This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 101: kill

Hope seems to be growing.

Fang Yi's thought of cutting off his hand and self-harm was put on hold for the time being.

The transparent walls squeezed around him already left him with little room to move around.

Fang Yi couldn't help shouting to Xiaowen and the others, "Hurry up and kill this egg!"

Xiaowen and Xian Sanbu, more or less, felt that Fang Yi's situation was not right.

But they also understand that the top priority is to kill the trial monster quickly.

Kill the trial monster, the mission is completed, and everything is over.

Not to mention, I don't know what happened to Fang Yi, how much time it takes to rescue, and whether it can be rescued.

Just the possibility that a third trial monster could emerge from the space crack at any time was enough to make them nervous.

Hearing Fang Yi's urging, Xian Sanbu temporarily put aside his prejudice and admitted that Xiaowen had found a breakthrough first.

Give up half of his area, and let the poison infiltrate along the crack of the eggshell.

Xian Sanbu felt that even if this monster egg is fine now, it will kill it when the poison strikes.

The crack widened again, and this time, Xiaowen directly let the Gu worm get into it.

But after a while, the connection between Xiaowen and Gu insect was cut off.

This means that the Gu worm that entered the eggshell died inside without doing anything.

"The situation is not quite right."

"You can only push hard, there is no time to delay! Look at the boss."

Xiaowen looked up at Fangyi's direction.

Fang Yi's face seemed to be stuck to the glass, it looked a little weird, and the posture of his body was also a little weird, as if he was squeezed by the four transparent walls and couldn't move.

That's when.

Xiaowen just found out.

Most of the dark clouds in Huanhe City have been completely absorbed by the monster eggs.

Just like that, the monster egg doesn't seem to be satisfied, and it is still absorbing the remaining clouds!

Instinctively, Xiaowen felt something was wrong.

He and Xian took three steps, as if in a race against time.

Xiaowen has a hunch that something will happen when the monster egg absorbs all the clouds.

Even if the monster egg doesn't resist now, it may not be that it is powerless, but that it is accumulating more power through greed.

Xiaowen remembered that among the trial monsters encountered, there were similar situations.

A trial monster called a stage type.

This monster is divided into several stages, and each stage has a completely different appearance and ability.

It is somewhat similar to the growth-type trial monsters, but the changes in each stage are more extreme, extreme, and unpredictable. It is a relatively difficult trial monster to solve.

Considering that Fang Yi seems to be in trouble, Xiaowen is even more anxious.


Just at this time.

Suddenly, the whole earth...

Do not!

The entire Huanhe city trembled violently.

Xiaowen wanted to treat this phenomenon as an illusion.

But when he saw the cloud above his head thinning out, the shadow appeared.

He knew that the biggest trouble was coming.

For the trial mission, although during the summoning process, an area was separated from the background of the dungeon through the refining array.

But in fact, it just formed a special translucent shield to isolate the inside and outside.

It is only blocked by heavy clouds, so it is invisible, and it is easy to be ignored.

At this moment, the cloud was absorbed by the monster egg, everything became clear, and the translucent protective cover naturally appeared.

And outside the protective cover, standing is... a super gray beast!

Not just one.

It's like the action here, which alarmed the super gray beasts outside.

At a cursory glance, there are a dozen or so super gray beasts surrounding Huanhe City, their faces sticking to the outside of the protective cover, peeping at the situation inside.

The earthquake just now shook the entire ring city.

It was because one of the super gray beasts hit the shield with a huge fist.

And this punch is like an offensive signal.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Huanhe city shook violently.

The ring city, which was about to shatter, began to break into pieces and became a mess.


With the last punch.

The super gray beast broke the protective shield that isolated the inside and outside of the trial array with one punch.

After adding a few more feet, a big gap suddenly formed.

One after another, super gray beasts, like visiting small animals in a zoo, filed in from the breach.

at the same time.

The gray air outside also followed the super gray beast, rushing into it frantically.

The world, dyed grey.

The gray area is coming in an instant!

Fortunately, Xian Sanbu and Xiaowen had already reused the improved special medicine of Five Second Ash, but they were not affected.

What made Xiaowen strange was that the monster egg was not affected, and was still absorbing the cloud.

"Super gray beasts?! How could they be here! And there are so many!"

Xian Sanbu was obviously frightened.

The voices were trembling.

"Stinky woman, don't be distracted! Kill this monster egg and we'll end the dungeon!"

"…it is good!"

Hearing Xiaowen's words, Xian Sanbu calmed down a bit.

This is the body of the monster egg, which has been devoured by Gu worms. It is no longer just cracks.

Therefore, the poison of Immortal Sanbu has more room to play.

As for Xiaowen, he sent a large number of Gu worms into the inside of the monster egg several times, but they all ended up losing contact.

Although he is still working hard, he understands that whether he can kill the monster egg or not depends on the strength of the stinky woman's poison.

On his side, the means have been exhausted, and they can only be used as assistance.

In fact, the eggshell of the monster egg is gradually being repaired.

It's just that it is constantly being eaten by Gu insects, so it can't be reflected.

This point, only Xiaowen himself knows, the immortal Sanbu next to him may not necessarily see it.

Xiaowen and Xian Sanbu couldn't move their hands, so they had to stay here and conquer the monster eggs.

But the super gray beast in front is walking towards this direction.




Every step is like an earthquake, with a huge momentum.

It still takes time to operate here. If no one stops the super gray to buy time for them, this trial will most likely have to stop!

Same as what Brother Hei discussed before.

The biggest variable in this egg of the abyss is the monsters that exist in the dungeon itself.

After all, beyond the Huanhe City, is the still sea.

In the still sea, the wanderers don't know how many super gray beasts there are.

Whether it was attracted by the big movement of the refining formation, or because of the destruction of the Huanhe City, it was attracted by the boundary bridge with no cities at both ends.

There is no point in discussing it now.

The final result is that the super gray beasts have formed a group to attack him, but he can't make a move, and he has no means to stop it!

Then the only way is...

"Brother Hei! Quickly use your invincible gate to the imaginary world!"

The voice came out mightily.

When Xian Sanbu heard the words, he also looked towards Fang Yi.

Immediately, his pupils shrank, and he subconsciously covered his mouth.

In front, an old man with an empty left arm and a **** broken arm had already stood firmly in front of them at some point.

The only right hand left, holding up the Heavenly Sword, pointed directly at the group of giant super gray beasts that towered into the sky and looked like gods.

"The gate of the virtual world!"

. Nine Heavens God Emperor

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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