anxious voice came from the communicator.


Fang Yi's face sank.

"Send over the surveillance footage."


The picture is projected directly in front of Fang Yi.

On the small screen, Fang Yi really saw the meteorite.

Fiery meteorites, densely packed, countless meteorites!

No, it should not be called meteorites, but fragments of alien stars!

These meteorite fragments are about to hit the earth, bringing absolute disaster to the earth!

The time left for him seems to be really running out.

Maybe, before the power to destroy the alien planet comes, all life on earth will die in the meteorite rain first.

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi released the caged bird.

The continuously exposed coordinates disappear.


"Go find two cars, return to the last coffin immediately, and don't come out no matter what happens."

The ear-piercing mouse was stunned.

"Boss, what does this mean?"

Although his combat power is a bit laggard.

But what he is holding in his hand is also a long spear made by ember weapons, and his combat effectiveness is still there.

Although the muscle five-color team is strong, not everyone is strong, and they can still play a role, such as assisting and restraining, shouting and cheering.

"Little brother, don't tell me to tell the truth, sometimes it is very important to recognize yourself. In this dungeon, you are now playing support, you know what I mean."

"Boss, I didn't want to be the main force! But did you let me retire..."

"Listen to me. There are still two people in the black team. Although I used a caged bird, I exposed the coordinates here again and told the players in the black team that there are still people to take. But I don't know, they will Come here to fight, or hide and wait for the meteorite rain to come.

I'm not sure I'll survive that kind of natural disaster.

So, be on the safe side. Let me guard here alone, come to a black team, kill one, come two, kill two. If they don't come, then it's a matter of surviving. At this point, we who have the [Last Coffin] are actually more alive, but at least one person must hide in it.

It's an insurance mechanism, and the person who makes sure this insurance mechanism works is you. "

Fang Yi explained very clearly that although the ear-piercing rat was a little reluctant, he still accepted this arrangement.

If you have a thigh, you still have to listen, otherwise how can you be a good friend!

If you mix and lie down, you always have to know one, otherwise you won't be able to get on this segment in the early stage of the game.

Although he is like a vegetable fish, he is both vegetable and redundant.

But as long as the dungeon can be mixed to win, these are nothing at all.

In Fang Yi's arrangement, the ear-piercing mouse quickly left.

Originally, the ear-piercing mouse came here because he wanted to fight side by side with Fang Yi, promote feelings, and hug his thighs.

And he also felt that even if he died in battle, with his thighs around, the white team still had hope of winning.

But now the situation is a little more complicated.

He couldn't just die casually. He had to ensure a fire that lasted long enough in the meteorite rain to ensure the white team's success rate.

After all, if Fang Yi he can be regarded as a kind of insurance. Under the meteorite rain, there is a high chance that the rat who is hiding in the coffin of the last will get the last.

Take out a couple of new sports cars from the underground garage, and with the roar of the engine, the Broken Ear Mouse quickly left.

The others looked at Fang Yi one after another, completely headed by Fang Yi.

When He Lin disappeared, the meteorite rain was about to come, and the Eternal Death Group was a mess, they looked forward to Fang Yi being able to issue the commander and lead everyone through this disaster.

It's a pity that after Fang Yi asked them to figure out a solution, he directly inserted the Cangtian Sword on the ground, sat quietly at the door, closed his eyes, and remained motionless.

It seems to be waiting for something, and it seems that there is absolutely no fear of the coming meteorite shower.

Everyone looked at each other for a while before they discussed it, and finally decided to activate all the defensive measures of the death group, try their best to resist the meteorite rain, and ensure that they can survive in the meteorite rain.

As for these people, they all fell into the shelter in the basement.

This is the strongest room of the Death Eternal Group.

If it can't even stop the meteorite rain, it will be useless no matter where you go.

And when they do it all.

Fang Yi, who had been sitting quietly at the door, slowly opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

At the end of the line of sight, two figures are rapidly approaching.

Their appearance is somewhat biased towards a humanoid black rat.

It has a little bit of black rat characteristics, and has the slender, short and dense hair that is unique to black rats, but overall, it is more like a human.

Both of them carry a big sword behind their backs, but they move freely and their bodies are very agile.

The long distance is getting closer in an instant.

It seems that they found Fang Yi at the door of the building, and the two of them stopped together.

A thousand meters away, the two sides shook their eyes.

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