This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 26: Internal response

The woman who was blocked in front.

He looked at the wound on his chest in disbelief.

"Ka... Library..."

His body softened, and he fell to the ground and died.

The doctor and the woman fell one after another.

The heavy-armed knight at the back changed his face in fright.

"Lord Kaku... Killed Mrs. Nisna!"

"He even killed his own wife..."

"That thing, it really isn't Lord Kaku himself! It's just a walking dead!"

"Guard the manor and kill this monster! Avenge your lord!"


Fang Yi was stunned.

This... seems to have killed the wrong person.

No matter, cut off Dr. Charlie's head, Fang Yi shouted with his head raised.

"I am the owner of Kaku Manor, Kaku! I became what I am today because I was persecuted by Dr. Charlie! Now I want to regain the manor's rule, and those who are willing to believe and continue to follow me, but come behind me, I will let go of everything in the past. If you continue to fight to the death for those who resist, then don't blame me for being rude!"

With the blessing of internal force, the sound is transmitted and opened.

The armored knight, who was about to fight to the death, was suddenly hesitant.

"Could he really be Lord Kaku... our master!"

"No, Mrs. Kaku loves Mrs. Nisna the most, how could he kill him! It must have the same appearance, or be controlled by someone!"

Different voices began to appear in the team of heavy armored knights.

After some hesitation, some people chose to come behind Fang Yi.

Others glared at Fang Yi, ready to fight to the death.

Fang Yi is naturally not polite.

If you want to regain control of the manor, how can you do it without Liwei.

As for accidentally killing his wife...can you blame him?

The ghost knew that Dr. Charlie was hostage and didn't make a sound.

If Dr. Charlie knew what Fang Yi was thinking at the moment, he would be angry and come back to life.

What he wants to say, what he wants to say!

But Fang Yi didn't give him a chance.

This didn't start before the opening remarks, and it was beaten by Fang Yi. The ghost knows how wronged he is.

Fortunately, he is only a piece of NPC data. If it is replaced by a player, I am afraid that he will be scolded in the forum.

Under Fang Yi's absolute strength.

Those heavy-armed knights who were unwilling to surrender became the souls of the sword in minutes.

A large amount of yin qi was inhaled into the body, and the strength of the body was increased.

And the powerful strength also made the resigned knights tremble.

There is no way to survive against such a monster!

Under Fang Yi's command.

The armored knights quickly dispersed.

Spread the news of the return of the 'Zhuangzhu', reassure people's hearts, and change the ruler.

It would be too troublesome for Fang Yi to do these things alone.

It is very convenient to have heavy knights do it for you.

And as the main force to protect the manor, their words are also more credible.

Of course, if there are still people in the manor who refuse to accept the rule and want to resist.

That Fang Yi didn't mind absorbing some more yin.

Under the mobilization of the heavy knights.

The originally chaotic manor gradually calmed down.

The escaped personnel, after knowing the 'truth', happily welcomed the return of the village owner.

As for the truth, Fang Yi killed his wife, and Dr. Charlie took the blame.

as the original owner of the manor.

The time for Kaku to be replaced is only four or five days.

Although Dr. Charlie has some status, he is still incomparable with the original owner.

Under the circumstance of one-sided public opinion, the name of Dr. Charlie's rebellion of revenge for revenge is basically true.

And Fang Yi's return is justifiable.

Although those who really know about it and have seen the scene of Fang Yi's killing, still have a lump in their hearts.

But Fang Yi doesn't need everyone to obey.

As long as it's superficial compliance, that's enough.

After a busy few hours.

Fang Yi finally heard the system prompt.

"System prompt: congratulations, you have completed the main quest of the character "Remastering Kaku Manor"."

"System prompt: congratulations, get the task reward [10 victory points]."

"Win points: 20."

The collection of the manor is completed, and the quest rewards are also available.

In fact, the time given for the task is a one-month time limit.

It is estimated that it is a task that requires players to manage well to complete the task.

However, under the impact of Fang Yi's hard power, the trouble was easily solved.

After completing the task, Fang Yi began to inquire about the specific situation of this dungeon world from others.

It was found that, in general, the pattern was similar to that of the Middle Ages.

They are all kinds of lords, each fighting for each other and forming their own country.

The closest to their Kaku Manor is the Earl of Corpse Mountain.

The Earl of Corpse Mountain was not originally called this title.

It was only later that he awakened his powers and began to play with corpses.

That's why the name was changed.

The Earl of Corpse Hill has been peeping at the fertile Kaku Manor for a long time.

There was Kaku before, so it never succeeded.

In the past few days, Kaku died of black rat disease, and Dr. Charlie took over.

He began to frequently encounter living corpses controlled by the Earl of Corpse Mountain.

Obviously, there is an idea.

Originally, the biggest crisis of Kaku Manor was the peeping of the Earl of Corpse Mountain.

But after Fang Yi's sudden return of the king.

The problem is not that big.

It is estimated that the Earl of Corpse Mountain will automatically retreat after hearing the news, and no longer dare to think.

"No! Instead, I think that the Earl of Corpse Mountain will seize this to attack our Kaku Manor!"

The captain of the Heavy Knights suddenly raised a different opinion.

"Impossible! We have basically cleaned up the living corpses sent by the Earl of Corpse Mountain. Although it is the nearest territory, it is actually far away. He wants to find out information on our side, and a few are better. A few days. And these few days are enough for us to adjust and replenish our garrison strength.”

Fang Yi's indiscriminate killing was really refreshing.

However, after occupying the manor, the reduction of the garrison force is also a hidden danger.

"A few days... I don't think there will be. Dr. Charlie poisoned our Lord Kaku, he must have been instructed, otherwise he is alone, how dare he do such a thing!"

"You mean to say..."

"That's right! He should be the person of Earl of Corpse Mountain. Earl of Corpse Mountain has been adjacent to our manor for so long, and it should be expected to be installed. Even I suspect... Among us, there is Earl of Corpse Mountain's inner responder!"

When these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

In fact, participated in this meeting.

All are high-level executives who hold important positions in the estate.

If there is internal infiltration in this location, then the situation of Kaku Manor being infiltrated is probably very serious.

But on second thought, even Lord Kaku was unknowingly killed by Dr. Charlie.

The situation inside Kaku Manor may have already become like this.

All of a sudden, everyone is in danger.

Looking at everyone around me, I feel like I should respond, vigilant and careful.

In the end, it was the captain of the reloaded knights who took the lead in summarizing: "So, the current situation of our manor is actually likely to be known by the Earl of Corpse Mountain? If this is the case, within half a day, the Earl of Corpse Mountain will be overwhelming! By then, none of us will be able to escape alive!"

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